HOW HERCULES HELPS.. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - DOI: 10.1021/cen-v037n038.p099. Publication Date: September 21, 1959. Copyright © 1959 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem...
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HELPS.. CHANGE BAKING CONCEPTS-Now bakers can actually control the quality of the flour they use for rolls, buns, and specialty breads. The key is Vicrum^, Hercules Vital Wheat Gluten. Now permitted under Bread Standards. Vital Wheat Gluten offers important processing advantages to the baker and contributes better quality, softer crumb, improved grain and texture, and improved keeping quality to the finished product.


OF HUNTING-Soon millions of hunters will shoulder their guns and take to the fields and woods to enjoy the thrill of one of man's oldest sports. Some will seek ducks and geese, or big game such as deer and elk. while others will pursue upland birds, or small game. Regardless of the type of gun used, the hunter can rely on the accuracy and dependability of ammunition loaded with Hercules® smokeless Dowders.



^5*%^^E^;"r^ MAKE THE OUTDOORS ENJOYABLE-Insect pe^ arc ,„, longer the nuisance they formerly were to people who like the great outdoors. Today insect repellents based on metaDelphene®, Hercules" brand of diethyltoluamide. protect you over long periods of time . . . remain effective despite abrasion and perspiration. Meta-Delphene-based repellents are availahie in a variety of forms from creams to aerosols, have no unpleasant odor and leave no stain.



900 Market Street, Wilmington 99, Delaware CHEMICAL MATERIALS FOR INDUSTRY