How rugged MONEL Alloy 400 resists chloride corrosion in production

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Step 2. Reaction of hydrogen chloride with ethylene. The alu­ minum chloride catalyst used in this reaction is stored in MONEL alloy 400 pots, 18" in diameter and 78" high. The temperature is maintained at approximately 95°F. MONEL alloy 400 was selected because of its excellent resistance to AlClc.

Step 1. Purification of ethylene. At American Chemical Corpo­ ration, Long Beach, California, a feed gas—consisting of a mix­ ture of ethylene, ethane, and methane—is liquefied through the application of the Joule-Thomson effect. Liquefaction occurs when the gas is subjected to 350 psi and allowed to expand to 150 psi. The three gases are separated in this low temperature distillation system.

Step 3. Purification of ethyl chloride by distillation. The

MONEL alloy 400 tubes in these heat exchangers have a diame­ ter of 1" and are 120" long. The temperature range within them extends from 90° to 130°F. Due to the hydrolysis of ethyl chloride, some HC1 is formed. MONEL alloy 400 was selected because of its high resistance to dilute HC1 as well as its good heat transfer properties.

How rugged MONEL Alloy 400 resists chloride corrosion in production of ethyl chloride The American Chemical Corporation's facility at Long Beach, California, gives the West Coast a major producing plant for ethyl chloride. This is used principally in the manufacture of tetraethyl lead. American Chemical has sound reasons for selecting MONEL* alloy 400 for this process. Good resistance to chlorides. The resistance of MONEL alloy 400 to dilute hydrochloric acid accounts for its excellent resistance to corrosion by chlorinated organics which hydrolyze to form hydrochloric acid. In addition, MONEL alloy 400 has resistance to acid chlorides, to neutral and alkaline chlorides and to salt water.



In addition to good corrosion resistance, MONEL alloy 400 offers the following advantages: • High design stresses · Excellent heat transfer properties • High ductility · Good weldability • Availability in wide variety of forms, including tubing up to 85 feet in length. If you wish more detailed information on this remarkably useful alloy, write for a copy of our Technical Bulletin T-5. And if you have any other corrosion problems, write to us. We will be pleased to assist you in finding a practical, economical solution.



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