how much would you pay to prevent a fire in your plant? Hundreds? Thousands? Certainly it's well worth the very
send for a copy of the Cellulube Case Report File con-
few dollars difference in cost between fire-resistant Cellu*
taining on-the-spot details of how some of the nation's
lubes and ordinary flammable fluids. Celanese Cellulubes
leading companies are benefiting from the safety and
are the safe hydraulic fluids and synthetic lubricants that
cleaner operation of Cellulubes. It's interesting reading.
provide maximum protection against the costly hazards
Celanese Chemical Company, Dept.554Af522 Fifth Ave., New York 36, N.Y.
of fire and explosion.
Celanese Chemical Company is a Division of Celanese Corporation of America. Canadian Affiliate: Canadian Chemical Company Limited, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver. Export Sales; Amcel Co., Inc., and Pan Amcel Co., Inc.. 522 Fifth Avenue. New York 36.
Used as hydraulic fluids, or air compressor lubricants, Cellulubes not only contribute vital safety advantages, but also give protection against wear comparable to pre* mium petroleum oils. You can't buy better synthetic fluids than Cellulubes. For proof of their advantages under various conditions, Celanese® Cellulube®