How do you make a process stream behave? Control it with MSA

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: May 08, 1967. Copyright © 1967 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image. Advertiseme...
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How do you make a process stream behave?



Control it with MSA process analyzers

Above is a typical MSA-designed panel which includes the M-S-A® LIRA® Infrared Analyzer Model 200 (top right) which can selectively measure a single stream component as low as 10 ppm full scale; the M-S-A Model 550 Gas Chromatograph (top left) provides fast, sensitive and reliable measurement of a wide variety of stream components; the M-S-A Thermatron Thermal Conductivity Analyzer (lower right) provides accurate, economical measurement of hydrogen in this application.

Process stream instrumentation is an MSA specialty. Our analyzers cover a wide scope of process applica­ tions . . . chromatography, infrared, oxygen, thermal conductivity, water vapor. . . and more. For example, the ammonia plant shown in the simplified schematic drawing above is typical of the process operations which

utilize MSA analyzers for precis< control of stream vanables. For the whole story on ο r capability in process instrumentation, call the instrun ;nt specialists at MSA. Instrument Division, Mine Safety Appliances Company, Pittsburah. Pa. 15208.
