HPLC: A computer simulation of high-performance liquid

About This Issue: HPLC. John W. Moore, Edlfor. Eastern Michigan University. Ypsilanti, MI 48197. The single program in this issue, "HPLC", is one of o...
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About This Issue: HPLC John W. Moore, Edlfor Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI 48197 The single program in this issue, "HPLC", is one of only a few instrument simulator programs currently e ~ t a n t . ~AsJ a flight simulator provides an introduction to the situations a pilot will encounter, so an instrument simulator provides a very realistic introduction to the operation of a scientific instrument. Studentsr~neasilyandquickly prartire making the decisions that will need to be made amhen they operate a real instrument, and a much broader range of chromatographic separations becomes available to them than would he possible with a real instrument. The pedagogic advantages of using the simulator both before and after students operate the real instrument are enormous. Even if onlv afew cimputers are a\.ailable, the much greater speed withwhich simulated separations can be c ~ r r i e dout ailours much more learning to occur. This program is a much expanded version of one that has already appeared in the Project SERAPHIM Catalogue.5 In particular, the computer data system is much improved-so much so that it compares favorably with most of the commercial instruments available. Also, the detector has been

enhanced to include a diode-arrav mode, which permits the complete spectrum of any of thechromatographic peaks to he recorded and displayed. Hardware Requirements "HPLC" runs under MS-DOS or IBM PC DOS and is suppliedon a5.25-in. disk. I t can be used on a computer with either a single 5.25-in. or a single 3.5-in. floppy disk drive, or on a computer with a hard (fixed) disk. At least 512K of RAM is required as is a graphics adapter (color graphics adapter-CGA, enhanced graphics adapter-EGA, or video graphics array-VGA). In some cases one may wish to have a graphics printer to print copies of the chromatograms, hut the program will run without a printer. HPLC requires a mouse, since most choices are made by moving a mouse cursor to one or another screen graphic that represents one or another module of the instrument. The mouse must have mouse-driver software that is compatible with the Microsoft Mouse. Such software is supplied with most mice; it is not included with the HPLC disk. Schatz, P. F. NMR Simulator; COMPress: Wentworth, NH. 1987.

'Schatz, P. F. IR Simulator; COMPress: Wenworth, NH, 1987.

Rittenhouse, R. C. HPLC; Project SERAPHIM: Eastern Michigan Unlv&sity, Ypsilanti, MI, 1987, disk 181302.

Journal of Chemical Education: Software Second MS-DOS Issue Announced Thp srrond MS-DOS isme of dCESo/tu ore, "HPLC: A Computer Simulation uf High-PerformanceChromstography" Iry hhert C. I~ittmhouse,describ~d on these two pages.cosrs$;IS (%I7 foreign)and wjll heshipped in Decemher 19UR. I n addition, the three prwiou%is,utr liitpd beiorarc~tiilavailnhle.'l'o rQ?erVra cop" o f t h t neu rs*ueororderthe urevrous onrs, complete the form briow \phcmm,py 1s acceptable); mnkr a check payahle to d C E S o / t s o r ~ send-both ; t~ JCESolirr nrr, c u Projecr SER.AI'Hlhl, Department of Chemistry. Enstern Michigan t'niversity, Ypsilnnti, MI 46197. Payment must be in US.funds d r n w n on u U.S. hank or by internathml money order or mngnrtirailg encoded check.

I would like copies of the following issues of JCESoftwareshipped to the address below. My check or money order for $35 (or $37)for each issue ordered accompanies this request. IA. Number 1, "The One-Computer Classroom" for Apple II computers -Volume -Volume IA, Number 2, "The Computer-Based Laboratory" for Apple II computers -Volume IB, Number 1, "KC? Discoverer" for MS-DOS compatoble computers -Volume IB, Number 2, "HPLC: A Computer Simulation for High-PerformanceLiquid Chromatography" for MS-POS compatible computers Iwould like The Periodic Table Videodisc: Reactions 01 the Elementsas described on page 1035:$50 ($55 foreign). Includes videodisc and index code numbers to frames on disc.

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Volume 65 Number 12 December 1988