How much can PPG's new barges save you on liquid caustic soda delivery? There's a good chance that P P G Chemical Division can find ways to reduce your caustic acquisition cost, by applying some of the extra values which don't show u p on the supplier's price list. T h e addition of four new caustic soda barges this year is one example. These custom-designed bulk carriers each deliver 1200 tons of caustic liquor at the temperature and purity your process needs. T h a t saves you time. Extra insulation (PPG Fiber Glass, naturally!) helps to insure fast unloading without delays for steaming. M o r e time and labor saved. PPG's special tank lining protects contents from contamination. Each barge carries its own p u m p ; some r u n on dockside electricity, and others on auxiliary Diesel power on board.
P u m p parts exposed to hot caustic are nickel-lined to eliminate another possible source of impurities. T h e four new barges join a fleet that's among the largest in the industry. If you're on or near the Inland Waterways system, let P P G Chemical Division analyze your savings (direct and indirect) from barging. If you're not, PPG's complete fleet of tank cars and tank trucks give fast service from four manufacturing plants and three bulk terminals. 5 0 % or 7 3 % caustic in regular or high-purity grades. Liquid caustic potash, too, either alone or in combination barge-loads. Call the P P G Chemical Division regional office soon. Pittsb u r g h P l a t e Glass C o m p a n y , C h e m i c a l Division, O n e Gateway Center, Pittsburgh 22, Pennsylvania.
Regional Offices: Boston • Charlotte • Chicago • Cincinnati • Cleveland • Dallas • Houston Los Angeles • Minneapolis • New Orleans • New York • Pittsburgh • Portland • Philadelphia • San Francisco • St. Louis. In Canada: Standard Chemical Limited, Montreal.
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