How to cut drying tower costs up to 50%
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Plan your drying tower with Davi son silica gel as your desiccant, and your costs come tumbling down. Let's say that you are drying cracked refinery gas, ethylene or other olefins. Silica gel's capacity would be from 50 to 125% better than the lower-priced desiccants. With this superior capacity, you'd need a smaller bed and smaller units. Regeneration costs would be smaller, too.
You could cut the size of your tower by as much as 50% and get longer adsorption cycles, greater capacity, and a more efficient operation. Davison's field representatives have an unequalled backlog of practical experience they'd be happy to share with you. For de tails on any drying problem, send in the coupon or call us collect at 301 - 727-3900.
I'd like to see how silica gel could cut my costs drying. Name Company. Street. City_ State_
Industrial Chemicals, Dept. 1 8 0 3 Baltimore, Maryland 2 1 2 0 3