Hydrogenated Synthetic Elastomers

R. VERNON JONES, C. WAYNE MOBERLY, AND W. B. REYNOLDS. Research Division, Phillips Petroleurn Co., Barflesville, Okla. EVERAL years ago the ...
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Hydrogenated Synthetic Elastomers

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R. VERNON JONES, C. WAYNE MOBERLY, AND W. B. REYNOLDS Research Division, Phillips Petroleurn Co., Barflesville, O k l a .


EVERAL years ago the Phillips Petroleum Co. initiated a study of the properties of hydrogenated synthetic elastomers. The result of this investigation has been the development of a series of thermoplastic hydrogenated polymers, Hydropols, which have certain unusual properties not found in other available plastics. Prior to this investigation little was known about hydrogenated synthetic elastomers. The hydrogenation of natural rubber had been fairly well investigated since Berthelot ( 1 ) heated rubber with concentrated hydriodic acid in a bomb tube and obtained a mixture of high boiling paraffins. Harries (6) stimulated t h e work of Staudinger and Fritschi ( 1 4 ) and Pummerer and Burkard (11)by his statement, “It would be of great importance t o be able to carry out the reduction of rubber, because hydrorubber probably distills unchanged in a high vacuum, and therefore its constitution could be determined for certain.” This hydrogenation of rubber was simultaneously accomplished i s 1922 by Staudinger and Fritschi (14) using a platinum catalyst dispersed in purified rubber at 270’ c. and 93 atmospheres of hydrogen pressure for 10 hours, and by Pummerer and Burkard (11) using dilute solutions of depolymerized rubber in methylcyclohexane with a platinum catalyst at ordinary temperatures and atmospheric pressures.

These and subsequent studies were made for the purpose of establishing the structure of rubber or for preparing a synthetic lubricant. Memmler (9) points out that “all of the methods for the hydrogenation of rubber, disregarding the method involving the severe reaction a t 270’ C., are unreliable and have much t o be desired.” The same may be said for the hydrogenation of synthetic elastomers. Staudinger (IS) describes hydrobutadiene rubber as having the same properties as hydrorubber-i.e., “an amorphous, easily soluble, sirupy mass.” Several patents disclose the hydrogenation of synthetic elastomers, but only Morris and Van Winkle (10) describe actual examples, and their work relates t o hydrogenated polymeric methylpentadienes. Gruntfest and Biggs ( 4 ) reported a study of the structure of butadiene polymers and copolymers as indicated by the properties of very small samples of the hydrogenated materials. It is apparent that little information has been published concerning the physical properties of hydrogenated synthetic elastomers. Thomas et al. (16) concluded t h a t the chemical unsaturation, which is so important from the standpoint of permitting vulcanization t o take place, is also the greatest weakness of the natural rubber molecule. Furthermore, it was known that very little unsaturation (2 t o 3%) is necessary for vulcanization (’J ’ J la)* Early experiments of the present study were carried out using a butadiene-styrene (73/28) copolymer prepared a t 41’ F. by emulsion polymerization. Care was taken t o protect the latex from air by blanketing it with nitrogen, as no antioxidant was used. The latex was coagulated with methanol and salt and the rubber was dried and purified by dissolving and reprecipitating from benzene solution. A methylcyclohexane solution of this rubber was hydrogenated in the presence of a reduced nickel-onkieselguhr catalyst a t 300’ F. for 8 hours. The inherent viscosities of the polymers before and after hydrogenation were 1.85 and 1.80, respectively, indicating that possibly little or no degradation was caused by this treatment. The residual unsaturation, as determined by iodine monochloride titration ( 6 ) , was 73.8% for the polymer before hydrogenation and 60.8% after hydrogenation. Evaluation of the physical properties of this product in tread and carcass recipes indicated t h a t the hydrogenated polymer was somewhat improved in low temperature properties but was otherwise not outstanding. However, it wa8 soon demonstrated that polymers and copolymers of butadiene when hydrogenated to residual unsaturations of less than 50% produce a class of thermoplastics of outstanding freeze point, oil resistance, and tensile strength. These properties suggested their application as arctic plastics for use in rain wear, protective covering, fuel storage cells, wire coating, etc. Subsequent work involving detailed study of the preparation and evaluation of these and other hydrogenated polymers as arctic plastics was carried out.

Process Early in the investigation i t was found that the treatment of the polymer prior t o hydrogenation had considerable effect




Vol. 45, No. 5

tical sample coagulated (conventionally with salt-acid) in the pilot plant and dried in a forced draft oven a t 220' F. hydrogenated under similar conditions gave a product with an unsaturation of 43.4%. Similar results were obtained with samples of other polymers. The effect of the amount of catalyst on the extent of hydrogenation is shown in Figure 2. Samples of the Eame 25-Mooney, 41 O F. emulsion polymerized polybutadiene were hydrogenated

Table II.

Effect of Temperature and Method of Adding Catalyst upon Hydrogenation

Percentage Unsaturation Batch addition Increment addition of catalyst of catalyst Units of Catalyst0 -300' F.-400" E'. 70.4 1 90.2 88.3 46.3 89.8 46.7 2.7 31.2 48.5 26.9 8.7 12.5 14.7 32.0 12.8 5 One unit of catalyst gives ratio by weight of 1 part of nickel to 33 parts of polymer.

Table 1.

Effect of Amount of Catalyst upon Hydrogenation of 41 F. Polybutadiene

Units of Catalyst= 1

Unsaturation of Products, 7% 61.9



4 8

17.0 0.7

a One unit of catalyst gives ratio by weight of 1 part of nickel t o 4 parts of polymer.

Figure 3.

upon the ease and extent of hydrogenation. The special precaution of omitting antioxidants and protecting the rubber with a blanket of nitrogen was found to be less desirable than use of antioxidants. The special reprecipitation of the rubber from benzene was not necessary. Satisfactory synthetic elastomers for hydrogenation could be prepared in the usual manner or by alcohol precipitation. The effect of various treatments of the polymer prior to hydrogenation is shown in Figure 1. Hydrogenation of samples of 41' F. emulsion polybutadiene differing onIy in the method of drying indicated that samples dried in a vacuum oven a t 150" F. hydrogenated to an appreciably greater extent than those dried in a forced draft oven a t 220" F. A sample coagulated in the laboratory (alcohol-precipitated) and dried in the vacuum oven at 150' F. was hydrogenated to give a product with an unsaturation of 29.1%, whereas an iden-

Figure 4.

Continuous Hydrogenation Apparatus

Conti2uous Reactor for Hydrogenation of Synthetic Elastomers


May 1953


Table IV. Inherent Viscosities of H y d r o g e n a t e d Polybutadiene Solutions in Toluene at Unhydrogenated Hydrogenated Hydrogenated Hydrogenated Unhydrogenated Hydrogenated

Sample control (41 ML-4) a t 300' F (32.9 % unsat.) a t 400' F. (16 5 % unsat.) a t 450' F. (14 3% unsat.) control (20 ML-4) a t 500' F. (9.8% unsat.)

75' C. Viscosity 1.78 1.95 1.93 1.84 1 29 1.24

used for the hydrogenation of synthetic elastomers. Batchwise reactions can be carried out in conventional rocker-type or stirred autoclaves. A flow diagram of a continuous reactor is shown in Figure 3 and a photograph of a laboratory model in Figure 4.

Figure 5.

Hydropol (above) and Polyethylene (left) Cooled to -1 00 O F. and Struck with Hammer

Table 111.



Most of the hydrogenations of the products reported in the present paper were carried out in a 5-gallon stirred autoclave. The polymer was dissolved in warm methyl cyclohexane or other suitable solvent t o give a 5 t o 6% solution, which was charged t o the autoclave along with the desired amount of reduced nickel-on-kieselguhr catalyst. After the system had been flushed with hydrogen, the reduction was carried out at the selgcted

of Temperature on Hydrogenation of Polybutadiene F. yo Unsaturation of Product

Temp. of Hydrogenation, ,

300 350 450

34.6 25.6 9.5

under similar conditions using increasing amounts of catalyst. Unsaturations of products obtained with varying amounts of catalyst are given in Table I. Adding all of the catalyst initially in a batchwise hydrogenation was found to be superior t o incremental addition of catalyst. These experiments were made using 41" F. emulsion polymerized 30-Mooney polybutadiene. Hydrogenation was effected a t 300" F. and 500 pounds per square inch gage using one unit of catalyst in the first step. When hydrogen absorption ceased, a sample of the mixture was withdrawn and additional catalyst added t o give a total of 2.7 units of catalyst for the second step. I n the third and fourth steps the total amount of catalyst was 8.7 and Figure 6. Effect of Flexing Wires Coated with Hydropol and 12.5 units,. respectively. The procedure was repeated at a hyPolyethylene at -100" F. drogenation temperature of 400" F. For comparison, the same polymer was hydrogenated under the same conditi6ns using 1, 2.7, 8.7, and 12.5 units of catalyst added initially. The results presented in Table I1 indicate that hydrogenation is much more effective when all of the catalyst is added initially. Hydrogenation is most effective at very high temperatures. Three experiments carried out with 41' F. emulsion polybutadiene under similar conditions except for temperature illustrate this effect (Table 111). Hydrogenation t o a given unsaturation value can be accomplished with considerably less catalyst a t higher temperatures. For example, hydrogenation of a 41 'F. emulsion polybutadiene a t 500" F. using one unit of catalyst gave a polymer of lower unsaturation than a comparable product obtained by hydrogenation at 350" F. with eight units of catalyst. The inherent viscosities of toluene solutions of products prepared at higher temperatures indicate that there is little, if any, degradation of the polymer at hydrogenation temperatures u p t o 500' F. (Table IV). Both batchwise and continuous methods can be Figure 7. Plasticity Curves for Various Thermosetting Resins P



temperature and pressure. Catalyst removal was by centrifugation or other means and the p1*oductwas recovered by removing the solvent on a drum dryer. Properties

Vol. 45, No. 5

has occurred, as indicated by greater hardness and lower compression set. The properties of a typical compounded Hydropol plastic are shown in Table VII. The ability of Hydropol plastics to cold draw is illustrated in Table VIII. These data were obtained on an uncompounded stock where the material waa stretched to varying lengths and allowed to relax.

The number of variables to be examined in studying hydrog e n a t e d polymers is large. Such factors as m o n o m e r t y p e s , polymerization process, and m o l e c u l a r w e i g h t influence the properties of the hydrogenated synthetic elastomers to a IO0 great extent. Furthermore, the degree of hydrogenation is of primary i m p o r t a n c e . After extensive exploratory work a 41" F. polybutadiene rubber was selected for further study. Table V compares the properties of a typical hydrogenated polybutadiene plastic with polyethylene. 0 The excellent low temperature properties are 100 illustrated in the photographs, Figure 5 shows the shattering of a polyethylene disk at 100' F. w while a similarly treated Hydropol disk remains intact. Likewise] polyt ethylene coating on wire c r a c k s u p o n flexing a t - 100" F. while Hydropol coating does not (Figure E o 6). KOglassy atate transi100 tion was found for Hy8 dropols of 7.2 and 21.3% unsaturation a t temperatures down to -160" C. (-256" F.) (17). Numerous evaluations of the physical properties of these plastics show that in general the stressstrain properties, swell resistance, and ozone resistance are improved 0 by increasing the degree of IO0 hydrogenation and/or by using higher Mooney base stocks. O n e of t h e s a l i e n t f e a t u r e s of t h e hydrogenated polymers is their susceptibility t o vulcanization. The compounding recipe chiefly used in this work (Table VI) does not always give a tight 0 cure and the products are 2 4 6 8 IO 12 14 15 sometimes thermoplastic even after vulcanization. However, in spite of this WAVE LENGTH - M I C R O N S considerable crosslinking Figure 8. Infrared Spectra of Emulsion-Polymerized Polybubdiene and Various Hydropol Plastics












May 1953


Table V. Comparison of Properties of a Typical Hydrogenated Polybutadiene with Molding Grade Polyethylene Tensile strength, 77-80° F., lb./sq. inch Elongation 77-80° F., % Stiffness mbdulus, 77" F.,lb./sq. inch Load deformation. % Hardness, Durometer Brittle ooint. F. Irnpact'strength Refractive index a t 77' F. Molecular weight

Table VIII.

Hydropol ( 8 ) Polyethylene 12,350 1,900 600 750 15 000 20,000 7:75 (77O F.) 0 . 6 (122' F.) 78 A-2 98 A

% Stretched n 106
