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Human deoxythymidine kinase. II: Substrate specificity and kinetic

Seiichiro Ikeda , Inshik Park , Paul Gardner , and David H. Ives. Biochemistry 1984 23 (9), 1914-1921 .... Gayle Dranch Insler , Frederick J. Halikias...
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Human Deoxythymidine Kinase 11: Substrate Specificity and Kinetic Behavior of the Cytoplasmic and Mitochondrial Isozymes Derived from Blast Cells of Acute Myelocytic Leukemia? Lih-Syng Lee and Yung-chi Cheng*

ABSTRACT: Cytoplasmic and mitochondrial deoxythymidine kinase isozymes derived from the blast cells of acute myelocytic leukemia differ in their substrate specificity and kinetic behavior. These enzymes require divalent cations for their activity. The data suggest that the major role of divalent cations is to chelate with ATP; the complex thus formed serves as the phosphate donor for the reaction. The activity of various triphosphate nucleosides as a phosphate donor for cytoplasmic deoxythymidine kinase is as follows: ATP = dATP > m a - A T P > G T P > CTP > d G T P = d C T P > dUTP, whereas for mitochondrial deoxythymidine kinase, the order of activity is ATP > CTP > U T P = dATP > G T P > u ~ u - A T P> dGTP = dCTP > dUTP. Neither IdUTP nor d T T P could serve as a phosphate donor in the reaction catalyzed by either isozyme. From the many pyrimidine analogues tested for their binding affinity to each of these isozymes, I-dUrd and Br-dUrd had high good affinity which was equivalent to that of deoxythy-

midine. 5-Allyl-dUrd, 5-ethyl-dUrd, and 5-propyl-dUrd were only weakly bound to each isozyme. SI-dCyd, 5-Br-dCyd, dCyd, and 5-vinyl-dUrd were tightly bound to mitochondrial deoxythymidine kinase but not to the cytoplasmic isozyme. dTTP and I-dUTP are potent inhibitors of the reaction catalyzed by both isozymes. In contrast, d C T P and am-CTP are potent inhibitors only of the mitochondrial isozyme, but not of the cytoplasmic isozyme. ATP-Mg2+ acts as a sigmoidal substrate of the cytoplasmic isozyme with a “K,” of 0.22 mM, and as a regular substrate of the mitochondrial isozyme with a K , of 0.1 mM. Deoxythymidine acts as a regular substrate for both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial isozyme with a K , of 2.6 and 5.2 pM, respectively. Initial velocity as well as product inhibition studies suggest that the cytoplasmic isozyme catalyzes the reaction via a “sequential” mechanism. In contrast, mitochondrial deoxythymidine kinase catalyzes the reaction via a “ping-pong” mechanism.

T h e kinetic behavior of deoxythymidine (dThd) kinases derived from various mammalian sources has been reported to differ depending on the source of the enzyme. For example, the inhibition of dThd-kinase by d T T P was found to be competitive with dThd for the enzyme derived from calf thymus (Her and Momparler, 197 l ) , noncompetitive for the enzyme derived from Walker tumor (Bresnick and Thompson, 1965), and, depending on the pH, either competitive or complex for the Ehrlich ascites enzyme (Prusoff and Chang, 1969). For dThd-kinase derived from mouse ascites sarcoma 180, dTTP inhibition is competitive with A T P and noncompetitive with dThd (Cheng and Prusoff, 1974). Also there is evidence that dThd-kinase from Walker carcinoma or mouse ascites sarcoma 180 does not follow simple Michaelis-Menten type kinetics (Bresnick and Thompson, 1965; Cheng and Prusoff, 1974). In contrast, the calf thymus enzyme displayed strict Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Her and Momparler, 1971). In view of these differences, it appears warranted to study the kinetics of dThd-kinase derived from a human source. This will be useful in understanding the regulatory roles of dThd-kinase as well as the development of new agents in the viral or cancer chemotherapy of human diseases. The deoxythymidine kinases from the blast cells of patients with acute myelocytic leukemia were purified and shown to exist in two molecular forms, one present in the cytoplasm and

the other in the mitochondria. These isozymes differ in their physical properties such as activation energy, sensitivity to salt inhibition, and electrophoretic mobility (Lee and Cheng, 1976). The study of substrate specificity and kinetic behavior of both isozymes is the subject of this communication.

+ From the Department of Experimental Therapeutics and the Grace Cancer Drug Center, Roswell Park Memorial Institute, New York State Department of Health, Buffalo, New York 14263. Receiced March 12, 1976. This research was supported in part by US. Public Health Service Grant CA-13038 and American Cancer Society Grant 70031-01. Y.-c.C. is a Leukemia Society of America Scholar. Abbreviations used: dThd, deoxythymidine: ara-ATP, arabinoadenosine 5’-triphosphate: Trir. tris(hydroxymethy1)aminomethane.



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Materials and Methods The method used for the purification of deoxythymidine kinase has been previously described (Lee and Cheng, 1976). The nucleotides and nucleosides were purchased from the Sigma Chemical Company or P-L Biochemical Company. All reagents were of reagent grade, and all of the solutions were freshly prepared for the kinetic studies. The purified preparations of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial dThd-kinases were used for the kinetic studies within 2-24 h after they were obtained. Therefore, we minimized the possibility of changes in the kinetic properties of these enzymes as a function of time. Enzymes purified by affinity column chromatography were stored in solutions containing dThd (200 pM). For kinetic studies, the enzyme was passed through a column of Sephadex G-25 equilibrated with 0.2 M Tris-HCI (pH 7 . 5 ) , 10% glycerol. 5 m M dithiothreitol, 2 mM MgC12, and 2 m M ATP. In some cases, albumin was added (1 mg/ml) to stabilize the enzyme. Enzyme assay procedures were similar to those described in the preceding paper (Lee and Cheng, 1976). One unit of dThd-kinase is defined as the amount of the enzyme that.catalyzes the conversion of 1 nmol of dThd to d T M P per min under the assay conditions described. Results

Effect of the Ratio of A T P to MgZf on dThd-Kinase Acticity. Both the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial dThd-kinases



Product Inhibition Studies of the Reaction of dThd

Kinases. Inhibition Pattern0 Product ADP ADP dTMP dTMP

Variable Cytoplasmic Substrate Enzyme ~_________ dThd ATP dThd ATP

Mitochondrial Enzyme ~





a U, uncompetitive; C, competitive; N, noncompetitive; NI, no inhibition.

Effect of Various Triphosphate Nucleosides as Phosphate Donors for the dThd I6nases.O

TABLE 1 1 :

% of

Donor (2 mM)





100 46


Effect of the molar ratio of ATP to Mg2+ on dThd kinases activities. (A) Mitochondrial dThd kinase; (B) cytoplasmic dThd kinase. The assay is as described in the preceding paper (Lee and Cheng, 1976) except for the concentgations of ATP and Mg*+: ( 0 )with 4 m M ATP; (X) with 1 mM ATP. FIGURE 1:

responded similarly to changes in the concentration of Mg2+ and ATP. As shown in Figure I , when the concentration of ATP was greater than that of Mg2+, a n inhibitory effect is observed. Maximal activity occurs when equal amounts of ATP and Mg2+ are included in the assay medium. An excess of Mg2+ relative to A T P produced little inhibitory effect on enzyme activity. Initial Velocity and Product Inhibition Studies. In these experiments, the concentrations of the nucleoside triphosphate solutions were equal to those of MgC12. Initial velocity studies were performed by keeping one substrate a t a fixed concentration and varying the concentration of the other substrate. For cytoplasmic dThd-kinase, a t a fixed concentration of dThd, linear plots are obtained when 1 / u is plotted against l/(Mg2+-ATP)2, whereas for mitochondrial dThd-kinase, 1 / u plotted against 1/(Mg2+-ATP) results in linear plots. When the intercepts of these plots on the (1 / u ) axis are plotted against 1/(dThd), the K , of dThd was calculated to be 2.6 p M for cytoplasmic dThd-kinase and 5.2 pM for mitochondrial dThd-kinase. When ATP-Mg2+ was used at a fixed concentration, Lineweaver-Burk plots of l / u vs. l/dThd for both dThd-kinase are linear. By replotting the intercept of each line, the K , of ATP-Mg2+ was determined to be 0.22 m M for cytoplasmic dThd-kinase and 0.10 mM for mitochondrial dThd-kinase. All K , values obtained from these plots are consistent with values obtained at the saturation levels of the other substrate. Initial velocity studies indicated a n intersecting line pattern for cytoplasmic dThd-kinase and a


36 21 15 108 17 15 6


58 56 26 21 10

1 1


21 67

7 33


0 The assay was performed under the conditions as described in the previous paper (Lee and Cheng, 1976). Various triphosphate nucleosides were tested at concentration of 2 mM in place of ATP.

parallel line pattern for mitochondrial dThd-kinase, suggesting that these two isozymes might catalyze the reaction via different mechanisms. Product inhibition studies with both enzymes were studied by including either ADP-Mg2+ or 5’-dTMP in the reaction mixture, and in the absence of an ATP-regenerating system when ADP-Mg2+ inhibition was studied. The highest concentration of ADP-Mg2+ used for this study was 4.3 m M and that of d T M P was 0.6 m M . The results are summarized in Table I. Phosphate Donor Specificity of dThd-Kinases. In this study, the concentratiori of the triphosphates was equimolar (2 mM) to that of MgC12. Their efficiency as phosphate donors is compared in Table 11. For cytoplasmic dThd-kinase, the maximal rate of reaction was obtained with A T P and dATP, whereas a r a - A T P had about 67% the activity of these nucleotides. Mitochondrial dThd-kinase activity was highest when A T P and C T P were used as substrates; the other triphosphate nucleosides tested were poor phosphate donors. For the catalysis of cytoplasmic dThd-kinase, purine triphosphate nucleosides appear to donate phosphate better, whereas triphosphate ribonucleosides are better phosphate donors in the catalysis of mitochondrial dThd-kinases (Table 11). The kinetics of ATP, dATP, and CTP were studied and their K , and V,,, values are reported in Table 111. All three triphosphate nucleosides conform to Lineweaver-Burk kinetics when assayed with mitochondrial dThd-kinase. However, with cytoBIOCHEMISTRY, VOL.



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T A B L E 1 1 1 : K,


and V,,, of Phosphate Donors. Cytoplasm

0.6 0.5




0.3 0.2





K m (mM)

V,,,' 100 108 21

0.22" 0.20" 1 .OOh

K , (mM)



0.10b 0.llb

56 79


a K , was obtained from the plot of l / v vs. I/(NTP)*. The square root of the intercept at the abscissa of 1/(NTP)2 is taken as K,-', K , was obtained from usual Lineweaver-Burk plot. V,,, are expressed as petcent activities with respect to ATP.

0.I 174




Effect of Various Triphosphate Nucleosides on dThd Kinase Catalvsis with ATP and dThd as Substrates.a


% TMP Formed







ATP ( p M )


Effect of dTTP-Mg2+ on mitochondrial (A) and cytoplasmic (B)dThd kinase with varying amounts of ATP and a fixed concentration ofdThd (81 p M ) . FIGUW


plasmic dThd-kinase, CTP showed Lineweaver-Burk kinetics, whereas A T P or dATP showed linear plots only with 1/ u vs. 1 /(ATP-Mg2+)2 or 1/(dATP-Mg2+)2 plots, respectively, suggesting a sigmoidal curve and possibly a cooperative effect. Thus, it seems that A T P and dATP are comparable phosphate donors for the cytoplasmic dThd-kinase because of similarity in apparent K , and V,,, values. CTP is a poor phosphate donor for cytoplasmic dThd-kinase and compared with A T P has a high K, and a low V,,, value, possibly due to its noncooperative substrate nature. A T P and d A T P also showed similar K , values for mitochondrial dThd-kinase; however, V,,, for dATP was only two-thirds that of ATP. CTP binds to mitochondrial dThd-kinase better than ATP, but its V,,, is only four-fifths that of ATP. Effect of Various Triphosphate Nucleosides ( N T P ) on the Catalysis of dThd-Kinase with A T P and dThd as Substrates. The assay mixtures contained 2 m M each of NTP-Mg2+ and 190 W MdThd. The results are shown in Table IV. Under these conditions, cytoplasmic dThd-kinase was more sensitive to inhibition by dUTP, dTTP, and IdUTP than the mitochondrial dThd-kinase. On the other hand, mitochondrial dThd-kinase was inhibited by d C T P and ara-CTP, whereas cytoplasmic dThd-kinase was only moderately inhibited by these compounds. Also we found that d U T P is inhibitory to both isozymes, but that U T P did not inhibit either enzyme. However, d G T P and G T P exert similar effects with each enzyme. Although both d A T P and a r a - A T P are effective phosphate donors, they compete with ATP when used as a substrate for both enzyme. At saturating levels of ATP, and with dThd as a variable substrate, d T T P and d U T P were found to inhibit mitochon-



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Nucleotides (2 mM)

Cytoplasmic Enzyme

Mitochondrial Enzyme




81 92 98 87 77 85 15

79 71 85

64 74 18

I 0

43 6 4

77 86



a The assay was performed under the conditions described in the previous paper (Lee and Cheng, 1976) with the exception that assay mixture contained ATP-Mg*+ and various additives (with equimolar amounts of MgC12) at 2 mM each.

drial dThd-kinase competitively with K , values of 5.7 and 76 kM, respectively. d C T P was found to inhibit this isozyme in a complicated way and its K , value could not be determined. For cytoplasmic dThd-kinase, dTTP and dCTP were found to inhibit A T P competitively with K , values of 0.6 and 45 pM, respectively. Under the same conditions, d U T P exhibits a complex inhibition pattern. With A T P as a variable substrate and dThd a t a saturating level, dTTP, dCTP, and dUTP were found to behave similarly toward the mitochondrial dThd-kinase, while they behaved in a complex manner toward the cytoplasmic dThd-kinase. For instance, dTTP tended to increase the sigmoid character of the curve in a plot of the rate of reaction vs. substrate (ATPMg2+) concentration. A comparison of the effect of d T T P on the reaction catalyzed by mitochondrial and cytoplasmic dThd-kinase using A T P as a variable substrate is shown in Figure 2. The effect of d C T P on the reaction catalyzed by the cytoplasmic dThd-kinase, using A T P as a variable substrate, showed a complicated pattern. Thus, a t A T P concentrations less than 0.5 m M , the degree of inhibition decreases with increasing concentrations of dCTP; while a t higher concentrations of ATP, the reverse situation was observed. This was also observed with the mitochondrial dThd-kinase catalyzed reactions, but to a lesser extent (Figure 3). This may be due, in part, to the fact that d C T P can act as a phosphate donor, al-



Effect of Various Pyrimidine Nucleoside Analogues on

[ I4C]dThd Phosphorylation Catalyzed by dThd Kinases.O % of

Compound (0.19 mM) 5-I-dUrd 5-Br-dUrd 5-F-dUrd dUrd 5-Ethyl-dUrd 5-Vinyl-dUrd a-5-Vinyl-dUrd 5-Allyl-dUrd 5-Propyl-dUrd 5-Amino-dUrd 5-Diazo-dUrd 5-IUrd 5-Vinyl-Urd Thymidine arabinoside dCyd Cytosine arabinoside 5-I-dCyd 5-Br-dCyd _ _ _ _



56 61 9 0 3 7 6 0 14 4

31 39 3 0 0 74 0 0 22 12 1 0 0 5 31 0 64 61

10 1 10 2 0 2 0 0 _













The assays were carried out with 0.19 mM [I4C]dThd and 0.19 mM nucleoside analogues in the table. ATP-Mg2+ was kept at a saturating level. Other experimental details are described in the previous paper (Lee and Cheng, 1976). (1


K , or Ki (pM) Values of Various dThd Analogues with

dThd Kinases.

ATP (pM)

Cytoplasmic Enzyme dThd 5-I-dUrd 5-Br-dUrd 5-F-dUrd dUrd 5-Ethyl-dUrd 5-Vinyl-dUrd 5-Allyl-dUrd 5-Propyl-dUrd

2.6 2.4 1.8 26 273 82 35 315 21

Mitchondrial Enzyme 5.2 8.2 7 145 315 305 1.7 303 18

though it has only little activity in this regard when compared with ATP. d U T P was found to inhibit cytoplasmic dThdkinase competitively with respect to (ATP-Mg2+)2 (Ki = 52 PM). Effect of Various Pyrimidine Nucleoside Analogues on dThd-Kinase Reactions. Various pyrimidine nucleoside analogues were tested as inhibitors of mitochondrial and cytoplasmic dThd-kinase isozymes and the results are shown in Table V. Both enzymes are inhibited by 5-I-dUrd and 5-BrdUrd, with cytoplasmic dThd-kinase being more sensitive than the mitochondrial enzyme. In contrast, 5-F-dUrd and dUrd were relatively weak inhibitors of these isozymes. It is of interest that 5-vinyl-dUrd markedly inhibited the mitochondrial dThd-kinase but not cytoplasmic dThd-kinase, while 5ethyl-dUrd, 5-vinyl-dUrd, and 5-allyl-dUrd were essentially inactive against either enzyme. 5-Propyl-dUrd was found to inhibit both enzymes only moderately. Both 5-amino-dUrd and 5-diazo-dUrd are weak inhibitors of either enzyme, the former being a better inhibitor of mitochondrial dThd-kinase and the latter more effective against cytoplasmic dThd-kinase. Analogues modified at the 2‘-position such as 5-I-Urd, 5-vinyl-

FIGURE 3: Effect of dCTP-Mg2+ on mitochondrial (A) and cytoplasmic (B) dThd kinase with varying amounts ofdThd (81 pM).

Urd, and thymine arabinoside showed no significant inhibitory effect. This suggests that 2’-position of dThd is important for the binding of an analogue to these enzymes. None of the dCyd analogues tested showed any significant effect on the cytoplasmic dThd-kinase catalyzed reaction. In contrast, dCyd, 5-I-dCyd, and 5-Br-dCyd were all potent inhibitors of mitochondrial dThd-kinase. The Ki values for some of these analogues are shown in Table VI. They are all competitive in nature with dThd in both enzymatic systems. Discussion The fact that the dThd-kinase isozymes derived from blast cells of acute myelocytic leukemia cells require Mg2+ for optimal activity suggested that ATP-Mg2+ instead of ATP was the active substrate. This finding was in agreement with that for dThd-kinase derived from other sources (Cheng and Prusoff, 1974; Cheng, 1976). It was found that Michaelis-Menten type kinetics was not always applicable to both cytoplasmic and mitochondrial dThd-kinases. In the case of cytoplasmic isozyme, when ATP-Mg2+ was used as variable substrate, a linear plot was obtained only by plotting l / v vs. l/(ATP-Mg2+)2. It should be noted that the “K,” value obtained in this plot is different from the conventional K,. This type of sigmoidal behavior of the kinetics of A T P with dThd-kinase has also been demonstrated for the enzyme derived from rat Walker carcinoma 256 tumor (Bresnick and Thompson, 1965) and mouse Sarcoma 180 (Cheng and Prusoff, 1974). The molecular explanation BIOCHEMISTRY, VOL.



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for the sigmoidal character of A T P on cytoplasmic dThdkinase could be due to a cooperative effect or a mechanistic effect, or both. Initial velocity and product inhibition studies suggested that the major mechanism for the reaction catalyzed by cytoplasmic dThd-kinase was sequential, whereas for the mitochondrial enzyme, the “ping-pong” mechanism seems to be operative (Scheme I). This does not rule out the possibility that dThd Scheme I CY TOPLASMA



dThd dThd-



1 E >-

















-> E dThd p





> E

could still be able to bind to the mitochondrial dThd-kinase before the enzyme is phosphorylated by ATP-Mg2+. Indeed, the mitochondrial dThd-kinase can be purified by affinity gel chromatography with dThd linked to the matrix. Further studies to gain support for the proposed mechanism of the reaction catalyzed by the mitochondrial enzyme are in progress. The specificity of various nucleoside triphosphates as phosphate donors for the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial dThd-kinases is different. The adenine moiety of NTP-Mg2+ seems to play a more important role for the cytoplasmic dThd-kinase, while the ribose moiety of NTP-Mg2+ seems to be more important for the mitochondrial dThd-kinase. The difference in the effectiveness of various NTP-Mg2+ analogues as phosphate donors could be attributed to their different K,, V,,,,,, or the number of binding sites of the enzyme for the substrate. The binding sites on the enzyme can be reactive sites, catalytic sites or cooperative sites, which may or may not induce changes in the conformation of the enzyme when it was occupied. For example, ATP-Mg2+ and dATP-Mg2+ have the same K,, Vmax, and product sigmoid kinetics of the reaction catalyzed by cytoplasmic dThd-kinase; when the reaction medium contained both ATP-Mg2+ and dATP-Mg2+, the activity was reduced to 80% of the control value. This could be explained by a change in the cooperative interaction, when the enzyme binds both A T P and dATP. d T T P and d C T P have been found to act as feedback inhibitors of enzymes involved in D N A synthesis (Breitman, 1963; Bukovsky and Roth, 1964; Ives et al., 1963; Maley and Maley, 1962). Our data supported that d T T P can exert feedback inhibition on human deoxythymine kinases. Moreover, we have



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shown that d C T P could also exert feedback inhibition on mitochondrial dThd kinase since mitochondrial enzyme is more sensitive to d C T P inhibition than the cytoplasmic isozymes. Of all the pyrimidine nucleoside analogues tested, only 5-Iand 5-Br-dUrd showed comparable K,’s with respect to K , of the human cytoplasmic dThd-kinase; in contrast, human mitochondrial dThd-kinase has high affinity toward 5-I-dUrd, 5-Br-dUrd, 5-vinyl-dUrd, dCyd, 5-I-dCyd, and 5-Br-dCyd. It is of interest that 5-ethyl-, 5-allyl-, and 5-propyl-dUrd have K , values, which are at least ten times higher than the K , of dThd for either human isozyme, of less than 1 p M for HSV-I and HSV-I1 dThd-kinases (Cheng, 1976). The steric tolerance of human dThd-kinase a t the 5-position of dThd seems to be less than that for the viral dThd-kinase. It has been suggested that mitochondrial dThd-kinase could also act as dCyd-kinase (Leung et al., 1975). The substrate specificity shown by the nucleoside studies as well as triphosphate nucleoside studies as reported herein, together with our findings on the inhibition of the human dThd-kinases by dTTP and dCTP, are consistent with this concept. The properties and purification of dCyd-kinase from human myelocytic leukemia blast cells will be presented in a subsequent communication. The differences in the nucleoside specificity of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial dThd-kinase may help in the design of analogues which inhibit selectively mitochondrial, but not nuclear D N A synthesis, or the converse selectivity, in human cells. Also, compounds with this type of selective action may provide a means for studying the role of mitochondrial DNA synthesis in the growth of human cells.

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