Hydrogen Bonding Behaviors of Binary Systems Containing the Ionic Liquid 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Trifluoroacetate and Water/Methanol Qing-Guo Zhang,†,‡ Nan-Nan Wang,† Shuang-Long Wang,‡ and Zhi-Wu Yu*,† †
Key Laboratory of Bioorganic Phosphorous Chemistry and Chemical Biology (Ministry of Education), Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P. R. China ‡ Department of Chemistry, Bohai University, Jinzhou 121000, P. R. China
bS Supporting Information ABSTRACT: The hydrogen-bonding properties of binary systems consisting of a representative Brønsted acidic hydrophilic ionic liquid (IL) 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoroacetate ([Bmim][CF3CO2]) and a cosolvent, water or methanol, over the entire concentration range have been investigated by methods of attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy, 1H NMR spectroscopy, and quantum chemical calculations. It has been found that the hydrogen-bonding interactions between the anion [CF3CO2], rather than the cation, and the cosolvent molecules are dominant at low concentration of cosolvent. The H-bond interaction site between the IL anion and water/methanol is the O atom in the COO group, while the CF3 group makes a positive contribution by donating electron to the carboxylic group, forming a cooperative hydrogen-bonding system. For the cation [Bmim]+, although the C2H is the favorable proton donor in H-bonding interactions, the water/methanol molecules form H-bonds with the alkyl CH at low water/methanol concentration due to the stronger interaction between C2H and [CF3CO2] . Interestingly, we found that the interaction between methanol and the IL is stronger than that between water and the IL because the methyl group in methanol has a positive contribution to the formation of H-bonds. The following sequential order of interaction strength is established: [Bmim]+methanol[CF3CO2] > [Bmim]+water[CF3CO2] > [Bmim]+[CF3CO2] > [CF3CO2] methanol > [CF3CO2] water > [Bmim]+methanol > [Bmim] +water.
1. INTRODUCTION Ionic liquids (ILs) are attracting more and more attention from both academic and industrial communities because of their unique properties as a potential green solvent and reaction medium.117 A very special property of ILs is that they can be tailored by selecting the required anions and cations with specific properties. Ionic liquids, therefore, are also called “designer solvents”1820 and can fulfill a wide range of specific needs. Despite tremendous efforts devoted to ILs in recent years, they are still not easily available and are expensive for practical applications. Then, how to design ILs with super properties and of cheaper and easier preparation has become an urgent issue for the applications of ILs. This requires a deeper understanding of the physical properties of ILs, including the structureproperty relationship and interaction patterns between ILs and other molecules. As is known, many hydrophilic ILs are hygroscopic and are actually entirely miscible with water or polar organic liquid substances.2124 It has been a common practice that IL + cosolvent mixtures are used as working fluids in application processes in fields like catalysis, synthesis of new materials, separation, r 2011 American Chemical Society
and electrochemistry.2530 Efforts focusing on the properties of various forms of mixed IL + cosolvent systems, particularly when water is used as the partner, have been made by a number of research groups in recent years.1216,3143 To better develop practical IL + cosolvent systems for various purposes, it is necessary to examine in detail the interactions between ILs and solvents, especially the hydrogen-bonding behaviors of the systems of interest. Generally speaking, hydrogen bonds are believed to play an important role in the interaction between ILs and cosolvents. Some experimental and theoretical investigations concerning H-bonding interactions have been carried out to understand the property and structural changes of ILs induced by cosolvents.3339,4455 Ludwig’s group reported that water in ILs could be a more reliable measure of the dielectric constant and polarity of ILs.44 Cammarata et al. found that water molecules absorbed by imidazolium-based ILs from air (0.21.0 mol dm3) Received: May 9, 2011 Revised: August 12, 2011 Published: August 16, 2011 11127 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 11127–11136
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Figure 1. Chemical structure and atom numbering for 1-butyl-3methylimidazolium trifluoroacetate ([Bmim][CF3CO2]), H2O, and CH3OH.
mainly interact with the anions and exist in symmetric anion HOHanion H-bonded complexes as revealed by infrared spectroscopy. Various anions were selected to compose the ILs, and a sequential order of H-bonding strength between water and different anions was suggested.45 Porter and co-workers proposed that, even at low water content, 2H2Oanion H-bonded complexes could also exist.46 The sequential addition of water to pure ILs gradually destroys the three-dimensional network structure of ILs, first into ionic clusters, then into ionic pairs surrounded by water molecules, and ultimately into fully hydrated separated ions.47,48 Takamuku et al. found that the state of water molecules in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (EMIBF4) changes markedly at xw ≈ 0.3.49 There have also been reports on the H-bonding interactions in the mixtures of ILs and other cosolvents such as dimethyl sulfoxide and methanol. For example, Li’s group found that the H-bond between the SdO group of DMSO and the IL cation contributed significantly to the blue-shifted CD stretching vibrations of DMSO-d6.36 These results indicate that anions of ILs are usually the primary factor of the interaction between ILs and water or other cosolvents. Thus it is of importance to carry out more investigations on the H-bonding interactions concerning ILs with different anions, especially those ILs with hygroscopic background, as they are common, low in cost, and easily available. Recently, we studied the H-bonding interactions in binary systems of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethyl sulfate (EMIES) + water38 and 1-butylpyridinium tetrafluoroborate (BuPyBF4) + water/dimethyl sulfoxide.39 The similarity and difference on interaction sites and sequences of H-bonding interaction strength between ILs and water/DMSO were discussed. As a continuous work, we selected a representative Brønsted acidic ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoroacetate ([Bmim][CF3CO2]), which is believed to have great industrial potential,56,57 to investigate the hydrogen-bonding behaviors when it is mixed with cosolvents. This IL has an anion with a favorable protonaccepting site COO (see Figure 1) and may show interesting H-bonding interaction behaviors. To our knowledge, there have been few publications concerning the hydrogen-bonding interaction of [Bmim][CF3CO2].45,58 Cammarata et al. studied the strong interactions between COO and water absorbed from air and suggested that the anions could be a precursor of the water miscibility with trifluoroacetate-based ionic liquids.45 In an earlier work, Bonhote et al. determined the viscosities of the IL and proposed that they are governed by van der Waals interactions and H-bonding.58
The selected cosolvents to interact with this hydrophilic IL in this work are water and the common protonic solvent CH3OH. Compared with H2O, CH3OH is of lower polarity and can be considered as a derivative of HOH, when an H atom is replaced by a hydrophobic methyl group. The two cosolvents are supposed to show some differences in the H-bonding interactions. Among various experimental techniques, infrared spectroscopy is a powerful and convenient approach to study the H-bonding interactions at the molecular level.3845,5964 Herein, we have investigated the hydrogen-bonding behaviors of [Bmim][CF3CO2]water and [Bmim][CF3CO2]methanol binary systems over the entire concentration range using attenuated total reflectance infrared spectroscopy (ATR-IR), 1H NMR spectroscopy, and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. In particular, excess infrared absorption spectroscopy,38,39,6064 which is developed in our laboratory and can enhance spectral resolution in liquid solutions,6064 has been employed to reveal details of the molecular interactions.
2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1. Chemicals. [Bmim][CF3CO2] was synthesized according to the literature.54,61 The obtained product is a slightly yellow transparent viscous liquid. The chemical structure of [Bmim][CF3CO2] is described in Figure 1. The 1H NMR chemical shifts of [Bmim][CF3CO2] are the following: δH (300 MHz, no solvent) 9.34(C(2)H); 7.69(C(4)H); 7.61(C(5)H); 4.05(NCH2); 3.78(NCH3); 1.57(NCCH2); 1.02(NCCCH2); 0.60 (NCCCCH3). These data are in good agreement with literature values.58,65 Water content after drying, measured by Karl Fisher titration, is 1.3 103 mass fraction. Deionized water was further distilled in a quartz still, and the conductivity is (0.9 1.3) 104 S 3 m1. D2O and CD3OD were purchased from Aldrich (99.9 D%). 2.2. Sample Preparation. A series of [Bmim][CF3CO2] D2O and [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD binary mixtures were prepared by weighing. The mole fractions of D2O in [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O mixtures are 0.0987, 0.2018, 0.2993, 0.4006, 0.4993, 0.6019, 0.7024, 0.7968, and 0.8970. The mole fractions of CD3OD in [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD mixtures are 0.0916, 0.1885, 0.2947, 0.3762, 0.4806, 0.5746, 0.6720, 0.7858, and 0.8984. 2.3. FTIR Spectroscopy. FTIR spectra over the range from 4000 to 650 cm1 were collected at room temperature (∼25 °C) using a Nicolet 5700 FTIR spectrometer, equipped with a DTGS detector. Two attenuated total reflection (ATR) cells were employed in the experiments. They are made of trapezoidal ZnSe/Ge crystals with incident angles of 45°/60° and 12/7 reflections. The Ge crystal, with fewer numbers of reflections and thus shorter effective light path, was used to examine the strong stretching bands of CO and CF3. Spectra were recorded with a resolution of 2 cm1, a zero filling factor of 2, and 16 parallel scans. For each sample, three parallel measurements were carried out. The refractive indexes of solutions were measured with a refractometer at 25 °C. The formulas suggested by Hansen66 were used to do the ATR corrections. 2.4. Excess Absorption Spectroscopy. The theory of excess absorption spectroscopy has been described in detail elsewhere.62,63 Briefly, an excess infrared absorption spectrum is defined as the difference between the spectrum of a real solution and that of the respective ideal solution under identical conditions. The working equation in calculating the excess infrared 11128 |J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 11127–11136
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Table 1. DFT-Calculated and Observed Frequencies of the CH, CdN, CdO, and CF3 Stretching Vibrations of the Main Groups in [Bmim][CF3CO2] frequency (cm1) (intensity) vibration
C4,5H stretches
3144(6) C2H stretches
alkyl stretches
v(alkyl CH)
2962(35) 2941(19)
2929(18) 2922(38)
Figure 2. ATR-IR spectra of [Bmim][CF3CO2], D2O, and CD3OD determined with ZnSe (in the range of 40001900 cm1, left absorbance axis) and Ge (in the range of 1850680 cm1, right absorbance axis) ATR crystals.
2898(38) 2885(10)
absorption spectrum is εE ¼
A ðx1 ε1 þ x2 ε2 Þ dðC1 þ C2 Þ
where A is the absorbance of the mixture, d is the light path length, C1 and C2 are molarities of the two components, x1 and x2 are mole fractions of components 1 and 2, and ε1* and ε2* are molar absorption coefficients of the two components in their pure states, respectively. The calculation of the excess infrared spectra was programmed using Matlab 7.0 (Math Works Inc., Natick, MA). The data manipulations, i.e., the subtraction, truncation, and baseline correction of the IR spectra, were also performed using Matlab 7.0. 2.5. 1H NMR Measurements. The 1H NMR spectra of samples were obtained on a JEOL JNM-ECA 300 NMR spectrometer at 298 K with TMS as internal standard. 2.6. Quantum Chemical Calculations. The geometries, binding energies, harmonic vibrational frequencies, and IR intensities were obtained by density functional theory (DFT) at the 6-31++G(d,p) basis set with the Gaussian 03 program.67 DFT has been used extensively to study the interactions between ionic liquids and cosolvents such as water, acetone, and DMSO.3639,51,6870 We selected the 6-31++G(d,p) basis set in our calculation following those studies. The optimized geometries were recognized as local minima with no imaginary frequency.
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. ATR and Excess Infrared Spectra Analysis of Interactions between [Bmim][CF3CO2] and Water. The partial ATR-
FTIR of [Bmim][CF3CO2] and D2O are shown in Figure 2. The assignments of the stretching vibrations of the functional groups CH, COO, NCdN, and CF3 in pure [Bmim][CF3CO2] are assisted by the comparison between the observed and calculated frequencies of the respective vibration modes (Table 1). The scaling factor for the calculated frequencies is 0.955.37,39 Absorption bands in the 32002800 cm1 region are from CH stretching vibrations, those above 3050 cm1 are attributed to the imidazolium ring CH stretches, while those below 3050 cm1 are attributed to the alkyl CH (NCH3 and NCH2CH2CH2CH3) stretches.71 For imidazolium ring
2889(25) COO stretches
NCdN stretches CF3 stretches
v(NCdN) v(CF3)
1518(135) 1148(331)
1574 1200
Calculated frequencies are scaled by 0.955. Data in parentheses are infrared intensities in km/mol.
CH, the band at 3147 cm1 is attributed to C4,5H stretches and that at 3093 cm1 is attributed to C2H stretch.51,72 The bands at 1686 and 1574 cm1 are attributed to COO and NCdN stretching vibrations, respectively, while the bands at 1200, 1169, and 1123 cm1 are attributed to coupled CF3 stretching vibrations. These assignments are in agreement with literature work.45 ATR-IR spectra of binary mixtures of [Bmim][CF3CO2] D2O were recorded over the whole concentration range (mole fraction increment of about 0.1). D2O was used to avoid the overlap of the OH stretching vibration of water and the CH stretching vibrations of the IL. The ATR-IR and excess infrared spectra of [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O mixtures at different concentrations, including those of pure [Bmim][CF3CO2] and D2O, in the region of 32001050 cm1 are shown in Figure 3. In the ATR-IR spectra (Figure 3A, B, C), the v(C2H), v(C4,5H), v(OD), and v(CF3) show blue shift, while the v(COO) shows red shift upon addition of water. For v(CF3), only the band at 1123 cm1 is analyzed because the other two bands at 1200 and 1169 cm1 overlap with the bending vibration of D2O (the very broad band shown in Figure 3C). The concentration dependences of the wavenumber shifts are summarized in Figure 5A. It should be noted that there is apparently an abrupt wavenumber shift of COO when x(water) is around 0.5. Reexamination of the respective IR band in Figure 3B finds that it actually consists of two overlapped peaks. Figure 3E further suggests that their positions are nearly fixed. The two peaks, therefore, are most likely from the COO in IL and in ILwater complex, respectively. And the apparent sudden shift in wavenumber happens at a concentration when the absorbance of the complex overpowers that of the ionic liquid. According to the literature, the hydrogen bond involving aromatic CH on the imidazolium ring is classified as red shift H-bond,36,73 Thus the blue shifts of v(C2H) and v(C4,5H) 11129 |J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 11127–11136
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Figure 3. ATR-IR (upper) and excess infrared (lower) spectra of the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system in the range of the alkyl and OD stretching vibration (A and D), the COO and CdN stretching vibration (B and E), and the CF3 stretching vibration (C and F).
upon dilution observed in this work imply that water weakens the CH 3 3 3 anion H-bonding interactions of [Bmim][CF3CO2]. Further, the blue shift of v(C2H) is about 13 cm1 and that of v(C4,5H) is just 5 cm1 (Figure 5A), indicating that the C2H may have subjected to bigger influence upon dilution. This is in agreement with our understanding that C2H is the most acidic hydrogen on the dialkylimidazolium cation51 and the H-bond of C2H 3 3 3 anion is stronger than that of C4,5H 3 3 3 anion.6 The H-bond involving OD is also a red shift H-bond,73 Thus, the blue shift feature of the OD stretching vibration indicates that the H-bonds between D2O and the cation/anion of [Bmim][CF3CO2] are weaker than the cooperative H-bonds in pure water. Excess infrared spectra can reveal the changes in molar absorptivity more clearly, providing information on the details of the molecular interactions in the mixtures and possible presence of new complexes. As can be seen in Figure 3D, the stretching vibrations of imidazolium ring CH show positive bands at the higher wavenumber and negative bands at the lower wavenumber region. The positive ones are attributed to the new complexes involving C2H and C4,5H stretches, while the negative ones are from the complexes in pure ionic liquid. The stretching vibration of OD also has a positive band around 2560 cm1, a negative band around 2360 cm1 and a small positive band at ca. 2325 cm1 (Figure 3D). The positive and negative bands around 2560 and 2360 cm1 are attributed to the weaker D2OIL H-bond than the cooperative H-bonds in pure D2O. The small positive band at ca. 2325 cm1 which decreases with the dilution could be assigned to OD stretching with one D2O molecule interacting with two anions at low water concentration. In Figure 3E, for v(COO) at about 1686 cm1, there is a negative band at the higher wavenumber and a positive band at the lower wavenumber, which are clear signals of the red shift of
the absorption band. Since the red shift of v(COO) represents the weakening of CdO bond and the strengthening of the corresponding H-bond it participates in,74 the results mean that the H-bond involving COO is enhanced in the dilution process. Considering the general understanding that COO is a good proton acceptor and, actually, a better proton acceptor than CF3,45,75 we believe the dominant site of the H-bonding interaction between water and [Bmim][CF3CO2] is COO of the anion. The theoretical results in a later section also support this conclusion. For the vibration mode v(NCdN) at about 1574 cm1, there is a positive band at the lower wavenumber and negative bands at the higher wavenumber. The positive band at the lower wavenumber reflects the absorption of imidazolium ring in the new complexes when C2H and C4,5H form weaker H-bonds with water than in pure [Bmim][CF3CO2].38 In Figure 3F, the excess spectra at around 1123 cm1 have a positive band at the higher wavenumber and a negative band at the lower wavenumber, due to the blue shift of v(CF3). Since the dominant interaction site between water and [Bmim][CF3CO2] is COO of the anion, the blue shift of v(CF3) is explained as the result of the cooperative move of the whole anion group, in which CF3 is an electron-donating group.39,63 The electron-donating effect of CF3 in the formation of [CF3CO2] 3 3 3 H2O H-bond will be confirmed by the theoretical calculation. The H-bonding behaviors in the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system discussed above suggest the possible existence of selective interactions among water and different functional groups of the cation and anion, while the preferable interaction group is the COO of anion. 3.2. ATR and Excess Infrared Spectra Analysis of the H-Bonding Interaction between [Bmim][CF3CO2] and Methanol. Compared to the water molecule, the methanol molecule 11130 |J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 11127–11136
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Figure 4. ATR-IR (upper) and excess infrared (lower) spectra of the [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD system in the range of the alkyl and OD stretching vibration (A and D), the COO and CdN stretching vibration (B and E), and the CF3 stretching vibration (C and F).
Figure 5. Wavenumber shift of C4,5H, C2H, CF3, and COO stretching vibrations of two binary systems: (A) [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O; (B) [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD.
also has one functional group of OH and its methyl group can be considered as a replacement of the H atom in water. The use of deuterated methanol also aims to avoid the overlap of OH stretches and alkyl stretches in the IR spectrum. The ATR-IR and excess infrared spectra of [Bmim][CF3CO2] CD3OD mixtures at different concentrations in the region of 32001050 cm1 are shown in Figure 4. Similar to that of the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system, in the ATR-IR spectra (Figure 4A, B, C), the v(C2H), v(C4,5H), v(OD), and v(CF3) show blue shifts, while the v(COO) shows red shifts upon addition of methanol. For v(CF3), only the band at 1169 cm1 is focused on because the band at 1123 cm1 overlaps with a band of CD3OD. The wavenumber shifts are summarized
in Figure 5B. They show a similar pattern like that of the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system (Figure 5A). The abrupt change in wavenumber of the COO group at the mole fraction of methanol of 0.5 results from the appearance of a new complex between the carbonyl group and methanol molecules as indicated in Figure 4B. The positive and negative bands in the excess infrared spectra of the [Bmim][CF3CO2] CD3OD system (Figure 4D, E, F) are also similar to that of the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system. In Figure 4E, the excess spectra of v(COO) show a negative band at the higher wavenumber side and a very strong positive band at the lower wavenumber side, just as in the case of Figure 3E, indicating that the H-bond involving COO is 11131 |J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 11127–11136
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B enhanced with the increase of methanol concentration. Like the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system, we believe that methanol molecules interact mainly with the COO of the anion by H-bonds. For v(CF3), the blue shift (Figure 4C) and the positive/negative bands in excess infrared spectra (Figure 4F) show that this group is not an inert group; most likely it contributes to the H-bonding interaction between COO and methanol by donating negative charges based on our previous studies.39,63 The electron-donating effect of CF3 in the formation of methanol 3 3 3 [CF3CO2] H-bond will be confirmed by the theoretical calculation in a later section. Compared to the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system, there are some interesting differences in the H-bonding interaction between [Bmim][CF3CO2] and methanol. First, the blue shift of the stretching vibration of imidazolium ring CH in the [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD system is smaller than that of the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system (Figure 5), indicating that the H-bond involving imidazolium ring CH in the [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD system is stronger than that of the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system. To further compare the H-bonding interactions in the two systems, the integral values of excess molar absorbance (εE) for the direct interaction group COO have been analyzed, and the results are shown in Figure 6. The excess molar absorbances of v(COO) are
Figure 6. Integrated excess molar absorbance of COO stretching vibrations in the binary systems of [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O and [Bmim][CF3CO2] CD3OD.
both positive in the presence of D2O and CD3OD as shown in the figure. The excess molar absorbance of v(COO) in the [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD system, however, is much greater than that of the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system, indicating that the methanol 3 3 3 [CF3CO2] H-bond is stronger than the H2O 3 3 3 [CF3CO2] H-bond. This strongly suggest that the methyl group of methanol has a positive contribution to the formation of the OH 3 3 3 [CF3CO2] H-bond. 3.3. 1H NMR Chemical Shift Analysis. 1H NMR measurements of the pure IL, as well as [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O and [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD mixtures, were carried out at 298 K, and the chemical shift changes of individual hydrogen atoms during the dilution process were evaluated. The 1H NMR chemical shift data are listed in Table SI1 in the Supporting Information. For the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system, the chemical shift changes of individual hydrogen atoms are displayed in Figure 7A. The results show that the chemical shifts of C2H, C4H, and C5H in the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system have the most significant changes and they move to high-field positions upon dilution. This indicates an increased electron density of these three acidic hydrogen atoms, a result of the weakening of the H-bonding interactions involving the CH groups in the dialkylimidazolium ring. The chemical shifts of other hydrogen atoms in NCH3, NCH2, NCCH2, NCCCH2 and NC3CH3 are all slightly upfield shifted, resulting probably from the influence of H-bonding cooperativity and the solvent effect of D2O. For the [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD system, the chemical shift changes of individual hydrogen atoms are displayed in Figure 7B. Only the C2H show an upfield shift, representative of weakening of the H-bonding interactions, and the other H atoms in CH groups show downfield shift with the increase of methanol concentration, resulting probably from the influence of H-bonding cooperativity and the solvent effect of CD3OD. 3.4. Quantum Chemical Calculations of the Interactions between [Bmim][CF3CO2] and Water/Methanol. To characterize the preferred interaction sites and to further compare the difference in the H-bonding interaction between [Bmim][CF3CO2] and water or methanol, as many as possible orientations for each of the following complexes have been selected to perform DFT calculations: [Bmim]+[CF3CO2], [CF3CO2] H2O, [CF3CO2]methanol, [Bmim]+H2O, [Bmim]+ methanol, [Bmim][CF3CO2]H2O, and [Bmim][CF3CO2] methanol. The optimized geometries and corresponding interaction
Figure 7. 1H NMR chemical shift difference of the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system (A) and the [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD system (B). 11132 |J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 11127–11136
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Figure 8. Optimized geometries and corresponding interaction energies of [Bmim][CF3CO2]cosolvent systems. A, [Bmim]+[CF3CO2]; B, [CF3CO2]H2O; C, [CF3CO2]methanol; D, [Bmim]+ H2O; E, [Bmim]+methanol; F, [Bmim][CF3CO2]H2O; G, [Bmim][CF3CO2]methanol. H-bonds are denoted by dashed lines, and the corresponding H 3 3 3 O or H 3 3 3 F distances are labeled.
energies are shown in Figure 8. The sum of van der Waals atomic radii of H and O (2.5 Å) and that of H and F atoms (2.45 Å) are used as criteria values for judging the existence of H-bonds.76 H-bonds are denoted by dashed lines, and the corresponding H 3 3 3 O and H 3 3 3 F distances are labeled in the figure. In pure [Bmim][CF3CO2] (Figure 8A), H-bonds can exist between the C2H even alkyl CH on [Bmim]+ and the OdC group of the anion. In the [CF3CO2]H2O or [CF3CO2]methanol complexes (Figure 8B and C), it is found that water or methanol will H-bond to [CF3CO2] through their OH groups and the OdC group in [CF3CO2]. Namely, water or methanol interacts selectively with the OdC group but not the CF3 group in [CF3CO2]. In the [Bmim]+H2O or [Bmim]+methanol complexes (Figure 8D and E), both water and methanol prefer to interact with the C2H on [Bmim]+. Comparison of the interaction pairs in Figure 8 AE shows that all the three H-bond acceptors, [CF3CO2], H2O, and CH3OH, can form stable H-bonds with the C2H, consistent with the fact that the electron deficit in the imidazolium ring makes C2H the most acidic H atom on the imidazolium ring.6,36,51 The difference between the three acceptors is that [CF3CO2] can also form H-bonds with the alkyl CHs on [Bmim]+ at the same time. This is explained as the presence of two oxygen atoms in the carboxyl group and the resonance nature of the carboxylic group. To understand how water or methanol interacts with both the cation and anion at the same time, we evaluated [Bmim][CF3CO2]H2O and [Bmim][CF3CO2]methanol complexes. The results are depicted in Figure 8F and G. As can be seen in the figure, H-bonding interactions are present between H2O/CH3OH and the O atoms of COO group in the [CF3CO2] with the O 3 3 3 H distances of 1.848 and 1.762 Å, respectively. H-bond is also present between COO group and the C2H on the imidazolium ring with an O 3 3 3 H distance of 1.871 and 1.797 Å. But the O 3 3 3 H distances between H2O/ CH3OH and C2H on the imidazolium ring are 3.181 and 3.193 Å, and both are longer than the sum of van der Waals radii of H and O atoms, demonstrating that no H-bonding interaction is present between H2O or CH3OH and the C2H group on the
imidazolium ring at this 1:1 type of waterIL composition. This is because the interaction between the cation and anion is the strongest. Steric factors may also prevent the formation of H-bond between the cosolvent molecules with the C2H group on the imidazolium ring. It is worth mentioning, however, that water/methanol also forms H-bonds with the alkyl CH on [Bmim]+ other than forming H-bonds with the [CF3CO2], as shown in the figure. For energetics, the interaction energy of [Bmim]+[CF3CO2] (363.34 kJ/mol) is much larger in absolute value than that of [CF3CO2]H2O (58.61 kJ/mol) and [Bmim]+H2O (45.16 kJ/mol), and that of [CF3CO2]methanol (61.82 kJ/mol) and [Bmim]+methanol (45.70 kJ/mol). The large interaction energy of [Bmim]+[CF3CO2] is due to the strong electrostatic interaction of the cation and the anion. The interaction energy of [CF3CO2]H2O/methanol is larger in absolute value than that of [Bmim]+H2O/methanol, indicating that water or methanol molecules may selectively interact with the anions at low concentrations. Furthermore, the interaction energies of [Bmim][CF3CO2]H2O (401.94 kJ/mol) and [Bmim][CF3CO2]methanol (415.22 kJ/mol) are both larger in absolute value than that of [Bmim]+[CF3CO2] (363.34 kJ/mol). This means the mixing process of the IL and water/ methanol is enthalpically favorable, a good reason for its soluble feature over the entire mole fraction range of water or methanol. It is noteworthy that the interaction energy between methanol and [Bmim]+ or [CF3CO2] or [Bmim][CF3CO2] is larger in absolute value than that in the case of H2O, indicating that methanol interacts more strongly with the ionic species than water. Consistent with this, the H-bond distances involving methanol molecule are all shorter than those involving water molecules. All these mean that methanol is a better proton donor and proton acceptor than water when interacting with [Bmim]+/[CF3CO2]/[Bmim][CF3CO2]. These results imply that the replacement of H in HOH by CH3 strengthens the H-bonding interactions. Thus the methyl group is not an inert group in terms of H-bonding interactions. It plays a positive role 11133 |J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 11127–11136
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Table 2. Natural Population Analysis Charges (q, in e) of the CF3 Groups in [CF3CO2] and Their Changes (Δq) upon Formation of [CF3CO2]H2O and [CF3CO2] CH3OH Complexes. Calculated Frequencies of the CF3 Stretching Vibrations in Each Structure Are Also Listed frequencies (cm1) q(CF3)
0.184 0.166
v1 1129
0.015 0.033
1133 1138
1062 1082
1046 1044
when working as both H-bond donor and acceptor. This will be further addressed in a later section. Similar to the CH3 in methanol, CF3 also act as backside group in H-bonding interactions of the studied systems. In order to understand the role of the CF3 group acting as backside group in H-bonding interactions of the studied systems, the natural population analysis (NPA) charges of the CF3 group in [CF3CO2], [CF3CO2]H2O, and [CF3CO2]methanol were calculated. Table 2 lists the charges (q) of the CF3 groups in the three situations and the changes of the charges (Δq) upon formation of H-bonds with H2O and methanol. As can be seen in Table 2, the positive Δq values indicate decreases in electron density of the CF3 during the complexation. This demonstrate a electron-donating effect of the CF3 group upon the formation of H-bonds with water or methanol. Moreover, the charge change in the [CF3CO2]methanol complex is greater than that in the [CF3CO2]H2O complex. The calculated frequencies of the CF3 stretching vibrations in each structure are also listed in Table 2. Upon the formation of [CF3CO2]H2O and [CF3CO2]methanol complexes, v(CF3) show blue shift, consistent with the experimental results (Figure 3, Figure 4). Finally, it is noteworthy that Figure 8 gives only some most probable geometries of the interaction complexes. They cannot represent all the possible interaction modes over the wide water and methanol concentration range. It just provides us the possible dominant interaction groups/sites between the existing species (anion, cation, and solvent molecule). At low concentration, cosolvent molecules form H-bonds with the anions. With increased water or methanol content, they will also form H-bonds with the cations. Further increasing the concentration will result in the self-associated water/methanol molecules, ion water/methanol interaction complexes with ratios different from 1/1, and the cooperative H-bonding networks such as [CF3CO2] waterwater or [CF3CO2]methanolmethanol complex. At high water content, cations with hydrophobic tails may also aggregate. With regard to the [Bmim]+ cation examined in this work, measurements using various techniques including conductivity, surface tension, SANS, 1H NMR, and fluorescence spectroscopy have proved that the cations could aggregate in aqueous solution like short-chain cationic surfactants with certain counterions such as [Cl], [BF4], and [C8SO4] locating at the outer skirt.4043 The critical aggregation concentration (CAC) of [Bmim]+ cations depends on the nature of counterions and solvents. In the experimental systems of this work, the mole fraction of D2O/CH3OD increases from 0 to 1 with an increment of about 0.1. The concentration range of [Bmim][CF3CO2] is much higher than the reported CACs of the ILs
containing [Bmim]+.4043 For example, the CAC of [Bmim][BF4] is about 1 mol kg1 (about 0.018 in mole fraction) in aqueous solution.41 Despite the difference of counterion and cosolvent between this work and the published works, it is safe to conclude that aggregated ionic clusters and ionic pairs are the dominant forms of [Bmim][CF3CO2] in both [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O and [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD mixtures. This has been taken into account in the discussions of our infrared spectral and 1H NMR data. 3.5. Comparison of the H-bonding Behaviors of [Bmim][CF3CO2]Water and [Bmim][CF3CO2]Methanol Systems: The Effect of the Back Groups. For a hydrogenbonding interaction in the form of RXH 3 3 3 YR0 , the back groups R and R0 are not only spectators. They play an indispensable role in the overall stability of the H-bonding interaction by charge donation/withdrawal. For the anion of the ionic liquid used in this work, as discussed above, the back group CF3 bonded to the proton acceptor COO has a electron-donating effect on the H-bonding interaction between COO and water or methanol, leading to blue shift of v(CF3). For the cosolvent methanol, the methyl group plays also an important role in the H-bonding interaction. Comparing methanol and the other cosolvent water, it was found that, with the increase of concentration of cosolvents, the H-bond involving imidazolium ring CH in the [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD system is stronger than that of the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system, and the excess molar absorbance of v(COO) in the [Bmim][CF3CO2]CD3OD system is much greater than that of the [Bmim][CF3CO2]D2O system. These spectroscopic and quantum chemical results suggest that methanol is a better proton donor/proton acceptor than water when interacting with [Bmim]+/[CF3CO2]/[Bmim][CF3CO2]. Namely, the methyl group in methanol has a positive contribution to the formation of OH 3 3 3 [CF3CO2] and O 3 3 3 [Bmim]+ H-bonds. For the system of pyridinium-based IL [Bpy][BF4] + DMSO we reported recently,39 the back alkyl groups in both pyridinium ring and DMSO exhibit positive influence on the H-boding interaction. It was found that the butyl group in the cation is an electron acceptor, while the methyl groups in DMSO are electron donors. The above discussion strongly suggests that methanol is a very good model molecule in studying the hydrogen-bonding interactions. We have demonstrated this in a study of DMSO methanol interactions.63 This is also in line with the viewpoint of a recent work, which pointed out that the chemical structure of methanol offers an opportunity to explore the effects of both proper and improper hydrogen bonding.77
4. CONCLUSIONS In this work, the H-bonding interactions in two binary mixtures, [Bmim][CF3CO2]water and [Bmim][CF3CO2] methanol, have been studied by a combined application of FTIR spectroscopy, NMR, and DFT calculations. It is found that water or methanol, at limiting concentrations, interacts preferentially with the COO group in the ionic liquid [Bmim][CF3CO2]. The CF3 group has a electron-donating effect to strengthen the H-bonding interaction between COO and water or methanol. In comparison of the two protonic solvents, water and methanol, it was found that the methanol 3 3 3 [CF3CO2]/[Bmim]+ H-bond is stronger than the H2O 3 3 3 [CF3CO2]/[Bmim]+ H-bond. This means that the methyl group has a positive 11134 |J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115, 11127–11136
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B contribution on the formation of OH 3 3 3 [CF3CO2] and O 3 3 3 [Bmim]+ H-bond. In comparison of the pair-interaction energetics among the species [Bmim]+, [CF3CO2], water, and methanol, the following sequential order of interaction strength is obtained: [Bmim]+methanol[CF3CO2] > [Bmim]+water [CF3CO2] > [Bmim]+ [CF3CO2] > [CF3CO2]methanol > [CF3CO2]water > [Bmim]+methanol > [Bmim]+water. These studies on H-bonding interactions between [Bmim] [CF3CO2] and water/methanol deepened our understanding of the physical properties of the hydrophilic Brønsted acidic ILs and their mixtures with protonic-type solvents.
H NMR chemical shift data (Table SI1). This material is available free of charge via the Internet at Supporting Information.
’ AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author
*Phone (+86) 10 6279 2492; fax (+86) 10 6277 1149; e-mail
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