How many research hours in a day? - C&EN ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - DOI: 10.1021/cen-v031n031.ibc ... Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a comprehensive representation of each ...
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How many research hours in a day ?

TESTING LUBRICANTS for ball bearings, research men at Sinclair Research Laboratories utilize ElectroniK instruments to record temperatures of bearings running on a test stand. In addition to a complete line of instruments for measuring and controlling temperature, flow, and dozens of other variables, Honeywell offers these special ElectroniK instruments of interest to research men: Function Plotter: a u t o m a t i c a l l y plots the relation of two independent variables. Two-Pen Recorder: s i m u l t a n e ously measures two variables on a single chart. Extended Range Indicator: featuring automatic range-changing, readable to one part in 5000. Narrow Span Recorder: measures spans as narrow as 100 microvolts, without external pre-amplifier. Brown Electrometer: m e a s u r e s currents as low as 10-15 ampere. High Speed Recorder: features pen speed of only one second for full scale travel.

OBSERVING tests, measuring critical conditions, collecting data, plotting curves . . . the routine labor of research takes a lot of time out of each day . . . each week . . . each month. You'll find that ElectroniK instruments can save countless scientific man-hours by doing all these laborious but essential jobs for you. They free highly trained scientists for more important work . . . giving them an opportunity to use their brainpower most effectively. And these instruments do the routine work faster, more accurately than could be done by human hands. ElectroniK potentiometers are accelerating the pace of research in academic and industrial laboratories, atomic energy projects, pilot plants, and test centers throughout the world. For a discussion of how they can help your own research programs, call our nearest engineering representative . . . he is as near as your phone.

Industrial Division, 4417 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia 44, Pa.


REFERENCE DATA: Write for Research Bulletin 15-14"Instruments Accelerate Research''... and for Data Sheets on specific instruments. M I N N E A P O L I S

Honeywell B R O W N