How DuPont DWF and DMAC can give you new levels of efficiency

Nov 6, 2010 - How DuPont DWF and DMAC can give you new levels of efficiency, versatility and economy as production-scale reaction solvents. Chem...
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How DuPont DWF and DMAC can give you new l e v e l s of e f f i c i e n c y , v e r s a t i l i t y and economy a s p r o d u c t i o n - s c a l e reaction solvents Du Pont DMF/DMAC are more than excellent research solvents. They 1 11 save you money in full-scale production processing where they will often increase yields, reduce reaction time and permit lower reaction temperatures.

diate. The reaction where R is organic, X halogen and M a metal group is as follows:

AN E X A M P L E OF E F F I C I E N C Y is in the patented process for preparing polymer intermediates. Nearly quantitative yields of B-hydroxyethyl-terephthalate have been obtained by reaction of terephthalic acid with ethylene oxide using DMF as the re­ action solvent (U.S. Pat. No. 2,901,505). Mild reaction conditions and ease of prod­ uct isolation are additional advantages realized by use of DMF.

ECONOMY IN PRODUCTION SCALE USE derives from the high recovery yields ob­ tainable with DMF and DMAC. This results from their chemical inertness, thermal stability and low hydrolysis rates. Re­ covery rates of up to 99$ (by distillation) have been achieved in actual production.



/ ^ O 0 C H 2 CH20H KH2 CH2



C00H 0CH2CH20H AN E X A M P L E OF V E R S A T I L I T Y is il­ lustrated in a patented process for preparation of a dye or pharmaceutical intermediate by an addition-elimination reaction. In this example, halogen is re­ placed by an organic sulfonyl group. The multiple purposes of DMF as a reaction me­ dium can be demonstrated by preparation of 1, 2-dicyano-l, 2-disulfonylethylenes from a salt of an organic sulfinic acid and aperhalogenated 1, 2-dicyanoethylene (U.S. Pat. No. 3,079,421). In this reac­ tion DMF serves as a solvent for the hard to solubilize sulfinic acid salt, facili­ tates in the 1, 4 addition and assists in the dehydrohalogenation of the interme­

,C=Cv NC X X

+ 2RS02 Μ


C = Cx Nc' (£sR

SAFETY IN HANDLING - Your personnel can use DMF and DMAC safely. While the Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) of DMF in air is low, relative to many other solvents, you are less likely to create a hazardous condition because of its rela­ tively low volatility. Safe handling in­ formation and production engineering assistance are available to meet your in­ dividual process requirements upon re­ quest . I


Du Pont Company Room 2969 Wilmington, Delaware 19898 Please send: • 36-page DMF Bulletin • 16-page DMAC Bulletin • 43-page bulletin - Catalytic and Synthetic Applications of DMF and DMAC Name C omp any Street City

