How to keep impurities out of your customer's caustic: Rely on Nickel

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How to keep impurities out of your customer's caustic: Rely on Nickel 200. The surest way to protect caustic soda from contamination in storage, shipping and transfer equipment is to use a Nickel 200 lining. Nickel 200 is the wrought form of commercially pure nickel that resists virtually all types of alkali corrosion. It provides excellent resistance to all concentrations of caustic soda up to and including the molten state. And... being 99% pure nickel, it prevents product discoloration due to presence of iron. In the installation shown above, at the Wilmington Chemical Terminal, Wilmington, N. C , Nickel 200 is at work in almost every phase of protection for textile grade 50% caustic. It lines the transfer pipes, storage tanks and tank cars. The alloy is also used for the tubed heat exchanger. The result: total product purity; total customer satisfaction. HliNTiNrTHN AI I nv PDnniiPTQ niviQinM If you'd like to know more about Nickel 200 and other HUNTINGTON ALLOY PRODUCTS D I V I S I O N corrosion-fighters, write for your free copy of Bulletin S-37, l l ^ u T H E INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY, INC. "Resistance of Huntington Alloys to Corrosion." /*f^?> HUNTINGTON, WEST VIRGINIA 25720 56 C&EN