November 10, 1934
The Effect of Caustic Alkalinity in Drinking Water
How Will You Travel t o the San Francisco Meeting?
Report of Committee of Division of Water, Sewage, and Sanitation Chemistry, ALmerican Chemical Society
AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY meeting in San Francisco
is to be held in the week of August 19, 1935. Many members I N THE L A S T EDITION of "Standard Methods of Water Analy- of t h e SOCIETY have expressed their wish that, as heretofore, sis," published jointly by the American Public Health Association the SOCIETY run a special train from Chicago t o San Francisco, and t h e American Water Woi\ks Association, that part of the re- allowing members w h o use the train to return via any route port of the Advisory Committee o n Official Water Standards w a s they see fit. Accordingly, it becomes necessary, in order t o published as an Appendix, pertaining to "The Physical a n d determine t h e going route, t o obtain an expression from those Chemical Characteristics of Acceptable Water Supplies," which of our members who hope t o attend the San Francisco meeting. was originally published in Public Health Re-ports, 40, N o . 15, I t is desirable that t h e Directors definitely determine the route dated April 10, 1925, and contained t h e recommendations to t h e and, i n order that they m a y determine i t in accord with the Surgeon General for "definite specifications which may b e used wishes of t h e majority, it i s requested that every member readby t h e Public Health Service in tbe administrative action which ing this notice who has a reasonable expectation of attending it is required to take upon the supplies of drinking water offered the San Francisco meeting make his wishes known immediately by common carriers for use of passengers in interstate traffic," as to his choice of o n e of the following routes: in connection with the enforcement of section 19, of the Interstate Quarantine Regulations as published in the revised edition, ROUTE 1. From Chicago to the Canadian Rockies, with stopMay, 1921. ' over at Banff and at Lake Louise, to Vancouver; thence to Seattle; Along with other, limits set for various mineral constituents i n thence to San Francisco, with one day at Mt. Rainier, one day at this report is the statement that "water should contain no caustic Portland, a drive up the Columbia River, and one day at Crater alkalinity." Investigation b y your committee develops t h a t Lake. Approximate time, 9 days; approximate cost, S165. there are a number of locations in t h e United States where waters ROUTE 2. From Chicago to Glacier National Park; thence to containing caustic alkalinity have been furnished and used for St. Mary's. Lake for dinner and lunch; thence to Lake McDonald, drinking and domestic purposes for as long as 16 years with n o a trip of 85 miles by auto through the heart of Glacier National apparent adverse physiological effects. Search b y your com- Park; thence to Seattle; thence to San Francisco, with one day at mittee of available literature develops no reference t o permissible Mt. Rainier, one day at Portland, including a drive up the Columbia amounts of caustic alkalinity in drinking water other than t h e River, one day at Crater Lake. Approximate time, 9 days; approximere statement contained in this report. There appear t o mate cost, SI65, including meals and lodging at Glacier National Park. have been no facts or research which would substantiate possible ROUTE 3. From Chicago t o Cody, Wyo.; thence by auto for a detrimental results from using waters containing small amounts 3 x /2 days' trip in Yellowstone National Park; thence to Seattle; of caustic alkalinity. T h e fact that waters containing such con- thence to San Francisco, with one day at Mt. Rainier, one day at stituents h a v e been used ovei k>ng periods with no apparent Portland, a drive up the Columbia River, and one day at Crater adverse results has raised the question as to the advisability and Lake. Approximate time, 11 days; approximate cost, S195, includpropriety of including a statement specifically limiting i t s pres- ing meals and lodging in Yellowstone National Park. ence, in a publication which has t b e endorsement of the A M E R I ROUTE 4. Chicago t o Denver and to Colorado Springs ; one day CAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, especially in view of the well-known a c - with side trip to Pike's Peak and Garden of the Gods; then by tion of caustic alkalinity in reducing or eUminating B. coli and Moffatt Route or Royal Gorge to Salt Lake City, with one day other pathogenic bacteria. at Salt Lake City; thence to Cedar City for a 4 days' trip by autobus It is the opinion of your comriiittee that statement of per- to Bryce Canyon National Park and Zion National Park; thence missible amounts of mineral constituents in drinking water is a to Los Angeles and vicinity for one day; thence to San Francisco problem to b e determined by physiological chemists or toxicolo- via Coast Line with stop-overs at Santa Barbara and Monterey, gists rather than b y members of t h e Division of Water, Sewage, if'desired. Approximate time, IOV2 days; approximate cost, $165, and Sanitation Chemistry. With this in view, i t is the recom- including meals and lodging at Bryce and Zion National Parks. mendation of your committee that this subject be referred to t h e ROUTE 5. Chicago t o Colorado Springs one day with side trip Council with the suggestion that t h e subject be assigned to t h e Pike's Peak and the Garden of the Gods; thence to Lamy and Physiological Chemistry Section of t h e Division of Biological to Fe, N. Mex., with one day at Santa Fe and "Indian Detour;" Chemistry, o r the Division of Medicinal Chemistry, for further Santa thence to Albuquerque, N. Mex.; thence t o the Petrified Forest, study, report, and recommendation. one-half day side trip; thence to Grand Canyon, one day at Canyon; thence to Los Angeles, with one day at Los Angeles and R. C. BARDWELL, Chairman vicinity, including Riverside, Mt. Rubidoux, and Mission Inn; thence SELMA GOTTLIEB, to San Francisco via Coast Line with stop-overs a t Santa Barbara CHARLES P . HOOVER, and Monterey, if desired. Approximate time, 9 days; approximate Committee cost, $165. Only route promising air-conditioned train throughout. Approved b y the Division of Water, Sewage, and Sanitation Chemistry, September 11, 1934, with the added request that t h e matter be also referred t o the American Medical Association. EDWARD S. HOPKINS, Chairman of Division
C. S. BORUFF, Secretary
The above costs include round-trip ticket, Chicago t o San Francisco, with privilege of returning via Los Angeles or Portland and Seattle, and lower berth for the round trip; but, except as above stated, do not include meals e n route. Tickets will be good until October 31, s o that members m a y return b y any route they s e e fit and as quickly or leisurely a s they desire. In addition t o the above movement b y special train, it is called t o the attention of the members that, if a sufficient number are interested therein, t h e Secretary will be glad to arrange a trip t o San Francisco via t h e Panama Canal, by either of the following routes:
WHICHEVER direction y o u travel, y o u will not g o far without passing through the headquarters of some local section of t h e AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. M a n y of these sections wish very much t o hear outside speakers, and y o u will be doing a real service if you can accommodate them. Furthermore, t h e Local Section Officers Group, of which Edward Lyons, Parke, D a v i s & Co., Detroit, Mich., is secretary, is doing its utmost t o supply the need which these local sections feel. If y o u contemplate making a journey where y o u could conveniently speak before one or more local sections and y o u are willing to perform, this service, please advise Dr. Lyons. T h e smaller sections, in particular, are anxious t o obtain speakers who have things of interest to tell t h e m and, if you have a worthwhile talk to offer, give them the opportunity of trying to arrange their schedule to fit with yours, thereby affording y o u an opport u n i t y to make new friends and acquaintances and helping them with a n improved program.
By the Panama-Pacific Line, winch makes the trip from New York to San Francisco, stopping at Havana, Cristobal, and Balboa, San Diego, and Los Angeles; approximate time, 15 days; minimum fare, first-class, $185 (with bath approximately S250), with $90 extra rail fare (Pullman not included) from home town to New York and from San Francisco to home town. Over the Grace Line with stops at Cartagena and Puerto, Colombia; Cristobal and Balboa; La Libertad, El Salvador; San Jose, Guatemala; Mazatlan, Mexico; Los Angeles, Calif., approximate time, 15 days to Los Angeles, 17 days to San Francisco, with approximately 68 hours ashore and the opportunity of side trips in some of the countries named; room with bath S250, with $90 special rail fare (Pullman not included) from home "town to New York and from San Francisco t o home town. Please send postal card to me giving your choice of routes. CHARITÉS L. PARSONS, Secretary