HPLC instrumentation, Metrohm 690 Ion Chromatograph. It com

Metrohm 690 Ion Chromatograph. It com- prises a high performance conductivity detector second to none, a thermally insu- lated and electrically isolat...
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Your LC to IC converter If you already own HPLC instrumentation, you can easily convert it to a fully fledged IC system by the simple addition of the Metrohm 690 Ion Chromatograph. It comprises a high performance conductivity detector second to none, a thermally insulated and electrically isolated column compartment and a manual or automatic injector. Add to this the full range of Metrohm IC columns, components and accessories and we can accomodate your every needs. Outstanding are the Metrohm range of "Super Sep» columns for anion and cation separations. The «Super Sep» cation column (according to Schomburg) gives the analytical chemist the power to separate both mono- and divalent cations for the first time using a simple isocratic system. No need for extra pumps and gradient programmers. Metrohm gives you all the applications, service and support you need. Ion chromatography — quite simply with Metrohm.