HOW HERCULES HELPS... - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - HOW HERCULES HELPS... Chem. Eng. News , 1961, 39 (15), p 4. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v039n015.p004. Publication Date: April 10, 1961. Copyright ...
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SOLID ENERGY FOR SPACE-Here is a cylinder of Hercules' unique, high-specific impulse propellant being machined to prepare it for physical testing. Although its advanced nitrochemistry delivers highest energy per pound of any solid fuel, it is mechanically durable, tractable, can

PROMOTE PROGRESS —New multicolor finishes based on Hercules® nitrocellulose are increasingly being selected by leading interior designers everywhere for a modern decorative look and long-wearing, e a s y - t o - m a i n t a i n walls. A new motion picture produced by Hercules documents the superior characteristics of this upto-date paint and outlines its many uses. A print of the motion picture can be obtained from leading suppliers of multicolor finishes or through Hercules.



even (with proper safety precautions) be machined. From this family of cast, composite double-base propellants comes the concentrated chemical energy that powers the secondstage A-2 Polaris motor, the third and fourth stages of the Scout, the final stage of the Minuteman, and others.

MAKE GREENS GREENER-HerculesNitroform®, a urea-formaldehyde fertilizer compound, gives excellent initial response after application and continues to release nitrogen steadily throughout the season. This controlled feeding promotes healthier, better-looking turf, eliminates frequent ;:feast-andfamine"' applications that formerly made turf maintenance so difficult.





Hercules Tower, 910 Market Street, Wilmington 99. Delaware CHEMICAL MATERIALS FOR INDUSTRY


