Hydrogen: Production and Marketing - American Chemical Society

ties are envisioned: (1) the existing natural gas pipeline system may be used for hydrogen; ... 0-8412-0522-l/80/47-116-033$05.00. © 1980 American Ch...
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3 Hydrogen Technology: An Overview F. J. SALZANO, A. MEZZINA, M. BELLER, G. STRICKLAND,

and S. SRINIVASAN Hydrogen: Production and Marketing Downloaded from pubs.acs.org by UNIV OF PITTSBURGH on 03/08/16. For personal use only.

Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973

Hydrogen's potential to be derived from renewable as well as from fossil resources such as coal, has caught the imagination of

many, here and abroad.

It is generally recognized that hydrogen's

entry into the energy infrastructure, on a large scale, is not a near-term option. Yet, there exist opportunities for establishing closer relationships with complementary technologies such as solar and fuel cell development that may improve these prospects. Before hydrogen can begin to play the role of a universal fuel,

developments in pertinent technology will be required; but these do not appear to be radical departures from the current state-of-


This paper provides an overview of hydrogen technology

and identifies the needs for further development, in order that hydrogen achieve its ultimate potential. It should be noted that prior to 1950, substantial quantities

of hydrogen mixed with CO were produced from coal and distributed in cities as town gas.

Some cities in the world still distribute

a 50% by volume mixture of H2 with CO in city distribution systems. Currently, hydrogen is an industrial commodity, derived primarily from natural gas and the technology for handling it is familiar to industry. Transmission

Hydrogen is presently shipped as a cryogenic fluid in insulated tank cars or trucks, or as a gas in tube trailers (manifolded banks of large compressed gas cylinders). Although hydrogen gas is not generally transmitted through long distance pipelines at present, the experience with natural-gas pipeline transmission

permits extrapolation to hydrogen applications.

Three possibili-

ties are envisioned: (1) the existing natural gas pipeline system

may be used for hydrogen; (2) a new pipeline system can be employed for hydrogen transmission; (3) hydrogen can be injected

0-8412-0522-l/80/47-116-033$05.00 © 1980 American Chemical Society



to form mixtures with natural gas in existing pipelines. In the first case, the integrity of natural gas pipeline must be established for handling hydrogen. For example, the metallurgical compatibility of hydrogen with pipe materials needs to be established.

Leakage due to its lower molecular weight and ad-

ditional pumping costs needs to be considered. Secondly, new pipeline systems present substantial capital costs. Finally, compatibility of hydrogen-natural gas mixtures with gas appli-

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ances as well as with the transmission/distribution network must be examined.

The existing natural-gas system in the U.S. is complex; it contains a total of about a million miles of pipeline, of which

two-thirds are used for distribution, one-quarter for transmission and storage, and the remainder for gas field and gathering use.

A wide range of transmission costs exists within this

maze, ranging from H to 95^/ 106 Btu/ 100 miles. Table 1 and Table 2 summarize a comparison of energy transmission costs and distribution, respectively, for hydrogen vs. natural gas. Large Bulk Storage

Natural gas transmission systems operate most efficiently and at lower cost when run continuously at maximum capacity. Therefore, at periods of low demand, gas is pumped to storage reservoirs, preferably located in the consuming regions. Later, the gas is withdrawn to serve peak loads, thus supplementing the carrying capacity of the main transmission system.

In 1975, 196 (79%) of the 376 underground storage reservoirs were depleted gas wells. Alternative storage methods include: depleted oil wells, salt mine caverns, aquifers, and aboveground storage in cryogenic tanks. The total underground reservoir capacity in the U.S. is

estimated at 2.3 x 10 15 Btu of working gas. Underground caverns can also be employed for hydrogen storage.

Using the vol-

umetric ratio of heating value of three to one for natural gas

to hydrogen, the working gas capacity of the storage facilities is in the order of 0.8 x 1015 Btu. The use of existing underground caverns for storage is expensive. There are large investments in installing pipe systems to and from the reservoirs, and in compression equipment.

The total cost of service for underground natural gas storage

(excluding the cost of the gas) is estimated at about 75^/10^

Btu, an appreciable increment to production and transmission costs.

Small Scale Storage It should be noted that a key problem in the utilization of hydrogen in some applications is the need for compact,

lightweight, and safe storage. This is especially true in

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Table 1.

Estimated Transportation Costs per 100 Miles to a Local Substation, Including Capital, Operating, and Maintenance Costs Cost

($ per 106Btu


per 100 miles)

Hydrogen by pipeline


Electricity by high voltage


Methane by pipeline



Gasoline by tanker


Table 2.

Distribution Costs from the Local Substation to a Residential

Household Including Capital, Operating, and Maintenance Costs Cost


($ per lO^Btu)

Methane by pipeline


Hydrogen by pipeline


Electricity by overhead wire


Gasoline by truck


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proposed automotive applications of hydrogen. Currently available techniques of high pressure gas storage are inadequate and the approach of using the cryogenic liquid has associated safety problems, as well as being energy intensive. During recent years, the use of metal hydrides for hydrogen storage has been under development. Metal hydrides offer the potential of low cost and safe hydrogen storage through their ability to react with hydrogen to form decomposable hydrides. Heat, that must be supplied in order to decompose the hydride and release the hydrogen, is generally available at the point of hydrogen consumption. Typically, a metal hydride formed from a 50-50 atom ratio

of titanium and iron, currently the lowest cost and most convenient to use, offers a working storage capacity of approximately 1.5 wt % hydrogen. A desirable feature of TiFeHx is that the hydriding-dehydriding reactions occur near ambient temperatures. The reaction rates are very rapid but are limited by the rate of heat transfer. During the course of these

reactions the charging pressure ranges between 500 and 15 psi. TiFe materials do not lose hydrogen storage capacity


after thousands of cycles when high-purity hydrogen is used. In circumstances where impurities in the hydrogen cause poisoning, the hydride can be reactivated by heating and evacuation.

Oxygen, CO, and H2O are common poisons. Magnesium hydrides can store several times as much hydrogen per unit weight as TiFe; but are of limited application

because heating to about 300°C (572°F) is required for dehydriding. In working systems, it should be possible to achieve a hydrogen content of about 5.5 wt %.

The alloy cost is about

one-half that of TiFe-based alloys, but the thermal load is nearly three times as high. The high hydrogen concentration of Mg-based hydrides is an advantage in automotive storage where weight is an important

factor. The elevated temperature requirements suggest the use of dual-hydride systems which employ a TiFe-based hydride for cold starting, and the use of hydrogen from the Mg-based hydride heated by exhaust gases. Working systems of this type have been demonstrated by Daimler-Benz AG of West Germany in a passenger car and a bus.

A third class of hydrides, the AB5 type (LaNi5H5), also

function at ordinary temperatures and are easily activated, but are costly due to the presence of lanthanum. Investigations seeking lower cost substitutes for lanthanum have resulted in the development of two useful alloys. One is based on the substitution of cerium-free Mischmetal (M) , an unrefined rare-

earth alloy; the second is based on the substitution of calcium (Ca) and Mischmetal. These compositional changes have reduced the raw materials costs to about 30% of that for LaNi5 alloy, but further cost reductions are required.

3. SALZANO et al.

Hydrogen Technology

A comparatively new and novel method of storing hydrogen

at very high pressure in hollow glass microspheres (microballoons) has been proposed. The technique is based on the high permeation rate of hydrogen through certain glasses at tempera-

tures of approximately 200°C (392°F), at pressures of 400

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atmospheres. Like Mg-based hydrides, this storage technique would function best for a transportation application when coup-

led with a TiFe-based hydride. A practical working system of glass microballoons has yet to be demonstrated; However, this material has the potential to be charged with hydrogen from impure and mixed gas streams, based on diffusion rate differences between hydrogen and other gases. Hydrogen Energy Systems and the Fuel Cell Fuel cells may be characterized as modular, pollution-

free, high-efficiency, energy conversion systems that offer flexibility of application over a wide range from kilowatts to multi-megawatts. Fuel cell systems may exhibit differences in electrolyte (acid, alkaline, solid polymer, molten carbonate, solid oxides) and associated electrode structures and cata-

lysts. These systems are at various stages of development with cost/performance characteristics that can be matched to given stationary and mobile applications. In all cases, the reactants are hydrogen and oxidizing agents — usually oxygen supplied from air — and in certain cases, chlorine or bromine. Hydrogen is the best fuel for use in all fuel cells. In those instances where the fuel cell system consumes natural gas

or liquid hydrocarbons, these fuels are first converted (steam reformed) to hydrogen. Thus, a common element influencing cost and performance of all fuel cells is hydrogen and its sources. The use of external reformers allows for the chemical conver-

sion of virtually any hydrocarbon fuel; however, substantial benefits would accrue if pure hydrogen were made available. As a result, when one considers hydrogen feed to a fuel cell it is necessary to examine the relevant hydrogen technologies of pro-

duction (from fossil, nonfossil and renewable energy resources) and storage as well as pipeline transmission and distribution. Hydrogen technology development incentives are derived from the options offered in converting coal and nonfossil fuel

resources (solar, wind, hydro, nuclear) to a flexible fuel form with excellent energy carrying efficiency. Hydrogen production by coal gasification, by electrolysis and by thermochemical decomposition of water represent the near-term, mid-term and

long-term production options, respectively. Fuel cells in the most advanced stages of development are

illustrated in Table 3.

Utility-Stationary Applications. Fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies can be complementary over the full spectrum


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Table 3.

Improvements in t^/Air Fuel Cells __

Alkaline 1977

Current Density (mA/Cm2) Cell Voltage (V)

Power Density CnW/cm2) Operating Teno. (°C) Thermal Efficiency {%)

Catalyst Loading (mg/cm2) Startup Time Life (hrs)

19671 Acid,19771 1967 H2-Air 19772 1967 SPE, R2"° " 1977












































3 hrs

3.5 5000





3-5M 40,000

References :

Alkaline Fuel Cells: Kordesch, K.V., J. Electrochen. Soc . j_l_8, 815 (1971).

Acid Fuel Cells: x Phosphoric Acid Electrolyte - Fickett, A. P., Fuel Cell Electrolysis: Where Have We Failed? Proc. of the Symp. on Electrode Materials and

Processes for Energy Conversion and Storage, J. D.E. Mclntyre, S. Srinivasan' and F. G. Will (Eds.), Vol. 77-6, 546-558.

Electrochemical Society, Princeton, Mew

Jersey, 1977.

zTrif luoromethanesulfonic Acid (TFMSA) Electrolyte: Janskiewicz , S. , George, M.

and Baker, B.S. Aqueous Sulfonic Acid Electrolvte Fuel Cell. National Fuel Cell Seminar Abstracts, June 21-23, 1977, Boston, Massachusetts , 103-106. Solid Polymer Electrolyte (SPE) Fuel Cells: McElroy, J. Status of Solid Electrolyte Fuel Cell Technology. National Fuel Cell Seminar Abstracts, San Francisco, California, July 11-13, 1978, pp. 176-179.

3. SALZANO et al.

Hydrogen Technology


of stationary and mobile energy conversion/storage systems ap-

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plications. The electric utility industry, sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy, Electric Power Research Institute, and other funding agencies, are engaged in the development and field test demonstration of a 4.8 MW fuel cell power generating unit in downtown New York City. Successful field tests can

lead to commercialization of the first generation 26 MW unit. The first generation phosphoric acid fuel cell will use liquid fuels such as naphtha and produce hydrogen via external reformers. It is estimated that in excess of 300,000 gallons of naphtha will be used for a week's operation of a 26 MW unit. Concern has been expressed in some quarters regarding the undesirable logistics associated with the delivery and storage of those quantities of flammable fuels. Hydrogen, made available

from central coal gasification or electrochemical process centers by pipeline, would eliminate the fuel delivery and storage problems while overriding fuel allocation constraints. It is conceivable that the capital costs for new dedicated pipeline construction would be eliminated by injection of the hydrogen

into existing transmission -distribution networks.

This would

not only alleviate logistics problems but would offer the op-

tion of substituting a hydrogen separation subsystem for the cost, land use and energy intensive external reformers now utilized for fuel cell power generation units. Implementation

of the hydrogen injection concept will require: (1) legal and institutional barriers/incentives analyses and resolutions; (2) legal and institutional considerations pertinent to revision of

fuels allocations criteria; and, (3) verification and demonstration of the compatibility of hydrogen -natural gas blends with the existing transmission-distribution network. Industrial-Residential-Commercial-Total Energy Systems.

Total energy/district heat systems utilizing fuel cells are potentially attractive options that can take full advantage of cost-design-performance tradeoffs permitted by fuel cell sys-


The fuel cell's unique load-following characteristics at

constant loads at approach chemical

efficiency allows matching to thermal and electric overall efficiencies (electric and thermal) that can 100%. Further, the designer can trade off electroefficiency through use of cheaper catalysts and elec-

trode structures that will not only reduce cost but will also provide more available heat for space conditioning.

These sys-

tems are more likely to be implemented if regulated natural gas supplies were to be supplemented by hydrogen and hydrogen could be separated from the natural gas and used for special applications.

Automotive -Mobile Applications. Hydrogen storage and delivery systems coupled to fuel cells have the potential to provide a propulsion alternative to batteries. This approach



need not compromise commonly accepted driving practice associa-

ted with range, acceleration, and rapid refueling of vehicles. Fuel-cell-propelled electric vehicles could provide a threefold improvement over internal combustion engine efficiency on a

normal driving cycle and equivalent to proposed battery systems.

The development of lightweight hydrogen storage systems

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further enhances this application potential by permitting increase in range and acceleration capability. The availability of hydrogen in an urban center would permit the more rapid

entry of pollution-free hydrogen-fueled vehicles into the energy infrastructure. Economics. The ability of the fuel cell to impact the cost of substation electricity production, total energy systems

or transportation applications is in direct proportion to fuel utilization efficiency improvement over the competing alternatives, assuming similar capital costs. For example, a fuel — cell-driven vehicle could be up to three times more efficient than conventional internal combustion systems and fuel costs

per mile would be reduced proportionately.

Also, a dispersed

electric power generation option available to a utility con-

sistent with peaking demands is the gas turbine. Gas turbine capital costs are in the range of $150-$175/kW with an efficiency on the order of 25-30%. State-of-the-art fuel cells

offer an overall efficiency approaching 40%.

Figure 1 provides

cost projections for fuel cell systems indicating that large

markets will result in capital investment as low as $385/kW. It is apparent that at the fuel cell capital costs projected and equivalent fuel prices, substantial return on investment can be realized. The fuel cell offers the promise of at-

taining high-efficiency energy conversion with the added societal benefits associated with pollution-free performance.


drogen can be uniquely exploited by fuel cell technology such that further development and commercialization of these conversion devices will be a central element in future hydrogen markets.

International Cooperation on Hydrogen Programs Present efforts on hydrogen programs in some western Euro-

pean countries are greater than in the United States. These programs encompass work on hydrogen production by electrochemical and thermochemical means and use in transportation vehi-

cles, as well as supporting work on pipeline transmission and distribution. Projects are generally a mix of long term and near term technologies for applications responsive to the needs of countries which have few or no indigenous energy resources,

and are largely dependent on imported energy. The interest of European countries and Japan in alternative fuels which can be derived from abundant hydroelectric resources, are well aware

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Hydrogen Technology




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