Hydrocarbon combustion equilibria in first-year chemistry

a quadratic equation with two variahle coefficients is de-. ~hemistr;. Scott Davidson. Computer Center. Western New Mexico University. Silver City, 88...
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Hvdrocarbon Combustion Eguilibria in First-Year ~hemistr;. Scott Davidson Computer Center Western New Mexico University Silver City, 88061 An article describing a way to extend the study of multiple equilibria in general chemistry to gaseous systems is available upon request (a $1contribution to offset printing and mailing costs is requested). From the water gas equilibrium (CO Hz0 = COz Hp)



a quadratic equation with two variahle coefficients is derived. This equation is solved alternately with the properly chosen equilibrium expressions for the minor products NO, Oz,OH, H,0 , N, and C,. A simple successive appmximation method is employed. The material input is handled as moles of reacting elements and so is not limited to pre-assemhled molecules or small inteeer ratios. For computer buffs, a five-part project is outlined for computing both adiabatic flame temperatures and compositions. T o help get things underway, a small Fortran program to solve the water-gas equilibrium in the presence of solid carbon is included.


Volume 52,Number 6,June 1975 / 387