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Houston instrument - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Jun 1, 1980 - Houston instrument. Anal. Chem. , 1980, 52 (7), pp 710A–710A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50057a700. Publication Date: June 1980. Copyright © 1980...
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You get what you pay for and then some. The Superscribe™ Series 4900's pen positioning system utilizes a unique capacitance transducer rebalance element. Developed by Houston Instrument, the capacitance transducer

eliminates many of those problems associated with the conventional resistence slidewire type rebalance recorder. Since this patented innovation is a non—contacting device the slidewire wear resulting in "glitches" and "noises" inherent in conventional recorders is thereby eliminated. The results—increased recorder life, accuracy, reliability and infinite resolution.

Reliability, Technology, Performance, H.I. puts it on the line. For rush literature or local sales office, persons outside Texas call toll free 1-800-537-5205, in Texas (512) 837-2820


Features 280 switch selectable chart speeds. A 3-position RUN; STOP; ADVANCE switch is also provided for local control of the chart. Remote control of the chart is accessible through a rear input connector. A toggle switch allows for local up/down control of the pen. Also accessable through a rear connector for remote control. Fourteen calibrated ranges in a 1—2—5 switching sequence from 1MV full-scale to 20V full-scale. Variable control gives between range span adjustments. Push-Button and front panel Zero control provides positioning of the pen from - 1 0 % to + 1 1 0 % of full-scale. Pen response 0.25 sec. from zero to full scale. Optional integrator is a modern, inexpensive all solid-state integrator which is independent of line frequency and responds instantly to the input signal. The integrating trace is displayed along the zero base and gives 100 counts per transverse with a " b l i p " every 1000 counts. A front panel "integrator balance" is provided to compensate for base line drift. Circle # 8 5 for literature Circle # 8 6 for a representative to call



One Houston Square Austin, Texas 78753 (512)837-2820 TWX 910-874-2022 European headquarters: Rochesterlaan 6 8240 Gistel Belgium Phone 059/277445 Telex Bausch 81399