Houghton's New Chemically Unique Surfactant - C&EN Global

Nov 5, 2010 - Chem. Eng. News , 1951, 29 (16), p 1551. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v029n016.p1551. Publication Date: April 16, 1951. Copyright © 1951 AMERICAN ...
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Houghton's New Chemically Unique Surfactai

Surfax 1288



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urfax 1288 . . . an exclusive development of Houghton research . . . is outstanding for wet proc­ essing applications where a fast, efficient wetting agent is indicated. A water-soluble reddish-amber liqi i , Surf ax 1288 is chemically an alkylaroyl sulfopropionic ester. It is unsurpassed as a wet­ ting agent . . . possesses rewetting properties . . . but has no marked detergent ability. It is anionic in nature; in neutral or mildly alkaline solutions Surfax 1288 performs with remarkable speed and effectiveness. Highly concentrated, it offers many cost-saving advantages wherever wet processing is employed. W e u r g e you to investigate its ad­ vantages for your particular applications. For Data Sheet on Surf ax 1288 write E. F. Houghton & Co., 3 0 3 W. Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia 3 3 , Pa.

THE H O U G H T O N LINE O F SURFACE ACTIVE A G E N T S . . . a good line to know! These detergents and wetting agents are the result of 15 years of Houghton research to develop surface active agents with extra advantages for your specific applications. The "Cerfak" group is outstanding for detergency . . . the "Surtax" group is famous as wetting agents . . . but many combine both properties. The line includes five CERFAK and two SURFAX products having a wide range of applications throughout industry. What is your problem?

SURFAX 1288 α product of

Ready on-the-job V O L U M E










to give service

you . . . 1551