HUNTSMAN CORP., THE largest privately held chemical company and 16th largest private U.S. company overall, has struck a deal with an outside investor ...
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NEWS OF THE WEEK in four ICI businesses in 1999, nearly doubling its size. Because it has outside owner­ ship and public debt, H I H pub­ Cargill licly reports sales and earnings, offering a glimpse into some of Koch Industries the financial workings of the pri­ Pricewaterhousevate $8.5 billion Huntsman Corp. Coopers H I H had sales of $4.45 billion in Mars 2000, up 15%, and net earnings Bechtel Group of $151 million, up 19%, compared KPMG International with pro forma 1999 results. ICI Publix Super and rationalization in the global UNTSMAN CORP., THE will reap at least a 35% return on Markets chemical industry and look for­ largest privately held chemits investment in H I H at a pur­ Deloitte Touche ical company and 16th ward with great anticipation to chase price of about future investment Tohmatsu largest private U.S. company over­ $390 million. opportunities." Sep­ ContiGroup Cos. all, has struck a deal with an out­ arately, Bain is assist­ Cap Gemini Ernst & In the past 13 side investor that will give it ing Huntsman Corp. months, Huntsman Young money to expand and increase its with its purchase of Corp. announced Meijer ownership in Huntsman Inter­ Albright & Wilson's several acquisitions, Accenture national Holdings (HIH). European surfac­ joint ventures, and Fidelity Investment Bain Capital, a private invest­ tants business from capacity expansions. Arthur Andersen ment firm in Boston, has agreed Rhodia. That acqui­ For instance, earlier HE Butt Grocery to invest more than $600 million sition is to close as this month, it agreed Huntsman in Huntsman Corp. In exchange, soon as regulators to buy Dow Chemi­ Aramark Bain will receive a minority equity give approval. cal's ethyleneamines C&S Wholesale stake, making it Huntsman's only business. Last fall, it outside investor. Bain also is to Grocers Bain's investment said that it would get two seats on the company's JM Family will allow Huntsman HUNTSMAN buy ICI India's polyboard of directors, which will Enterprises Corp. to continue to urethanes business and did buy expand to 12 from the current 10 Marmon Group acquire businesses and purchase family members. ICI's 3 0 % interest in H I H . Morton's thermoplastic polyureSource: Forbes thanes business from Rohm and Huntsman Corp. owns about 'We are confident that Hunts­ Haas. About a year ago, it pur­ 60% of H I H , with institutional man and Bain Capital will have a chased Orica's polyurethanes investors, for now, holding the long and mutually beneficial relaremaining 10%. The holding com­ business in Australia. The com­ tionship," Chairman Jon M. pany also announced joint-ven­ pany was created after Huntsman Huntsman says. "We see signifi­ ture plans in Saudi Arabia for Corp. spent $2.8 billion for a stake cant potential for consolidation maleic anhydride production and a major petrochemical complex. PUBLISHING According to Huntsman, an aggressive growth strategy has "propelled the company to a 30% average annual growth rate over he American Chemical Proteomics on the Web in and function. ACS Publica­ the past 15 years." Founded in Society is joining a August or September. The tions Division Product Man­ 1970 as Huntsman Container number of publishers journal's monthly print edi­ ager Marie L Sandrock Corp. and focused on packaging that are testing the waters tion will probably debut next expects the interdisciplinary applications, the company today for journals dedicated to the January. Topics will include content to foster a better is largely owned and run by fam­ hot field of proteomics. protein properties and understanding of the func­ ily members. In May 2 0 0 0 , ACS's Governing Board for expression. tion of proteins in biological Huntsman Packaging Corp. was Publishing has just systems. At the same time, Wiley-VCH brought out sold to its managers and Chase approved a plan to launch a the journal will "emphasize the peer-reviewed monthly Capital Partners for $ 1.07 billion. publication, tentatively the role physical science Proteomics this January to Although the sale had no effect named the Journal of Proplays in proteome research cover the methodology and on Huntsman Corp.'s business, it teome Research, in January and methodology," she says. applications of proteomics. gave Jon Huntsman, its founder, 2002. The bimonthly journal Springer-Verlag's The American Society for chairman, and majority share­ will address the scientific Proteome, introduced online Biochemistry & Molecular holder, more funds for his phil­ and technological aspects of last August, has been disconBiology will begin publishing anthropic and humanitarian large-scale protein analysis tinued.-SOPHIE WILKINSON Molecular & Cellular efforts.—AN Ν THAYER




Closely held family firm lets an outside investor in to help fund growth


Proteomics Publications Proliferate






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