How Are They Progressing? - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Merck Fellows. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (4), pp 30A–32A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50164a723. Publication Date: April 1959. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. C...
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Merck Fellows—

H o w Are They Progressing? Probably few educators and scien­ tists would disagree with the thesis t h a t men of unusual aptitudes nearly al­ ways give evidence of their potential long before the fruits of t h a t potential are realized. Nevertheless, it is always reassuring to obtain concrete evidence to support this truism. The annual Merck Graduate Fellowships in Analyt­ ical Chemistry, sponsored b y Merck and Company, were administered by ACS's Division of Analytical Chemistry through a special Merck Graduate Fel­ lowship Committee. The first of these was awarded in 1949, and since then eight additional awards were made before the Fellow­

ship was discontinued in 1958. The scholarship provided a nostrings-attached grant of $2500 for one year of graduate work to be performed by a student of the committee's choice. Terms stipulated in p a r t as follows: " T h e ACS Awards Committee will award the fellowship to t h a t nominee whom it judges likely to contribute most to the advancement of the theory and practice of the science of analytical chemistry, not merely during the tenure of the fellowship but in his future career." Obviously, wording of this kind is not calculated to make the com­ mittee members forget their choice as

soon as his tenure ends. Certainly re­ ceiving the award is a great honor from the recipient's point of view. But in making its choice the committee is stressing a man's future potential—and surely it must be a source of no little satisfaction when the men it selects justify its expectations. On the basis of subsequent accom­ plishments of the nine Merck Fellow­ ship recipients, members of the selec­ tion committee and the sponsor, Merck & Co., have reason to be proud. Here, then, is a resume of the ac­ complishments of the Merck Fellows subsequent to their receiving the awards.

Paul S. F a r r i n g t o n . I 9 4 9 - 5 0 . Received his Ph.D. from C a l i f o r n i a Institute of Tech­ nology, where he studied under Ε. Η . Swift; currently Associate Professor of Chemistry at U C L A , on leave to do research on electrode processes at Max Planck Institut fur Meta IIforschung, Stuttgart, Germany; has published 16 papers, five resulting f r o m thesis, since re­ ceiving fellowship; has presented four papers before A C S national meetings, and one be­ f o r e the National A c a d e m y of Sciences; served as f a c u l t y sponsor of U C L A student affiliate of A C S , chairman of H i g h School

Contest Committee of A C S Southern C a l i ­ fornia Section, councilor f o r local section and member of A C S special award committee; chairman of the C o m m i t t e e on Undergradu­ ate Scholarships and Prizes at U C L A ; Asso­ ciate Director of National Science Founda­ t i o n Summer Institute for H i g h School Sci­ ence Teachers; 1957-58; p a r t i c i p a n t in first Southern C a l i f o r n i a Industry-Education C o n ­ ference, 1957; recipient of John Simon G u g ­ genheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 1958-59 {to do current work at Max Planck Institut); two of his students have completed

Ph.D. work, and four additional students are currently doing graduate research in a n a l y t i ­ cal chemistry.

30 A



John T . B y r n e , 1950-51. Received his Ph.D. from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he studied under L. B. Rogers; currently laboratory supervisor in A n a l y t i c a l Methods Development G r o u p at Dow Chemical Co., has published nine papers, four resulting f r o m thesis, since receiving fellowship; received Young Author's Prize of the Electrochemical Society in 1952 for series of articles in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society.

REPORT FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS C h a r l e s N . R e i l l e y , 1 9 5 1 - 5 2 . R e c e i v e d his Ph.D. f r o m P r i n c e t o n U n i v e r s i t y , where he s t u d i e d u n d e r Ν . Η . F u r m a n ; c u r r e n t l y Asso­ c i a t e Professor o f C h e m i s t r y a t t h e U n i v e r ­ s i t y o f N o r t h C a r o l i n a ; has p u b l i s h e d 41 p a ­ pers, t e n r e s u l t i n g f r o m thesis, since r e c e i v i n g f e l l o w s h i p ; also a u t h o r e d o n e t e x t b o o k ; was an i n v i t e d speaker o r l e c t u r e r a t LSU S y m ­ posium o n M o d e r n M e t h o d s o f A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y , t h e G o r d o n Research C o n f e r e n c e , six universities a n d c o l l e g e s , f i v e s e c t i o n a l and regional meetings, International C o n ­ gress o f Pure a n d A p p l i e d C h e m i s t r y i n Por­ tugal while a delegate of the National A c a d ­ e m y o f Sciences, f i v e m e e t i n g s a n d c o n f e r - ~




Colorimetric Determination of Siliceous Atmospheric Contaminants. Particulate silica and silicates are collected on membrane filters, dissolved in hydrofluoric acid, and determined colorimetrically as yellow stlicomolybdate or as molybdenum blue after reduc­ tion with l-amino-2-naphthoI-4-sulfonic acid. The dual sensitivity obtained by the use of the two colors permits accurate analyses in the relatively large range of 1 microgram to 2.5 milligrams without the necessity of taking an aliquot. The small air volumes required are easily sampled with hand-operated equipment.

ences o t h e r t h a n A C S , a n d t w o i n d u s t r i a l f i r m s ; p r e s e n t e d t w o papers a t A C S n a t i o n a l m e e t i n g s ; p r e s i d e d a t sessions o f t h e D i v i s i o n of A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y a t t h e 1957 S p r i n g n a t i o n a l m e e t i n g ; was e d i t o r o f Southern Chemisf, 1954; e d i t o r o f series o f volumes entitled "Advances in Analytical Chemistry a n d I n s t r u m e n t a t i o i " ; serves o n a d v i s o r y b o a r d o f t h e j o u r n i l Talanfa; awarded Re­ search C o r p o r a t i o n g r a n t o f $ 7 5 0 0 f o r u n r e ­ s t r i c t e d use i n r e s e a r c h ; c u r r e n t S e c r e t a r y Treasurer o f A C S D i v i s i o n o f A n a l y t i c a l C h e m i s t r y ; f i v e o f his students a r e c u r r e n t l y d o i n g g r a d u a t e research.

Millipore e R ι Ε F ι s o A Method for Determining Aero-Allergen Concentrations With The Molecular Filter Membrane. An apparatus, consisting of 6 sampling heads containing MF filter discs, h described for obtain­ ing accurately the diurnal variation of airborne pollens. A clock operateo' switch automatically connects each head in turn to a vacuum manifold for a 30-minute period eai:h 4 hours thus obtain­ ing a 24-hour sampling profile. The MF discs are then rendered transparent and stained for mi­ croscopic examination of the collected pollen. Crystf S.; Gurney, C. W.; and Hansen, W . Journal o f taboroi ory one Clinical Medicine Vol. 46, No. 3, Sept., Ί955.

TatvUie, N. A. and Hyslop, Frances American Industrial Hygiene As*ocÎafion Jovrnaf, 9 ( 1 ) 5 4 - 5 8 , Feb., 195β