How 4 of The Top 5 Chemical Companies See Computational

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A few of the organizations that have made Silicon Graphics the leading workstation for chemistry: DuPont Dow Chemical ARCO Monsanto BASF Amoco Allied Signal Kodak Chevron American Cyanamid Abbott Labs

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How4QfTheTop5 Chemical Companies See Computational Chemistiy. . he fact is, there are more Th companies solving chemistiy problems with Silicon Graphics ® workstations than all other workstations combined. It's easy to see why: Silicon Graphics workstations and servers are the industry standard for 3D computing. They run more major chemistry software applications than any other workstation. And, they run them far faster. See for yourself why Silicon Graphics is the choice for computational chemistry.

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Hybritech IBM ICI, Delaware Janssen Pharmaceutica, Belgium John Von Neumann National Supercomputer Center KlLLEsat, Belgium Kraft, Inc. Merck Molecular Structure Corporation Agouron N.I.E.H.S. Pharmaceuticals N.I.H. Beechams Pharmaceutical, U.K. Nabisco Brands, Inc. NOVA, Baltimore BioCryst,Ltd., Novo Industries Alabama Pfizer Ltd., U.K BioDesign Polygen Corporation Biospan Procter and Gamble BIOSYM Technologies, Inc. Protein Design Labs Bolt Beranek and Sandoz Newmann Shell Burroughs Wellcome Smith Kline & French CalBio SRI International CELLTECH,U.K Stuart Pharmaceuticals, (ICD U.S. Chiron CNRS GIF, France Sumitronics, Inc., Japan EU Lilly Syntex E.R Squibb Taisho Pharmaceuticals, Japan Farmitalia

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Silicon Graphics Marketing Services 707 California Street Mountain View, CA 94041 19, Silicon Graphics, Inc. Silicon Graphics and the Silicon Graphics logo are registered trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc. All other registered and unregistered trademarks above are the properties of their respective holders. Screen image: Alpha Lytic Protease active site. Data courtesy of David Agard and Rodger Bone. Illustration by Julie Newdoll and Greg Couch, UCSF CGL