How Dicalite perlite filteraid helps solve - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 7, 2010 - Publication Date: December 13, 1976. Copyright © 1976 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Rotary vacuum filter with collected precipitates and a minute amount of the filter cake being shaved off with each revolution. These precipitates, which formerly made effluent nonacceptable for sewage disposal, are now disposed of as landfill.

How Dicalite perlite filteraid helps solve

Representation of expanded perlite particles showing their glass-like cellular structure.

The MacMillan Bloedel corrugated container plant in Centerville, Ohio, had a pollution problem. The company was required to meet high purity standards set by local and state authorities for the admission of effluent to the area's sewage system. MacMillan Bloedel called in Alar Engineering Corporation who recommended installation of their Flex-O-Star Waste Treatment System. With the use of Dicalite filteraid this system cleaned up the

Bill Monette, Dicalite District Manager (left), and Ken McDonough, MacMillan Bloedel Production Engineer, view completely automatic filtration system that removes pollutants from effluent and provides pure water for recycling.

effluent effectively — separating out starch, ink, oils and discoloration and leaving water so pure that the container company recycles it. As relatively little water is now disposed through the sewer system, savings in water consumption will pay for the filtration system in a few years. The heart of the treatment system is a rotary vacuum filter with a l!/2-inch precoat of Dicalite 476, a perlite filteraid (about 25 lbs.). This is adequate to filter approxi-

Maintenance repairman Ted Lyons fills precoat tank with Dicalite perlite 476 filteraid. Two other mixing tanks contain chemical treatment to precipitate solids in effluent.

Φ Flags in front of MacMillan Bloedel's Centerville, Ohio plant indicate that the company is a Canadian based operation. Many of the company's U.S. plants use various Dicalite Products in waste water treatment processes.

• This 87-inch corrugator uses three rolls of paper and a starchbased adhesive to produce corrugated board. Board is cut to individual order sizes and removed at take-off tables. Wash-up of adhesive mixing and gluing equipment formerly helped to make company's effluent a sewer system pollutant.

® Blank sheets of corrugated board are fed into this flexographic )rinter/slotter/folder/gluer which trims, slots, prints, glues, olds, counts, and bundles cartons for shipment. The perlite filtration system removes all coloration from the water used to wash ink pans and rollers and leaves it crystal clear.

Φ Mixing tanks where foreman and operator check viscosity and temperature of adhesives made from starch and recycled water.


pollution problems for MacMillan Bloedel! mately 1,000 gallons of effluent. The precoat lasts three to six hours, depending on the filterability of suspended solids. About 20 thousandths of an inch of precipi­ tated solids are deposited on the precoat surface and removed with each revolution of the filter drum. In the initial test program, both Dicalite diatomite and perlite filteraids were tested. Dicalite 476 gave optimum performance and formed a filter cake that did not crack. In addition, Dicalite 476

costs less to use than diatomite.

What is therightfilteraid for your processing? There's one easy way to tell. Have a Dicalite engineer make a free test with his exclusive equipment— the Dicalite laboratory pressure filter or the Dicalite rotary vacuum precoat test leaf—right in your own plant using your own production



WORLDWIDE LEADER IN FILTERAIDS & FILLERS Dicalite Division/International Division, GREFCO, Inc. Headquarters: 3450 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010

liquor. It doesn't matter whether your liquor is waste water, vegetable oil, syrup, beer, pharmaceuticals, varnish or even effluents. This in-plant test can quickly pinpoint the Dicalite filteraid that will give you optimum filtration at lowest cost. Remember, Dicalite is your single source for all major types of filteraids: diatomite, perlite, Solka-Floc * and Dia-Floc? Mail coupon today for technical data and to make an appointment for a free in-plant test.

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D Please send me a copy of the new Dicalite Technical Filtration Bulletin B-16. D Please call me to make an appointment for a free in-plant test.



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Q ^ j f t » ) A subsidiary of General Refractories Company


DICALITE DIVISION PLANTS: Antonito. Colorado; Basalt. Nevada; Lompoc. California; Crawfordsville. Indiana; Socorro, New Mexico. INTERNATIONAL DIVISION PLANTS: Europe/Dicalite Europe Nord, S.A.. Ghent, Belgium; Dicalite Europe Sud. S.p.A., Corsico (Milano), Italy; Dicalite EspaPiola. S.A., Rubi (Barcelona), Spain. Latin America/ Dicalite de Mexico, S.A., Mexico, D.F. Japan/Dicalite Orient Co., Ltd.. Funabashi (Tokyo), Japan. South Africa/Perlite Industries (Pty.) Ltd.. Olifantsfontein (Johannesburg), South Africa. Under Construction/ Induplex, Inc., Legaspi City, Luzon, Philippines.

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MAIL TO Kent Cochran, Dicalite Division/International Division, GREFCO, Inc., Room 632. 3450 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90010. (213) 381-5081.

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