Hydrogen fluoride and deuterium fluoride elimination reactions of

Mar 15, 1973 - The decomposition of chemically activated CD3CH2F pro- ... The a,a elimination channel comprised 18% of the total rate; the removal of ...
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Registered in U, S. Patent Office @Copyright, 1973, by the Anierican Chemical Society



VOLUME 77, NUMBER 6 MARCH 15, 1973

Hydrogen Fiuori e and Deuterium Fluoride Elimination Reactions of Chemical1 Activated 19 l,I -Trideuterio-2,2-difluoroethane, 1,1-Difluoroethane, and


111 -Tridwteri -2 f 1uoroet hane M. @. Kim, D. W. Setser," and B. E. Holmes Department of Chemistry. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506 (Received August 16. 1972)

Vibralionally excited CDjCHFz and CH3CHF2 were produced from radical combination reactions initiated by cophotolysis of acetone-de and acetone-do with 1,1,3,3-tetrafluoroacetone in order to study the a,a and a,@HF or DF elimination reactions. The decomposition of chemically activated CD3CH2F produced from cophotolysis of acetone-ds and 1,3-difluoroacetone was studied as a reference for the a,@process. The half-quenching pressures for EIF or DF eliminations of CH3CHF2, CD3cHF2. and CDBCHZF were 110 f 5, 41 f 2, and 65 i 5 Torr, respectively, at 358°K. These chemical activation rate constants and the thermal activation fall-off data were interpreted by RRKM theoretical calculations and the threshold energies for the a,a and a,@ processes for CD3CHF2 were assigned as 64 and 62 kcaljmol, respectively. The a , ~ elimination ! channel comprised 18% of the total rate; the removal of the intramolecular ibotope effects was estimated to lower the a,a contribution for CHBCHFZto 10%. The previously reported variation of the a,a and a,@ reaction rate ratio with pressure, which we observed only a t higher trmperatures, was shown not to be a consequence of the change in the average energy of reacting molecclles. This and other problems, such as the origin of the CHZCF2 product, which presumably are associaxed wil h the photochemistry of (CHF2)2CO are discussed.

Introduction The competition between CY,^ and a,@HF elimination was first demonstrated by Pritchard and coworkers for the chemically activated CD3CHF2 mo1ecule.l An unusual temperature and pressure dependence of the intramolecular rate constant ratio was observed, and the variation of the average energy of the reacting molecules with pressure and temperature was invoked as an explanation. For a number of chemically activated fluoroalkanes2 it has been shown that the energy distribution is rather narrow and the variation of the average energy of reacting molecules, or the chemical activation rate constant, with pressure is small. This point and a recent estimation of the threshold energy for the a,a process in CHCl2CD&14 argue against any significant variation in the a,a and a,p rate ratio with change of pressure. Since CD3CHF2 should be a simple example of chemically activated unimolecular reaction, we decided to reinvestigate this system and to apply RRKM calculations to try to resolve some of the secondary questions raised by the important work of Pritchard and coworkers.1 Thermal pyrolysis studies5 provide Arrhenius parameters for decomposition of CH3CFIF2. Since the a,c~process 3 3

accounts for a minor fraction of the reaction, the Arrhenius parameters are a close estimate for the a,@ process. Since Do( CH3-CHF2) is fairly well known, the chemical activation experimental data can be matched to RRKM calculations to establish threshold energies for both reaction channels. The four-center transition model that was developed for C H ~ C H Z Fwas ~ , ~extended to CD&HZF, CH3CHF2, and CDsCHF2, and a three-center transition state model4 was developed for the a,a process by specifying the bond order of the major bonds undergoing rearrangement. The resulting models were used to calculate a thermal fall-off curve, which was compared to recently published data.5d ( I ) M. J. Perona, J . T. Bryant, and G. 0 . Prilchard, J. Amer. Chem.

S O C . . 90, 4782 (1968). (2) i i . W . Chang and D. W. Setser, J. Amer. Chem. Soc.. P I , 7648 11969). (3) H . W.' Chang, N. L. Craig, and D. VV. Setser, J. P h y s . Chem., 76, 954 (1972). (4) K. C. Kim and D. W. Setser, J. Phys. Chem.. 76,283 (1972). (5) (a) D. Sianesi, G. Nelli, and R. Fontanelli, C h m Ind. (Milan/, 50, 619 (1968); (b) P. Cadrnan, M. Day, and A. I=. Trotman-Dickenson, J. Chem. SOC. A , 1356 (1971); (c) E. Tschuikow-Roux, W. J. Quiring, and J. M:Sirnmie, J. Phys. Chem.. 74, 2449 (1970); (d) B. Noble, H. Carmichael, and C. L. Baumgardner, ibid., 76, 1680 (1972),


K. C. Kim, D.W.


Vibrationally excited CD3CHF2 and CH3CHF2 were produced by cophotolysis of acetone-de and acetone-do with (CHF2)&0 from room temperature to 573°K; however, most experiments were done at 358°K. For comparison, a parallel experiment was carried out for vibrationally excited CD&WzF, which was produced by cophotolysis of acetone-d6 arid (CH2F)zCO. Major effort was centered on the rate constants for the a,a and a$ channels of CII3CHF2. Following HF a,a elimination, the carbene intermediate rearranges to form vinyl fluoride and analysis for CDz-CDF us CDz-CIIF gives the ratio of reaction channels. Recently C@ick and Whittles demonstrated that CHz=CF2 was formed from photosensitization of CH&FzBr by hexafluoroacetone and the possibility of sensitized elimination of H F from CH3CHE2 by (CHF2)2CO was tesf,ed in the present study. Experiments also were done to test the reaction mechanism for formation of the "Il-difluoroethene product, which Perona, Bryant, and I'rif,chmd tentatively attributed to the elimination of molecular hydrogen from chemically activated difluoroethane The unnmolecular reactions of fluoroethanes activated by hot atom substitution reactions7,* have received considerable s t d y , and Krohn, Manning, and Root7 have used these Lnimolecular reactions to make fundamental deductions iiboi~t the behavior of the activated fluoroethanes. Bunkerg has called attention to the significance of angular momentum for the fluoroethane molecules formed by hot atom substitution. For this reason it is desirable to understand the behavior of CD3CHF2 activated to high energies, but not in high angular momentum states. This constitutes another reason for reinvestigating the anomalous pressure and temperature dependence of the ratio of reaction rates previously found1 for CD3CHFz. x p e r ~ m @ nSection t:~~ The acetones were analyzed and, when necessary, purified by gas chromatography to give better than 98% purity. For establnshing retention times and mass spectral cracking pat terns, research grade Matheson and Peninsuesearch Inc. chemicals were used without further purifkation. For most run3 about 2 cc of reactant gas mixtures were measured, transferred into various sizes of vessels to attain the desired pressure, and photolyzed using the unfiltered light of a General Electric AH-6 high-pressure mercury arc for about 1 hr. The effective wavelength was 3200 f 200 A. The samples were placed inside a n oven for 10-15 mixi at the desired temperature before being photolyzed at hhat temperature. After the photolysis the condensable produrt s were recovered by pumping the photolyzed samplv t h o u g h a glass wool packed trap kept at liquid nitroger temperature. The products were then separated by gas chromatography. For a few runs the trap was cooled to solid Sdz temperalure to check for possible loss of ethene, which has slight vapor pressure at 7'7°K. Two analytical columns were used for the analyses. A silver nitrate-saturated ethylene glycol column in series with a short Porapak-S column a t room temperature was used for the separation of ethylene and ethyl fluoride from the photolysis of acetoned6 and (CH2F)zCO. Products from the photolysis of ( CHF2)2C0 with acetone-& and acetone-06 were analyzed by a 9-ft Porapak-S column with appropsiak ov6n temperature programming. Products were identified by their retention times on the abovementioned columne and mass spectral patterns of the The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 77,

No. 6, 1973

Setser, and B. E. Holmes

fractions trapped from the He effluent. Cas chromatographic calibrations for the deuterated products were made with their nondeuterated analogs. Neither of the difluoroethane isomers gave a detectable parent ion for 70-eV electron energy; the highest masses were mle 68 and 65 corresponding to cy hydrogen rupture from CDsCHFz and CH3CHF2, respectively. The most abundant ion, m/e 51 (CHF2+), was common to the mass spectra of both CD3CHF2 and CH3CHF2. Other major peaks in the mass spectrum of CD3CHF2 were approximately the same as the results of Perona, Bryant, and Pritchardl except for discrepancies in the assignment of the highest mass to the parent ions. The temperature effect upon the ~r,aand a,P rate ratio for CD3CHF2 was studied from 300 to 570°K. The temperature of the reaction vessel was monitored using a thermocouple attached to the vessel, After photolyzing the sample consisting of (CD&CO and (CHFa)2C0 in the ratio of 3: 1, the condensable products were analyzed as already described. Vinyl fluoride was collected from the helium effluent and the ratio of vinyl-d3 and -d2 fluoride was determined from the 49/48 mass ratio obtained from 15-eV electron energy spectra with a EAI uad 250 mass spectrometer. Several diagnostic type experiments were done using the apparatus and procedures described above. These experiments are described in the section of the text concerned with the reaction mechanism. Experimental Results Photochemical and High-Pressure Reaction Mechanisms. General features of photodecomposition reactions of acetone and fluoroacetoneslO are well established. The following reaction sequence is pertinent to forming chemically activated molecules. CDBCOCD,

+ hv *CD3





(CHF,),CQ f hv --- CHF, i- COCHF, COCHF,-CHF, CD,


+ CD,-CD,-CD,*




+ CHF,



(14 (1b) (le)

(14 (le)



All three products, le-lg, were observed, although only CDaCHF2 and its decomposition products were measured as a function of temperature and pressure. The only significant disproportionation reaction is self-disproportionation of CF2H radica1.I Reactions l b and I d are enhanced by high temperature which results in increased overall quantum yields. Methane, CF2H2, and CFzHD, which are formed by abstraction, and several higher boiling components were observed (see later section). (6) (a) L. M. Quick and E. Whittle, Can. J. Chem., 45, 1902 (1967); (b) Trans. FaradaySoc., 67,1727 (1971); 68, 878 (1972). (7) (a) N. J . Parks, K. A. Krohn, and J. W. Root, J. Chem. Phys., 55, 5785 (1972); (b) K. A. Krohn, R. G. Manning. and J, W. Root, private communication, 1972. (8)C. T. Ting and F. S . Rowland, J. Phys. Ciiem., 74, 480 (1970). (9) D. L. Bunker, J. Chem. Phys., 57,332 (1972). (10) (a) G. 0. Pritchard and R . L. Thommarson, J. Phys. Chem., 71, 1674 (1967); ( b ) A. M . Tarr, J. W. Coomber, and E. Whittle, Trans. faraday Soc., 61, 1182 (1965).

H F and D F Elimination Reactions



Except for various isotope effects, the CH3COCH3 (CHFp)2CO photolysk system is identical and an equivalent set of reactions exist. The reactions describing the photolysis of (CD3)2C0 and (CH2F)pCO also are very similar and need not be repeated. For the latter case only CD3CHpF and CDp=CH2 were measured a t various pressures. Unimolecular. Reactions and Rate Constants The molecules formed by the binary radical combination reaction (reaction If) contain internal energy equal to the potential energy released by the C-C bond formation plus thermal energy carried by the radicals. These excited molecules may eliminate HF and D F or be collisionally stabilized.

+ DF

CD,CHF,* ---+CD2=rCHF --c





Analysis of the ethene showed that ethene-dz was the only decomposition product from CD3CWpF




m \ 13


For the ~ , process a NF elimination is followed by D atom migration to give CDz=CDF. It is not possible to separate out the ty,a and a,p processes for excited CH3CHFp although both presumably exist




+ HF








+ I 0.2 0.3

Figure 1. Decomposition product yields-stabilized product yields vs. 1 / P (cm) for CD3CHF2 (I), CH3CHF2 (01, and CD&H2F ( 8 ) . Photolysis temperatures were 358°K for 1,l-difluoroethanes and 343°K for fluoroethane-d3.



This abservatio? is consistent with the results of others for fluoroethanel and chloroethane.12b Apparently the a,a process competc?s with the a,@process only if two halogens are attached to the same carb0n.l ,4 The apparent chemical activation rate constants can be defined as15 If,=,h,EMl(D,/ 8,) where D , and ,S2 denote the measured decomposed and stabilized product yields, respectively, and k,[M] is the collision frequency. For unit deactivation, which should he a good approximation for acetone bath molecule^,^.^ and for D / S 5 2, ha may be obtained from the usual plot of D / S us l/P (see Figure 1).The rate constants in pressure units can be converted to sec-I units by assuming collision cross sections for the computation of k,. Table I summarizes the product yields from photolysis of (CD3)2CO (CHFp)&O at -358°K. Figure 1 includes the D / S data for all the molecules. Below D / S _< 2 a linear relationship cxists and from the slopes of the lines, k,, values were obtained. From least-squares analyses of the data points with D / S < 2.0, the rate constants were 41 f 2 (CDaCHFz), 110 i 5 (CHsCHFz), and 65 f 5 (CD3CHzF) Torr. Taking a m e d h m value for the 49/48 mass ratio of vinyl-da fluoride and -d2 as 0.22 at 358°K (see 'Fable hi), the rate constant ratio for 2a and 2b is 34: 7 in Torr units. Converting the rate constants from pressure units to sec-1 units gave 3.8 x I@, 1.0 x 109, and 6.6 X lo8 sec-I for CDBCHF:~,CH&NFp, and CD3CHFz for a temperature-independent collision diameter of 5.0 A. Small variations in reactant gas mixtures were ignored and the bath

gas was treated as a mixture of 1/3 fluorinated acetone 213 acetone-ds or acetone-do. If the Q ( p 9 2 ) * integral@ with €)I( = 475" are included in the collision diameter the rate constants in sec-I increase by a factor of 1.8 a t 358°K. Since good a and €/I(values are not available, the rate constants from the 5.0-A collision diameter will be used. Since some curvature is evident for the lower pressures of Figure I, cascade deactivation is occurring and the high-pressure rate constants are not unit deactivation rate constants. Previous studies of fluoroethane~~ suggest that reduction of the rate constants obtained from the linear part of a D / S us. 1/P plot by -0.8 yields unit deactivation rate constants for gases as efficient as the acetones. Since this factor is comparable to the uncertainty in collision cross sections, no change was made from the leastsquares values. Temperature and Pressure Effects on the Ratio of the a,a and a$ Processes. Table I1 summarizes mass spectral analyses of the vinyl-d3 and -dp fluoride; both electron energies gave the same ratio. Data were obtained from 24 to 148 Torr at virtually constant temperature and from room temperature to 553°K at virtually constant pressure, -35 Torr. The following points should be noted: (1).a t the lower temperatures the 49/48 ratio did not vary signif(11) Y . N. Tang and F. S. Rowland, J. Amer. Chem. Soc.. 90, 570 (1968). (12) (a) K. Dees and D. W. Setser, J. Chem. Ptrys.. 48, 1193 (1968); (b) W. G. Clark. D. W. Setser, and K. Dees, J . Amer, Chem. Soc.. 93,5328 (1971). (13) E. Tschuikow-Roux and J. E. Marte, .I. Chem. P h y s . . 42, 2049 (1965). (14) H. W. Chang, D. W. Setser, and M. J. Perona, J. Phys. Chem.. 75, 2070 (1971). (15) B. S. Rabinovitch and D, W. Setser, Advan. Photochem.. 3, 4 (1964). (16) J. 0. Hirshfelder, C. F. Curtiss. and R. B. Bird, "Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids," Wiley, New York. N. Y., 1965. The Joumal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 77, No. 6, 1973

K. C. Kim, D. W . Setser, and B. E. Holmes


TABLE I I: Summarya of Mass Spectral Analyses of Vinyl Fluorides

TABLE I: Product Analyses from Photolysis of (CD3)2CO 4(CH2),COag* at 358°K Sample composition Pressure, C02==CHF f CD3CHF2 (STP), cc Torr CD7%DF (D) (S)*

Sample composition (STP), cc


ka. sec-'


1.503.97X lo8



1.15 3.98X IO8




1.13 3.99X IO8




1.09 4.00X IO8




0.69 4.03X lo8

0.4 I .3




0.69 4.04X






0.65 4.05X


1.5 0.9 1.4




0.39 4.08X IO8





0.41 4.08X IO8

0.4 1.3 0.9




I .3

0.4 1.3 0.4 1.3 0.4 1.3






0.31 4.12X IO8




0.204.13X lo8

1 E4



0.25 4.14X lo8

33 7



0.08 4.24X IO8


0.8 ? .3

0.4 1.3 0.9 1.3

0.4 1.3 0.9 1.3 0.8

Pressure, Torr

Te,mp, K

49/48 (15eV)

49/48 (70eV)






























































D / S ~


0.9 1.4 0.8 1.3 0.9 1.4 1 .o 1.3 1.2 1.3 0.9 1.3 0.9 1.4 0.9 1.4 0.9 0.2 1.3 1.5 0.9 1.2




Product yields aro in units of gc peak areas. D / S values were obtained from the ratio of peak areas after correcting for the sensitivity of the thermal conductivity detector for CHlCHF and CH3CHF2, which varied between 0.32 and 1.02.

icantly with pressure, which correspond to D / S = 0.2 to 1.5; (2) from room temperature to 423°K the variation in the ratio of vinyl-d3 fluoridelvinyl-dz fluoride was no larger than experimental error. However, as the temperature was increased from 423 to 553°K the ratio increased markedly and nearly doubled at the highest temperature. The o'kervations in Table II parallel the results of Perona, Bryant, and Pritchard,l although we did not observe the pressure dependence of the ratio that they reported. However, our study oC the pressure effect was at a lower temperature.

Calculated RRKM Calculated Rate Constants for CD3CHF2 and CH3CHFz. The microscopic unimolecular rate constants were calculated from the expression ~~~~~~~

The dagger arid the asterisk superscripts denote complex and energized molecule, respectively. The details regarding the computations have been discussed elsewhere.2 ,3 All internal degrees of freedom of the fluoroethanes were active and the overall rotations are adiabatic for both motecule and complex (PI is the partition function for overall rotation). Harmonic oscillator sums, zP'(E,), and densities, N * ( E ) , were used. For unit deactivation, the experimental unimolecular rate constants for CICI&HF2 are related to the microscopic The Journal of Physical Ctionistry, Voi. 77, No. 6, 1973

a The first five runs are arranged in order of increasing pressure and the rest are in order of increasing temperature D / S represents the ratio of the decomposition to stabilized product yields; for some cases the stabilization product was not measured.


rate constants for CD3CHF2 and distribution function, f ( E ) ,by the following expression

The experimental rate constant for the O I , N process is obtained in a similar manner with k E ( a , a ) interchanged for hE(a,@).For activation by simple bimolecular combination reactions, the distribution function takes the form

f c E ) dE


k,'K(E:) d E /

h,' is the rate constant for dissociation of CD3CHFz into two radicals, and K ( E ) is the Boltzmann distribution. E,,,, the on-set of the distribution function, is determined by D"(CD3-CHF2) plus any activation energy for the radical combination reaction. The chemical activation distribution function a t 358°K along with the specific rate constants are shown in Figure 2. For unit deactivation, the calculated ratio, ka(a,a)/ ha( a,@), correspond$ to the experimentally measured value. For inefficient bath gas molecules cascade deactivation should be explicitly includedI7 in the calculations (17) C W Larson and B S Rabinoviich J Chern Phys (1969)

51, 2293

HF and DF Elimination Reactions




TABLE Ill: Force Constants* for CH3CHF2 KC-H KC-F

Kc-c K