How this gum man got unstuck - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 12, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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How this gum man got unstuck (Dow salesmen welcome another increase in Methocel


Few products have won the approval of industry like chines and money can operate. We've expanded and Methocel^ ( D o w methylcellulose). The ability of this expanded and now have expanded again . . . making synthetic g u m to end viscosity-control and other pro- available a family of Methocel products that includes duction problems has brought an increasing demand nine types in a wide range of viscosities. from manufacturers of paint, paper, pharmaceuticals, This improved situation assures better scheduling of shampoo, foods and a host of other products. shipments. And if you would like to do research and So great has b e e n d e m a n d that our salesmen at times development work with these synthetic gums of neverfound themselves empty-handed. They had a gem of varying quality, we'd be pleased to send a sample. a product to sell, b u t it didn't need selling. THE Dow CHEMICAL COMPANY, Midland, Michigan, Dent. 6 i We've been producing Methocel as fast as men, ma- BD 839E.





