HyperChem...Good Chemistry Begins with a Click - C&EN Global

Cristina Nevado's Personal Story of Discovery. Professor Cristina Nevado has a passion for art. Like an artist, she's always found ...
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Click on HyperChem and enter the world of good chemistry. HyperChem Release 4.5 for Windows integrates molecular mechanics, semi-empirical and ab initio quantum mechanics, and molecular dynamics simulations into a single package, together with a powerful set of visualization and manipulation tools. With HyperChem, molecular modeling is both afford­ able and accessible to every chemist. HyperChem helps you to be a better chemist. It is easy to use and has great computational power. Its tools to interpret and visualize results give new insight into molecular behavior and properties. HyperChem has an open architecture and can be easily customized using its scripting abilities. This, together with the variety of its tools for displaying spectra, reactions, molecular orbitals, charge densities, and many other properties, makes it ideal for classroom use.

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HyperChem. Good Chemistry Begins with a Click 3D models built from 2D sketches Molecular geometries and conformations Presentation quality graphics Optical spectroscopy IR spectroscopy Animations of vibrational modes NMR spectroscopy Thermochemical properties Reaction mechanisms Solvent effects Crystal and sugar builders Amino acid and nucleotide libraries QSAR properties Molecular charge distributions And much MORE!

HyperChem, ChemPlus and HyperNMR, are products ofHypercube, Inc. HyperChem Release 4.5 for SGI is also available. For more information, con''''''''*'''''''4 HyperChem reseller or call m;atÉ/^^w-lS7Î


419 Phillip Sireet, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3X Phone: (519) 725-404O Fax: (519) 725-5193 E-mail· [email protected] URL: hup:ffwww. hyper.cam

