How AMERICAN CYANAMID smooths out their purchasing problems

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Creative engineering . . . in chemistry and equipment

W . C. H A R M O N , J R . is Divisional Manager of Purchases for Calco. He started with the c o m p a n y in production and also has had over fifteen years of experience i n sales. This background h a s helped him t o enlarge the perspective of the purchasing department. I T ' S J U S T G O O D BUSINESS, t h e Calco Purchasing Department believes, to take a d v a n t a g e of suppliers' specialized knowledge and services. And the purchasing agents m a k e a point of helping equipment salesmen see the right people in the en-

gineering department. Here Pfaudler representative S. A. Smith (left) discusses equipment specifications with Calco's R. L . Cassell (center), Chief Plant Engineer, and *W. J. Kruppa, Chief Chemical Engineer.

How AMERICAN CYANAMID smooths out their purchasing problems D . E . R E I F S N E I D E R , Calco Purchasing Agent, has made purchasing his career ever since he majored in t h e field a t college. For m a n y years he has been one of t h e pioneers in developing the purchasing function as an imp o r t a n t aid t o engineering a n d production.

F R A N K H A C K E T T , British born and educated, is Assistant Purchasing Agent. Specializing in the purchasing of chemical processing equipment, he has a k n a c k for spotting new designs and improvements t h a t pay off in greater production efficiency.

Purchasing raw materials and equipment for a company that produces more than 900 different products in large volume is no cinch . . . especially in the fast-moving chemical industry where products and processes can be made obsolete overnight. At t h e Calco Chemical Division of American Cyanamid Company, the purchasing team has set itself up as a real aid to the engineering and production departments. By taking the utmost advantage of engineering services offered by suppliers, Calco has been able to quickly turn many equipment improvements into increased production at lower cost. In the case of Pfaudler, for example, one of the most important services is consultation on the most suitable material of construction. A large amount of Calco's processing equipment is made of Pfaudler glassed steel. Because glassed steel has the widest range

of corrosion resistivity, a single Pfaudler unit often can do a job that would otherwise require two or more vessels made of other materials. This not only cuts equipment costs, b u t also speeds up production by reducing change-over time. If you are in the chemical, drug, brewery, food or other process industries and have an equipment problem of any kind, the chances are that Pfaudler's process engineers can help you solve it. Ask for Bulletin 902 -D-3. P F A U D L E R standard glassed steel reactors have basic application in chemical plants the world over because of high resistance to most acids and m a n y alkaline solutions.


The PFAUDLER CO., Rochester 3, New York F A C T O R I E S AT: Rochester, N.Y. and Elyria. Ohio, U.S.A.; Leven, Fife, Scotland; Schwetzingen-Baden, Germany


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