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I When you're choosing a protective coating...

i HOW HOT IS l YOUR HOT? y A Nose Cone Gets Hot

chemical resistance as well as decreased weight and lower cost. Price is $76 per 24-inch flush plate. Dept. IEC, T. Shriver & Co., Inc., 810 Hamilton St., Harrison, N. J. 7

Screw Press Feeder Twin, counter-rotating, intermeshing screw-type pressure feeder is designed for use with continuous

Small, compact Ferrofilter removes ferrous particles from moving stream of material electromagnetically. Three sizes are available with capacities of 1,5, and 25 tons per hour. Prices on request. Dept. IEC, S. G. Frantz Co., Inc., 54 Kline Ave., Trenton 6, N.J. 12

A Truck Heater Gets Hot

A Tractor

Universal Centrifuge Compact pressure f e e d e r is shown here in combination with t h e Pressafiner screw press.

screw presses. Feeder is reported to increase capacity and versatility of presses, especially when handling Engine Gets Hot bulky, low density materials and A farm equipment wet materials of a fibrous nature. m a n u f a c t u r e r used a bright organic red Price is about $8000. Dept. IEC, color on their standBauer Bros. Co., 1729 Sheridan ard equipment. T h e 8 coating on t h e en- Ave., Springfield, Ohio

gine p a r t s , which were subjected t o high t e m p e r a t u r e , quickly decomposed. Midland engineers developed a matching bright Sicon Red which retained i t s color a n d gloss and protected the hot spots on the engine.

How HOT is your HOT? Sicon possesses the flexibility of ordinary organic finishes and the heat resistance of ceramic coatings — up to 1000°F. in black or Aluminum; up t o 550°-600°F. in decorative colors. Upon inquiry a sample Sicon formulation for testing your " h o t " requirements will be prepared a t no obligation. Send details of your "hot s p o t " problem today t o Dept. D-4.


A Silicone

Product of



Sampling Valve

New high-output centrifuge enables chemical industries to process materials under 150 p.s.i. pressure at speeds giving centrifugal force of 1000 " G s . " Machine features quick-closing door and complete discharge at all times. A 40-inch model is first of a complete new line. Price ranges from $45,000 to $75,000 depending on materials of construction and special features required. Dept. IEC, Chemical Machinery Div., Baker Perkins, Inc., 1000 Hess St., Saginaw, Mich. 13

Sampling valve No. SV-700 is designed to deliver live samples, unaffected by settlement or clogging. Valves are made for installation in existing systems with minimum effort. Prices available on request. Dept. IEC, Strahman Valves, Inc., Nicolet Ave., Florham Park, N. J.

Cryogenic and Petrochemical Pumps Line of utility pumps with capacities up to 1500 g.p.m. at pressures to 500 p.s.i. utilizes an allmetal bellows of various steel or nickel alloys to meet specific temperature, corrosion, and pressure requirements. Pumps are suitable for cryogenic and fluids. Further information and prices on request. Dept. IEC, Hydrodyne Corp., 7350 Coldwater Canyon, North Hollywood, Calif. 10

Circle No. 84 on Readers' Service Card 88 A

Armorbelt continuous foaming machine is for production of urethane, polyether, and polyester foam. Machine has 80-inch working width and variable speed drive. Price is approximatclv $10,000 to $12,000. Dept. IEC, M-H Standard Corp., 518-521 Communipaic Ave., Jersey City, N. J. 11

Electromagnetic Separator

When conventional organic finishes were used in Chrysler Redstone Missile tests, they ignited and disintegrated under simulated re-entry conditions. Sicon survived because it possessed the inherent heat r e s i s t a n c e t o meet performance requirements. This h a s been confirmed in large scale tests and actual missile firings.

A porcelain type coating used on a truck heater failed because it could not stand t h e thermal shock of rapid heating and cooling. T h e o same heating (550 -600°F.) and cooling left Sicon's film integrity unaffected.

Continuous Foaming Machine


This high output universal centrifuge processes free-draining materials such as sodium chloride a t rates up t o 3 0 tons p e r hour


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