Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Model-Free Coupled ... - ACS Publications

Jul 25, 2007 - We employed a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) technique (GA coupled with the local optimization algorithm. (LOA)) and a model-free ...
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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2007, 46, 5485-5492


Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Model-Free Coupled Direct Search Methods for Pyrolysis Kinetics of ZSM-5 Catalyzed Decomposition of Waste Low-Density Polyethylene Biswanath Saha† and Aloke K. Ghoshal* Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati-39, Assam, India

We employed a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) technique (GA coupled with the local optimization algorithm (LOA)) and a model-free (isoconversional) method of analysis coupled with LOA to obtain the optimized kinetics triplet values for catalytic (ZSM-5) and noncatalytic decomposition of a waste low-density polyethylene (LDPE) sample. Catalytic decomposition starts and completes at much lower temperatures but continues for a wider range of temperatures indicating a slower process in comparison to the noncatalytic decomposition one. Contrary to the single peak observed for noncatalytic decomposition of LDPE, ZSM-5 catalyzed decomposition shows multiple peaks indicating the existence of multistep reactions. The same is also supported by the isoconversional method of analysis showing the variation of activation energy with conversion. Both of the methods employed in the present study give almost the same optimized kinetics triplet values, which predict the experimental thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) data well indicating the fact that either of the two methods can effectively be used for pyrolysis kinetics analysis. The isoconversional method coupled with LOA should be the preferred one as this approach additionally helps in understanding the different reaction steps taking place during pyrolysis from the variation of activation energy with conversion. Introduction Catalytic pyrolysis of waste plastics has become a subject of growing interest from the perspective of solid waste management since it is viewed as an alternative source of energy or chemical raw materials. Zeolite-based catalysts such as ZSM-5,1-9 ZSM12,5 DeLaZSM-5,6,7 DeZSM-5,7 LaZSM-5,7 nanocrystalline n-ZSM-5,8 BEA,9 MOR,9 HZSM-5,10-18 PZSM-5,10,17 nanocrystalline n-HZSM-5,11 nanocrystalline H-beta,14 HMOR,15 HUSY,12,15,18 US-Y,1,2,4,6,19,20 SAPO-37,21,22 H-gallosilicate,23 and Beta8,24 have been employed for catalytic decomposition of several plastics such as linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polystyrene (PS), and polypropylene (PP). These catalysts reduce decomposition temperature, decrease activation energy, and produce more gaseous/lighter products including the light olefins and aromatic fractions. Mesoporous catalysts such as MCM-41,4,15,25,26 Al-MCM-41(hydrothermal),8 Al-MCM-41(sol-gel),8,11,16 Al-SBA-15,8 and SAHA15 accelerate the degradation process with production of a low proportion of aromatics and a higher content of olefin and paraffin species. Polymer pyrolysis kinetics is frequently described by either the Prout-Tompkins model27,28 or nth order reaction model.29 Modern model-fitting thermal kinetics analysis methods use multiheating rates, take care of multistep reactions, and incorporate possible partial diffusion, back reaction, branch reaction, etc. in the model equations.30-31 On the other hand, a modelfree analysis technique is advantageous over model fitting analysis when the real kinetics mechanism is unknown. This becomes extremely important during catalytic decomposition since the reaction mechanism may change drastically with the type and concentration of catalyst. In the case of such complex reaction processes, the Vyazovkin model-free kinetic method (isoconversion method) presents a compromise between the * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: +91-03612582251. Fax: +91-0361-2582291. E-mail address: [email protected]. † E-mail: [email protected].

single-step Arrhenius kinetic treatments and the prevalent occurrence of processes whose kinetics are multistep or nonArrhenius.32-36 Thermal and catalytic decomposition kinetics studies of HDPE over SAPO-3721,22 and PP over ZSM-55 and ZSM-125 catalysts applying the Vyazovkin model-free approach through the use of the isoconversion method using multiheating rates showed variation of activation energy (ER) with conversion (R) and reduction in decomposition temperature and activation energy. Generally, the kinetics parameters are obtained through minimization of the square of the deviations between experimental data and calculated values (least-square function) using traditional optimization techniques and direct and gradient-based search methods.28,30,31,37 Direct search methods are usually slow and require many functions. They depend strongly on the initial guess. Gradient-based search methods are also very much dependent on the initial guess and not efficient in handling nonlinear models.38 Therefore, frequently the evolution of kinetics parameters is associated with uncertainty. The uncertainty mainly comes from model incorrectness, experimental error, initial value approximation, and solution or optimization techniques. Moreover, the kinetics parameters are known to be strongly correlated giving rise to an objective function having the shape of a narrow valley with lots of false global minima. Recently, application of genetic algorithm (GA) or hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) to overcome the above-mentioned problems for the estimation of kinetics parameters has attracted interest in chemical engineering, chemistry, and other fields.38-43 GA, based on natural selection, repeatedly modifies a population of individual solutions. Over successive generations, the population “evolves” toward an optimal solution. GA is considered to have better global optimizing properties than other heuristic optimization techniques, especially, in the case of discontinuous, nondifferentiable, stochastic, and highly nonlinear problems having large search spaces with many local extrema.38-45 Therefore, in the present work, we have taken up the case of ZSM-5 catalyzed pyrolysis of LDPE using thermogravimetric

10.1021/ie0615483 CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society Published on Web 07/25/2007


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007

analysis (TGA), where we have studied the decomposition of LDPE at an optimum catalyst percentage, 20 wt %36 for five different heating rates. On the basis of our previous results on the variation of activation energy, ER, with conversion, R, using a model-free approach36 and the experimental TGA data for decomposition, we have identified four steps involved during decomposition of LDPE. Accordingly, we have reported four sets of kinetics triplets for the four steps. We have employed, possibly the first time in polymer pyrolysis, the HGA technique to get the globally optimum kinetics parameters for all the four steps as evident from the model-free analysis36 using multiheating rates. In this approach, GA is used to provide an initial guess for the local optimization algorithm (LOA), the direct search method used in the present work. We also have shown through this work that though the direct search method is very much dependent on the initial guess, it works fine when the initial guess is taken from the isoconversional analysis instead of GA and gives reliable estimation of the kinetics parameters. The kinetics triplets thus obtained by the model-free (isoconversion) coupled direct search methods are very similar to the results from HGA with very little/negligible deviation. Materials and Experimental 1. Characterization. ZSM-5 catalyst supplied by Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, India, and waste LDPE samples were used for the present study. Characterization of the catalyst by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and nitrogen adsorption study and that of the LDPE samples by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis have been discussed in detail in our recent publication.36 2. Experimental Procedure and Equipment. Thermal and catalytic decomposition using 20 wt % (around optimum catalyst composition) experiments have been carried out in a TGA instrument of Mettler Toledo with model no. TGA/SDTA 851e under nitrogen atmosphere for a range of temperature of 303873 K. Details of the experimental procedure with the mass of LDPE samples taken, heating rates used, and average relative deviation (ARD%) of the experimental data for temperature and mass are presented in detail in our recent publication.36 Kinetics Analysis 1. Multistep and Multiheating Rate Model-Fitting Method for Nonisothermal Experiments.30,31,46,47 The kinetics model equations combined with the Arrhenius approach of the temperature function of the reaction rate constant for the ith step and lth heating rate is expressed as follows:

dRi,l ) k0i exp(-Ei/RTi,l)fi(Ri,l) 1 e l e L, i ) 1, 2,..., 4 (1) dt Where, t is time (min), T is temperature (K), Ri,l is the conversion of the reaction (W0i,l - Wi,l)/(W0i,l - W∞i,l), W0i is the initial weight (mg), Wi is the sample weight (mg) at any temperature T, W∞i,l is the final sample weight (mg), dRi,l/dt is the rate of reaction (min-1), and fi(Ri,l) is the reaction model of the ith step and lth heating rate. The terms k0i, the preexponential factor (K-1), and Ei, the activation energy (kJ mol-1), are the Arrhenius parameters. R is the gas constant (kJ mol-1 K-1). The reaction model may take various forms based on nucleation and nucleus growth, phase boundary reaction, diffusion, and chemical reaction.30,31,37,46,47 However, in the present investigation, we have applied the chemical reaction model only for catalytic decomposition kinetics.

At a constant heating rate for the nth-order reaction model under nonisothermal conditions the explicit temporal/time dependence in eq 1 is eliminated through the trivial transformation

dRi,l ) k0i exp(-Ei/RTi,l)(1 - Ri,l)ni dT



Where, βl ) dT/dt is the heating rate (K min-1) and dRi,l/dT is rate of reaction (K-1) of ithe step and lth heating rate. For each step, eq 2 can be integrated as

gi,l(Ri,l) )









exp(-Ei/RTi,l) dTi,l ) (k0i/βl)I(Ei,Ti,l) (3)


I(Ei,Ti,l) )



exp(-Ei/RTi,l) dTi,l


The temperature integral can be evaluated by several popular approximations and direct numerical integration as reported in our recent publications.34-36 We used the technique of direct numerical integration35,36 for the same, where the temperature integral takes the form

I(Ei,Ti,l) )



exp(-Ei/RTi,l) dTi,l )



Ei exp(-ui,l) - Ei(ui,l) (5) R (ui,l) where

ui,l )

Ei and Ei(ui,l) ) RTi,l

∫u∞ i,l

exp(-ui,l) dui,l ui,l

Details of the development of eq 5, numerical procedure, and algorithms for the model-free technique have been discussed in our recent publication.36 The nth-order and first-order kinetic model equation can also be solved by substituting k0i/βl ) exp(K ˜ 0i) where K0i - ln(βl) )K ˜ 0i and k0i ) exp(K0i) and transforming eq 3 as follows.

For ni * 1, ˜ 0i))I(Ei,Ti,l)(ni + 1) + 1]1/(ni-1) (6) Ri,l ) 1 - [(exp(K For n ) 1, Ri,l ) 1 - exp[-(exp(K ˜ 0i))I(Ei,Ti,l)]


2. Multiparameter Optimization. The objective function most frequently used in the case of multiple heating rates of TGA curves to calculate optimum values of ∆(Ei,K0i,ni) for the ith step and a total of J data points by minimization of square of deviation between experimental mass (Mexp(T)) and calculated mass (Mcal(T)) is given by eq 8. L

∆(Ei,K0i,ni) )


∑ ∑ l)1 j)1




[MExp,i,l,j - MCal,i,l,j]


The values of Mcal(T) calculated for each single value of Ri,l,j are as follows:

MCal,i,l,j ) MExp,i,l,0 - Ri,l,j(MExp,i,l,0 - MExp,i,l,∝)


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007 5487

Figure 1. Variation of the rate of decomposition (dR/dT) with temperature during the noncatalytic nonisothermal pyrolysis of the waste LDPE sample.

Figure 2. Variation of the rate of decomposition (dR/dT) with temperature during the catalytic nonisothermal pyrolysis of waste LDPE sample. Table 1. Experimental Conditions for TGA Studies nonisothermal experiments sample waste LDPE + ZSM- 5 (20 wt %)

waste LDPE

initial mass (mg)

heating rate (K min-1)

temperature range (K)

% residue

Tw0/Td/Tm/Tw (K)






7.55 9.64 7.83 7.51 7.77 8.45 11.19 8.68 10.91

10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25

303-873 303-873 303-873 303-873 303-873 303-873 303-873 303-873 303-873

21.04 23.37 20.35 20.92 1.73 1.64 2.13 2.14 1.19

462.7/586.9/678.4/769.9 462.2/590.6/679.9/769.9 471.1/599.1/686.0/779.7 462.2/604.1/693.9/779.5 551.1/633/734.24/811.2 551.3/640.2/748.4/809.0 549/654.0/754.04/808.8 549.4/665.0/763.2/808.4 576.5/686.1/770.4/815.4

Where, MExp,i,l,0 is the initial point and MExp,i,l,∝ is the final point of the ith independent step and the mth heating rate. Unfortunately, in this case, the calculated optimum Ei, K0i, and ni are completely determined by the model used and can greatly differ for different models for all traditional model-fitting kinetics analysis techniques.46,47 This circumstance needs special investigation. Moreover, this three-parameter optimization is problematic due to the choice of initial guess of the parameters.30,31 The parameters Ei, K0i, and ni are strongly correlated, and the solution of these objective functions makes it very difficult to find its global minimum. Model-Free (Isoconversion) Coupled Multiparameter Optimizations. To overcome this problem, we have used the kinetics information from our model-free kinetics analysis36 such

as the number of major steps involved and the initial guess for activation energy. For each step, we have used three initial guesses for n, viz., 0.5, 1, and 1.5. Three initial guess values of E are taken for each initial guess value of n. These initial values of E are the average value of ER, i.e., ER,av, for the step obtained from model-free analysis36 and ER,av ( 5. Since the decomposition rate curve29,37 is almost symmetrical around the maximum decomposition temperature (Tm) with a particular value of reaction order, n, the corresponding ln(k0) or K0i value for each case of initial guess values of E and n is obtained from the relation as follows: After taking the logarithm on both sides of eq 3, we get

ln(gi,l(Ri,l)) ) ln((k0i/βl)I(Ei,Ti,l))



Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007

Figure 3. Dependency of the activation energy on conversion for the catalytic nonisothermal decomposition of the waste LDPE sample.

Equation 10 for maximum decomposition temperature (Tm) can be written as follows:

ln(gi,l(Ri,Tm)) ) ln(k0i/βl) + ln(I(Ei,Tm))


Equation 11 can be rewritten as follows:

ln(k0i) ) ln(gi,l(Ri,Tm)) - ln(I(Ei,Tm)) + ln(βl) ) K0i, where βl ) 10 K min-1 (12) The optimization of the objective function, after getting the initial guesses of the kinetics triplet, is carried out by direct search methods in MATLAB using the “fminsearch” function. The local minimization function (fminsearch) or LOA is generally referred to as unconstrained nonlinear optimization. This is a multidimensional unconstrained nonlinear minimization, by the Nelder-Mead direct search method. Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (HGA) for the Three-Parameter Optimization. The objective function, ∆, minimization is also done by HGA, discussed later, in MATLAB using “fminsearch” as the hybrid local search method in the GA toolbox. Here, GA is used to provide initial guess values of the kinetics triplet for the LOA, the direct search method as above. 3. Structure of a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm.38,42-45 GA employs a probabilistic approach and has better global optimizing properties but shows poor convergence to optimality, whereas HGA uses a typical basic GA with an elitist strategy to reach near gradient or a direct-based search method and shows faster convergence to global optima. Therefore, often, GA is hybridized using a LOA to improve its performance as a global optimization technique while overcoming the limitations of poor convergence and weak exploitation capabilities. The various kinds of hybridizations using LOA can be classified into three types: Prehybridization.44 Here, the initial population of GA is generated using an LOA which reduces the solution space for GA and improves the efficiency. Such an approach seems to be well-suited to the specific problem they addressed and does not seem to be suitable for general optimization. Organic Hybridization.44 In this case, an LOA is used as one of the operators of GA for improving each member of the population in each generation. Though the organic hybridization is computationally more efficient than a GA, it offers little assurance of global minima and also lacks proper convergence criteria. Posthybridization.44 In this case, GA is used to provide an initial design for LOA. This kind of hybridization seems to be the best way of combining the best characteristics of the two

approaches as no compromise is made on the global and local optimizing characteristics. 4. Structure of HGA Used for the Present Work. In the present work, we have used the posthybridization method, i.e., GA coupled with LOA. We have used the default initial population size (20), the default creation function “uniform” to create a random initial population with a uniform distribution, the stochastic options from the GA toolbox that choose parents for the next generation, a Gaussian function for mutation, a scattered function for the next generation, the forward migration option for the movement of individuals between subpopulations, the default value of migration fraction (0.2) for migration of individuals between subpopulations, a value of interval as 20, i.e., migration between subpopulations takes place every 20 generations, the multidimensional unconstrained nonlinear minimization function fminsearch as the hybrid function that uses the final point from the genetic algorithm as its initial point, and specified only the number of generations as the stopping criterion. The optimized kinetics triplet obtained by the above configured HGA showed pretty good prediction of the experimental TGA decomposition data. However, further improvement on the HGA configuration can be made through optimization of configuration through several runs, which is not concentrated upon in the present work. Results and Discussion 1. Characterization of the ZSM-5 Zeolite and LDPE Sample. The ZSM-5 catalyst has been found to be crystalline without any evidence of another phase with a lower external surface area due to the presence of micrometer range crystal sizes, which has also been evident from the morphology of the catalyst.36 It has also shown a Brunauer type I adsorption isotherm with a wide range of pore sizes, which was also supported by the Barrett, Joyner, and Halenda (BJH) pore size distribution, indicating the presence of the mesopores in it.36 The melting point, percentage crystallinity, and purity (residual amount after TGA experiment up to 600 °C) of the waste LDPE sample have been found as 128.7 °C, 23.95%, and 1-2%, respectively.36 Further details can be found from our recent publication.36 2. Nonisothermal Decomposition at Several Heating Rates. It has been observed in our previous publication36 that the shape of the derivative thermogravimetric (DTG) curves changes significantly due to different weight percents of ZSM-5 catalyst during the catalytic decomposition of the waste LDPE sample. The optimum catalyst (ZSM-5) percentage has been selected to be 20 wt %.36 The temperatures at which the conversion (R) is zero (Tw0), decomposition starts (Td), maximum weight loss rate occurs (Tm), and the end of the pyrolysis step (Tw∞) takes place during nonisothermal decomposition of the LDPE sample carried out at five different heating rates (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 K min-1) with the optimum catalyst percentage and without catalyst have been reported in the Table 1 for each case of the experiments. Table 1 reflects that the presence of catalyst shifted the maximum decomposition temperature, Tm, to a much lower value, which is 70 K for a heating rate of 10 K min-1. As has been discussed in our recent paper,36 the catalytic activity in terms of reduction in Tm of the catalysts used in the literature for LDPE decomposition follows the trend as n-HZSM5 > AlMCM-41 ≈ MCM-41 ≈ ZSM-5 > HZSM-5. Variations of rate of decomposition (dR/dT) with temperature for the noncatalytic and catalytic decomposition of the waste LDPE sample have been reported through Figures 1 and 2, respectively. The lower

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007 5489

Figure 4. Variation of the rate of decomposition (dR/dT) with temperature during the catalytic nonisothermal pyrolysis of the waste LDPE sample at a 10 K min-1 heating rate. Table 2. Start and End Temperatures of Different Steps heating rates β ) 5 K min-1

β ) 10 K min-1

β ) 15 K min-1

β ) 20 K min-1

β ) 25 K min-1












first second third fourth

470.4 651.3 686.1 714.9

651.3 686.1 714.9 777.9

462.7 657.8 699 728.4

657.8 699 728.4 769

462.2 665.7 706.3 729.6

665.7 706.3 729.6 769.9

471.1 671.4 707.4 737.8

671.4 707.4 737.8 779.7

462.2 674 714.9 738.6

674 714.9 738.6 779.5

Table 3. Optimum Kinetics Triplet for LDPE Decomposition in the Absence of ZSM-5 optimization methods kinetics parameters average values std dev

HGA algorithm method

model-free coupled direct search method

E (kJ mol-1)



E (kJ mol-1)















rate of catalytic decomposition (Figures 1) in comparison to noncatalytic decomposition (Figure 2) indicates the occurrence of slow decomposition in the presence of catalyst.36 But, the catalytic decomposition continues for a wider range of temperatures than the noncatalytic one, leading to a flatter peak. The single peak observed from Figure 1 indicates a single-step reaction taking place for the decomposition of LDPE without catalyst. This is also evident from Figure 3, where we see that ER is almost constant (around 190 kJ mol-1) with R.36 But in the case of catalyzed decomposition, multiple peaks observed in Figure 2 indicate the existence of multistep reactions taking place. Figure 3, showing variation of ER with R during nonisothermal and catalytic decomposition of the waste LDPE sample with optimum catalyst (ZSM-5) percentage of 20 wt %,36 also depicts the existence of four steps as marked. Figure 4, a sample plot, showing variation of the rate of decomposition (dR/dT) with temperature for catalytic decomposition of the LDPE sample at a 10 K min-1 heating rate, also indicates the existence of four steps as marked. The different steps in Figure 4 are marked based on the first-hand idea from Figure 3 and the junctions between the end of previous peak and start of the new peak. These junction points (Figure 4) are identified based on the change in slope taking place around the temperatures found in Figure 3. Similar exercises were carried out for all the dR/dT curves with temperature at different heating rates.

It has been reported that thermal decomposition of LDPE without catalyst occurs through random scission of the original polymer chain into straight chain fragments of varying length, generating radicals along the polymer backbone followed by scission of the molecule and hydrogen transfer resulting in the formation of dienes, alkenes, and alkanes.32,33,35,36 But, degradation of LDPE on the ZSM-5 catalyst takes place due to the presence of strong zeolite acidic sites.3,11,16,23,36 For both the cases of catalytic and noncatalytic decomposition of LDPE, large polymer fragments are cracked on the external surface of the catalyst at the start of degradation forming smaller molecules and radicals via the end-chain cracking pathway. These molecules in the subsequent stages, in the case of catalytic decomposition, enter into the pores and participate in other reactions like isomerization and oligomerization.11,16,23,36 Therefore, catalytic (ZSM-5) degradation of LDPE results in the formation of aromatics, light parafins, and olefins due to the reactions like oligomerization, cyclization, and hydrogen transfer reactions.11,16,23,36 The aromatics yield increased where subsequent steps of cyclization occurred at higher temperatures. The slowness of the catalytic decomposition over noncatalytic decomposition may be attributed to the different reaction mechanisms as discussed.36 The product distribution depends on the structure and steric effects of the zeolite catalyst.16,17 3. Kinetics for Nonisothermal Model-Fitting Analysis. The different reaction steps involved during ZSM-5 catalyzed decomposition of LDPE is obvious from the four steps as marked in Figures 3 and 4. The higher activation energy indicates the slowness of the reaction rate, which is also indicated through the decreasing peak height in Figure 2 and in the flatter TGA curves for the catalytic decomposition of the LDPE sample reported in our recent publication.36 The start and end temperatures of catalytic decomposition in the different steps at various heating rates are summarized in Table 2. Table 1 indicates the start and end temperatures of noncatalytic


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007

Figure 5. Comparison between simulated (using the HGA predicted kinetics triplet) and experimental mass loss during the noncatalytic and catalytic decomposition of waste LDPE at a heating rate of 10 K min-1 (standard deviation 0.031 and 0.007 for noncatalytic and catalytic decompositions, respectively).

Figure 6. Comparison between simulated (using the model-free coupled with direct search method) and experimental mass loss during the noncatalytic and catalytic decomposition of waste LDPE at a heating rate of 10 K min-1 (standard deviation 0.034 and 0.009 for noncatalytic and catalytic decompositions, respectively).

decomposition, which shows a single step, at various heating rates. Kinetics triplets (E, K0, and n) for both catalytic and noncatalytic decomposition of LDPE are obtained by GA coupled with LOA, fminsearch (HGA), and by model-free coupled with LOA, fminsearch. The initial guesses for the former method are taken from the GA, and those for the latter method are taken from the model-free analysis of activation energy variation with conversion. In the case of HGA, the kinetics triplet data and the standard deviations, based on the 15 best data points, for the noncatalytic and catalytic decompositions are reported through Tables 3 and 4, respectively. Results show that, except the fourth step in catalytic decomposition, in all other steps the standard deviations

are quite low. It is also observed that the activation energy increases with the steps, which is indicative of the different reaction steps as discussed. In the case of model-free coupled with LOA, the kinetics triplet data and the standard deviations, based on 9 sets of guess values for each step for the noncatalytic and catalytic decompositions, are reported through Tables 3 and 5, respectively. The guess values as discussed are decided from the model-free data. In this case also, it is observed from the tables that the standard deviation in the fourth step in catalytic decomposition is considerably higher than that other steps. This may be because of the lesser number of data points toward the end of the decomposition experiments. The standard deviations are calculated using the builtin function (STDEV) in MS-Excel.

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 46, No. 17, 2007 5491 Table 4. Optimum Kinetics Triplet for LDPE Decomposition in the Presence of ZSM-5 Using HGA avg values of kinetics parameters Ei (kJ ni K0i


1st step

std dev

173.55 0.541 31.33

4.88E-06 2.3E-16 2.58E-06

2nd step 253.71 0.5306 43.90

std dev

3rd step

std dev

4th step

std dev

7.70E-06 2.3E-16 1.47E-14

312.46 0.09 51.66

9.26E-06 2.87E-17 5.07E-06

492.84 0.977 80.55

0.22 1.23E-03 0.036

Table 5. Optimum Kinetics Triplet for LDPE Decomposition in the Presence of ZSM-5 Using the Model-Free Coupled with Direct Search Method avg values of kinetics parameters Ei (kJ ni K0i


1st step

std dev

173.55 0.541 31.33

3.01E-14 0.000 3.77E-15

2nd step 253.71 0.5306 43.90

4. Prediction of Experimental TGA Data. The kinetics triplets obtained by both of the methods employed in the present study are used in simulation to predict the experimental TGA data. Figure 5 shows the prediction for catalytic and noncatalytic decomposition of LDPE at a heating rate of 10 K min-1 using the HGA predicted kinetics triplet. Similarly, Figure 6 shows the prediction for the catalytic and noncatalytic decomposition of LDPE at a heating rate of 10 K min-1 using the kinetics triplet data from the model-free coupled with LOA method. It is observed from both the figures that the obtained kinetics triplets predict very well the experimental TGA data. The standard deviations ranges between 0.027 and 0.044 and 0.029 and 0.069 for the HGA method and the model-free coupled with LOA method, respectively, in the case of the noncatalytic decomposition of waste LDPE at different heating rates. Similarly, the standard deviations ranges between 0.03 and 0.009 and 0.011 and 0.007 for the HGA method and the model-free coupled with LOA method, respectively, in the case of the catalytic decomposition of waste LDPE at different heating rates. Thus, it can be inferred that HGA (GA coupled with LOA) is a useful tool for the determination of the kinetics triplet for pyrolysis. At the same time, the model-free method of analysis coupled with LOA predicts the experimental TGA data equally well. The model-free method happens to be useful also to understand the different reaction steps taking place during pyrolysis from the variation of activation energy versus conversion plots. Therefore, either of these approaches can be effectively used for pyrolysis kinetics analysis. Conclusion Both thermal and ZSM-5 catalyzed decomposition of a waste LDPE sample are studied at five different heating rates to estimate the optimized kinetics triplets. Two methods, GA and model-free analyses, are used to provide initial guesses to the LOA to evaluate the optimized kinetics triplet. The evaluated kinetics triplets by the two methods have been used to predict the experimental TGA data under both catalytic and noncatalytic conditions. Catalytic decomposition starts and completes at much lower temperatures than does noncatalytic decomposition but continues for a wider range of temperatures. Lower and broader peaks indicate the catalytic decomposition phenomenon to be a slower process compared to the noncatalytic one. The single peak observed for the decomposition of LDPE without catalyst indicates that a single-step reaction is taking place. But, ZSM-5 catalyzed decomposition shows multiple peaks, indicating the existence of multistep reactions that include cracking of large polymer fragments on the external surface of the catalyst, oligomerization, cyclization, and hydrogen transfer reactions inside the catalyst pores. The model-free analysis showed activation energy to be independent of conversion during the noncatalytic decomposi-

std dev

3rd step

std dev

4th step

std dev

3.01E-14 0.000 0.000

312.46 0.09 51.66

0.000 1.5E-17 0.000

468.20 0.818 76.42

24.38 0.1645 4.09

tion of the LDPE sample used in the present work. Catalytic decomposition has been found to be a strong function of conversion showing four steps indicating the possible existence of different reaction mechanisms in the different steps. Both GA coupled with LOA and the model-free method of analysis coupled with LOA give almost same kinetics triplet values and predict the experimental TGA data equally well. Since either of the two approaches can be effectively used for pyrolysis kinetics analysis, the model-free (isoconversional) method coupled with LOA should be the preferred one as this approach additionally helps to understand the different reaction steps taking place during pyrolysis from the variation of activation energy with conversion. Literature Cited (1) Karishma, G.; George, M. Polymer degradation to fuels over microporous catalysts as a novel tertiary plastic recycling method. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2004, 83, 267. (2) Karishma, G.; George, M. Thermogravimetric study of polymer catalytic degradation over microporous materials. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2004, 86, 225. (3) Marcilla, A.; Go´mez, A.; Reyes-Labarta, J.A.; Giner, A.; Herna´ndez, F. Kinetic study of polypropylene pyrolysis using ZSM-5 and an equilibrium fluid catalytic cracking catalyst. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. 2003, 467, 68-69. (4) Marcilla, A.; Beltran, M.; Conesa, J. A. Catalyst addition in polyethylene pyrolysis Thermogravimetric study. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. 2001, 117, 58-59. (5) Filho, J. G. A. P.; Graciliano, E. C.; Silva, A. O. S.; Souza, M. J. B.; Araujo, A. S. Thermo gravimetric kinetics of polypropylene degradation on ZSM-12 and ZSM-5 catalysts. Catal. Today 2005, 507, 107-108. (6) Zhou, Q.; Zheng, L.; Wang, Y. Z.; Zhao, G. M.; Wang, B. Catalytic degradation of low-density polyethylene and polypropylene using modified ZSM-5 zeolites. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2004, 84, 493. (7) Zhou, Q.; Wang, Y. Z.; Tang, C.; Zhang, Y. H. Modifications of ZSM-5 zeolites and their applications in catalytic degradation of LDPE. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2003, 80, 23. (8) Aguado, J.; Serrano, D. P.; Miguel, G. S.; Escola, J. M.; Rodrı´guez, J. M. Catalytic activity of zeolitic and mesostructured catalysts in the cracking of pure and waste polyolefins. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. 2006, 78, 153. (9) Durmus, A.; Koc, S. N.; Pozan, G. S.; Kasgoz, A. Thermal-catalytic degradation kinetics of polypropylene over BEA, ZSM-5 and MOR zeolites. Appl. Catal. B 2005, 61, 316. (10) Vasile, C.; Pakdel, H.; Mihai, B.; Onu, P.; Darie, H.; Ciocaˆlteu, S. Thermal and catalytic decomposition of mixed plastics. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. 2001, 57, 287. (11) Serrano, D. P.; Aguado, J.; Escola, J. M.; Rodrı´guez, J. M.; Miguel. G. S. An investigation into the catalytic cracking of LDPE using Py-GC/ MS. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. 2005, 74, 370. (12) Marcilla, A.; Beltran, M. I.; Navarro, R. TG/FT-IR analysis of HZSM5 and HUSY deactivation during the catalytic pyrolysis of polyethylene. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. 2006, 76, 222. (13) Marcilla, A. Go´mez-Siurana, A.; Berenguer, D. Study of the influence of the characteristics of different acid solids in the catalytic pyrolysis of different polymers. Appl. Catal. A 2006, 301, 222. (14) Marcilla, A.; Go´mez-Siurana, A.; Valde´s, F. Catalytic pyrolysis of LDPE over H-beta and HZSM-5 zeolites in dynamic conditions Study of the evolution of the process, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. 2006, 79, 433.


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ReceiVed for reView December 2, 2006 ReVised manuscript receiVed May 27, 2007 Accepted June 13, 2007 IE0615483