It toill pay you to specify equip ment of Inco Nickel, Monel alloy or. Nickel-clad steel. Inco Nickel Alloys can be obtained in most mill forms right ...
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To prevent caustic corrosion . . . To safeguard product p u r i t y . . . These are the principal reasons why Inco Nickel and Monel* nickelcopper alloy are used in the new

chlorine-caustic soda plant of Hook­ er Chemicals Limited. Equipment made of corrosion-re­ sisting Inco Nickel and its alloys fre­ quently gives more t h a n a decade of

See h o w Nickel a n d M o n e l alloy a r e used in Hooker's n e w chlorine-caustic plant equipment EQUIPMENT Caustic Tank Evaporator body

MATERIAL Nickel-clad steel Nickel

EQUIPMENT Salt receiver tanks


•Salt separator tanks


Barometric condenser Second effect vapor body Nickel-clad steel Third effect vapor body

Nickel-clad steel


Cylinder coolers Cooling coils

Monel alloy Nickel-clad steel Monel alloy tubing

service in handling strong caustic. Equally important, Nickel equipment has enabled producers to make mil­ lions of tons of caustic a year with less t h a n 100 ppm of metallic im­ purities. It toill pay you to specify equip­ ment of Inco Nickel, Monel alloy or Nickel-clad steel. Inco Nickel Alloys can be obtained in most mill forms r i g h t from warehouse stocks. (Listed under "Nickel" in your classified di­ rectory.) Get complete technical data and service records. W r i t e for "The Re­ sistance of Nickel and I t s Alloys t o CaUStiC A l k a l i e s . "

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67 Wall Street ,&0 New York 5, Ν. Υ.

I N CO NICKEL ALLOYS Z a r e m b a e v a p o r a t o r bodies, p i p i n g a n d other equip­ ment of new chlorine-caustic soda p l a n t a t Hooker Chemicals, Ltd., N o r t h Vancouver, B . C , are

made of Nickel t o g u a r d a g a i n s t corrosion, a s s u r e p r o d u c t p u r i t y . ( M u c h of t h e e q u i p m e n t s u p ­ plied b y P u g e t Sound F a b r i c a t o r s , Inc., S e a t t l e ) .

Nickel " b o d y g u a r d s " protect new caustic plant Circle No. 23 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 5 1 , N O . 2 ·


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