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BJF.Goodrich Chemical

warn MÊÊMimjtimMs

New Hycar filter leases vcere t£eteBf$>td hy Imdxssriai Filter & M*xmep Mfg. Csu, CJ&icag®, lilt* \ /or applications involving cvrrosive Uqaids. Jcset skmrs kaszes imsSalied he filter.

HYCAR RUBBER TAKES A HOT ACID BATH IN INDUSTRIAL FILTER F ILTERING hot corrosive acids usually means h i g h m a i n t e n a n c e and replacement costs. But this filtration equipment is able to stand u p to t h e t o u g h e s t j o b s by u s i n g H y c a r nitrile rubber as a standard material for m o l d e d filter leaf construction.

T h e Hycar leaves support filtering media such as nylon, cotton, paper, etc., and permit run-off of the nitrate. Hycar provides superior resistance t o a -wide variety of solvents and c h e m icals as w e l l as heat—pius e x c e l l e n t aging and abrasion properties. T h u s the filter is suitable for p r o c e s s i n g



2 9.

The exceptional qualities of Hycar rubber have led to t h i s kind o f product improvement in m a n y industries- It i s easily molded and extruded and retains high d i m e n s i o n a l stability after shaping. And it can be c o m pounded to provide the right hardness and physical characteristics.

properties of Hycar rubber. For c o m ­ plete icfoiraiatioo, please -write DeptKE-7, B.F. G o o d r i c h Chemical C o m ­ pany, 3 1 3 5 Euclid Avenue* Cleveland 15, O- Cable address: G o o d c h e m c o . In Canada: Kitchener.» O n t a r i o .

There's probably a n e e d in your o w n operations for the remarkable

G E O N polyvinyl materials

B.F.Goodrich 70

corrosive chemicals, filtering sugar liquors and other f o o d p r o d u c t s , and recovering materials from waste water.




ELF.Goodrïch C h e m i c a l C o m p a n y ι cEvmos) ©S Tas B>r.GccckKB Oonycit]

• H Y C A R A m e r i c a n r u b b e r and

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