solutioii tension, and single potential. 1':lectroclieriiisti.y is discussed i i i some detail. I t is evident t h a t it is the desire of the author to be u p t o - d a t e . Curreiit jouriials are cjiioted, and the opinions of American chemists on niootccl points :ire gil-cii. For example, the sttident who is approaching tlic ~ 1 1 1 ) ject or osmotic pressure for the first time is gi\-eii the usuall>. :icceptctl tiefhition of the term. 'l'hen follows the definition of ;I chemist u.110 takes exception to the statement given, a n d , finally, a third chemist is quoted as cxpressing the 1,iew t h a t neither stxtenient is entirely :;atis-factory. ?'he mental state of the beginner, to \vhoni the subject o f osmotic pressure is more o r less abstruse, may he iniaginetl. II'here a 1 1 a t t e m p t has been made to cover so m a n y subjects. it is not surprising that. i l l the endea\-or to be hrief, the autlior has included n:uch in tlie book which the beginner will understand with great difficulty, if a t all. .I \-cry satisfactory laboratory course in general chemistry cotild be arranged by selection from the large number of experiments given. . \ i i appendix contains directions for tlic u s i d laboratory niaiiipulations and thirty-two tablet: which are v:ilmhle for reference. ].i>rI;s I:. S ~ K R I S . House Painting, Glazing, Paper Hanging, and White Washing, A book for the hoiiseSABIW,M.S., Lecturer in Ne\\. York Vniversity. holder. By ALVAH HORTON 1 2 1 pp. I'ricc, SI.00. Kew Vork: John \Yiley and Sons. 1908. 12mo. v .
This book of Professor Sabin's will be found of much value to the housciholder a n d all those interested in the protection and decoration of ~vooden structures. shot\ n by the contents, the follon.i:ig subjects are covered: LIaterials, pigments, care of paint brushes, esterior painting. ptiiitirig structural inetal, interior painting, varnisliiiig, a colored finish without paint, floor-finishing, glazing, papering, whitewashing. kalsominir~g,coltlivater Iiaints. Ii-hile the subject is not treated from the chemical standpoint, still the inforiliation will lie of assistance in showing to paint chemists t h e priiiciples of pnintiiig in general and the cliaracter of the different pi,qinc>~lts. I t \\-ill :ilso Ijc of assistance iri preparing specifications ior lxiiiit iriateri~ls. $.
RECENT PUBLICATIONS. ASGLI-FLORESZ, PROF.AXGELO: Ueber einige sauerstoffhaltige Verbindungen des Stickstoffs. Uehersetzt \-on Prof. K u r t Arndt. Stuttgart, Ferd. Ilnke. 1908. XRRNESIIE, SVANTZ: Das Werden der Welten. hIit Unterstiitzung de\ Veri. Aus dein Schwedischen, uhersetzt von I,. l%tt!iberp-, 208 S. T,eiI)zig, ;Il;athnisclie Verlagsgesellscliaft. 111. 11. H. 190 j . B.\CMP:RT,DK. GEORG: Lehrbuch der gerichtlichen Chemie mit Beriicksichtigung sanitiitspolizeilicher und medizinischemischer Untersuchungen zum Gebrauche bei Vorlesungen und im Laboratorium. Liraunsch\veiZ, V e r l q vu11 Fricdricll V i e n q & S o h . 1907. M. 1 2 .