How EMERSOL OLEIC ACIDS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: September 21, 1964. Copyright © 1964 American Chemical Society. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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EMERYFACTS! How EMERSOL OLEIC A C I D S assure top-quality textile lubricants, softeners, surfactants In the manufacture of textile specialties, the oleic acid you use may mean the difference between a satisfied customer or the loss of valued business. Inferior oleic acids will darken during chemical reactions, cause unpleasant odors, result in products that discolor fabrics and gum up during processing, with Emery Oleic Acids, especially Emersol® 233, you avoid these difficulties. '*..-" EMERSOL 233 LL (low linoleic) OLEIC ACID has unsurpassed light original color and color stability. (See chart below.) It offers maximum resistance to darkening from the heat of reactions such as esterification. You get lighter colored end products, less discoloration to fibers and fabrics and fewer customer complaints. Yellowing of finished products during storage is also minimized. Emersol 233's extremely low polyunsaturate content and excellent oxidation stability contribute additional advantages. Unwanted side reactions and odor formation during chemical reactions are sharply reduced. End products resist yellowing and rancidity even after long aging periods. Emersol 233 also resists polymerization, resulting in non-gumming textile lubricants which help eliminate processing difficulties and prevent uneven dyeing. Although Emersol 233 is the very best oleic you can choose for making textile specialty chemicals, its outstanding features are also inherent in all Emersol Oleic Acids. Thus, if your competitive position dictates a satisfactory oleic at a lower price, you may wish to consider EMERSOL 213 LOW-TITER OLEIC ACID. Its cost is particularly attractive and, while a single distilled oleic, you'll find its original color and stability equal to many commercial double-distilled oleics. For complete information on our entire line of oleics, write for the EMERYFACTS bulletin, "Emersol Oleic Acids". COLOR STABILITY COLOR, LOVIBOND RED-5% INCH CU.C 30 40 50

Color of Emersol Oleics versus competitive products following heating for one hour at 205°C.

duality (all oils from

EMERY, including one ^iwJdiv-k-'

difference. Emery high quality standards and progressive manufacturing methods carry over into its production of distilled tall oils and fractionated products. A major planfis devoted exclusively to tall oil processing and Emery Technical Service Representatives are on call for problem-solving assistance. Although we manufacture a broad line of tall oil products, may we acquaint you with a particularly unique one—Emtall® 663 Distilled Tall Oil. This is a high viscosity material; essentially non-crystallizing during storage or processing. It has a rosin content of 48-55%, a light color—8 max. Gardner, and outstanding color stability. And you'll find it competitively priced with products of lower rosin content and darker color. Emtall 663 is designed for use wherever high rosin content and easy handling are prerequisites in a raw material. In surface coatings it is especially suited for manufacturing gloss oils, inexpensive interior flats, and in other alkyds to réplace wood or gum rosin content. Other potential uses are as an emulsifier for mineral oil in oil-extended rubber production, in cutting and s^ndingioiis; and thé m a n t f ^ soaps with unusual^ concentration. Emtall 663 shows great potential in the reclaimed rubber field because of its high rosin content and tàckHmpartimjqualities, (tcpuld also be of interest in ethoxylated condensates, fungicides or surface-active and various intermediate-chemical areas. If you'd like a sample for evaluation purposes, simply check and mail coupon.

items of significance about f a t t y acids High temperatures encountered in processing can be mortal enemies to stearic acids used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Many stearics discolor badly during processing. Highly color-stable Emersol Stearic Acids, however, resist heatdarkening effects, giving finished products a lighter color. And, since a product's purity is often interpreted in terms of color, the lightest color usually means the greatest appeal to consumers.

when flie heat f s on, our p i s i f t i M l f l B I stearic acids BiiiKlS won't care

The results of a color stability test are shown in the bar graph. Triplepressed Emersol 132 and Double-pressed Emersol 120 were tested against comparable leading competitive brands—all were held in air at 205°C for 2 hours. Such superior resistance to color degradation, held by all Emersol Stearic Acids, can contribute to the high quality of your product. Additionally, Emersol Stearics possess excellent oxidation stability, minimizing yellowing and breakdown of emulsions or texture during storage and use. Outstanding resistance to rancidity minimizes the development of undesirable odors. Controlled crystalline composition helps give your product uniform appearance and performance. When you can get all of these plus features at a cost no more than for competitive grades, why not take the heat off yourself. Investigate Emersol Stearic Acids, today. For complete details send for the Emersol Stearic Acid EMERYFACTS booklet.

ISH^Sii^iBig^# Emersol Stearics9 Color Stability Is Virtually Unmatched



Triple-pressed Stearics


Emersol 132


I Competitive "A"

Yellow 5'/4 inch



Competitive "B"

Double-pressed Stearics

cell after 2 hours

Competitive "C* Competitive " 0 "

at205°C. 10



D Send Emersol Oleic Acid EMERYFACTS


O Send evaluation sample of Emtall 663 D Send Emersol Stearic Acid EMERYFACTS

Fatty Acid Division Dept. 114, Carew Tower Cincinnati, Ohio 45202


Western Division, Los Angeles Emery Industries (Canada) Ltd., London, Ontar' Export Division, Cincinnati





