Nov 6, 2010 - HOW CHEMISTRY TAMES ELECTRICITY ...provides Class F insulation at Class B costs. Chem. Eng. News , 1958, 36 (21), p 61...
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HOW CHEMISTRY TAMES ELECTRICITY . . . provides Class F insulation NEW VARNISH that t* les both lieat and electricity to provide more efficient insulation has been developed by G-E chemists. The new material, called G-E 9520 Alkanex® Varnish, grreatly reduces insulation size and weight, permits higher operating temperatures — enables electrical equipment to deliver more power per pound. Development of G-E Alkanex Varnish presented General Electric researchers with these problems: The new material had to be chemically compatible with standard wire enamels, yet resistant t o oil, moisture, grease and acid. It could not cause excessive swelling- of silicone rubber leads. Preferably it would cure i n conventional baking ovens at normal times and temperatures. Silicone Fluids, Emulsions. Resins •

Resins. Robbers

LEXAN®> Polycarbonate Resins •

Plastics a n d MycaTex

at Class B costs

Out of the G-E laboratories came a modified polyester resin -with all these properties. Field tests confirmed the laboratories' findings: The new varnish offered Class F (155°C) insulation protection at a fraction of the cost of Class H varnishes previously used for this range. It can be used to increase the efficiency of dry type transformers, magnet coils, stators, armatures and other electrical components. For data on G-E 9520 Alkanex Varnish, write Dept. IMS, CHEMICAL and METALLURGICAL DIVISION, General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. T^ogress fe Ot/r Most Important Tbotft/cf



P ) . t a e * l c M o l d i n g Powders. Foundry Resins. I n d u s t r i a l Resins •

Fused M a g n e s i u m O x i d e

M E T H Y L O N ® Coating Inrermediates a n d

M i c a Products. V c m i s ^ e d O o t h s c « d P c p e r * . Electrical emulating Varnishes. P e r m a f . t s , W i r e Enamels.

• T E X T O L I T E ® D e c o r a t i v e a n d Industrial Lcwiooies

K'cn-Mec'e D i a m o n d s

Vacuum M e l t e d A l l o y s


I R R A T H E N E ® Insulation

C A R B O L O Y ® C u f f i n g Tools


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