
scientists internationally and shall be concerned with the worldwide application of chemistry to the needs of humanity.” In fulfillment of this ...
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ACS International and You

International Activities Committee, American Chemical Society Dr. Cynthia A. Maryanoff Abstract The American Chemical Society (ACS) has a distinctive international aspect to its Constitution. Article II, Section 3 energizes ACS members, leaders and staff in its statement that, “the SOCIETY shall cooperate with scientists internationally and shall be concerned with the worldwide application of chemistry to the needs of humanity.” In fulfillment of this aspiration, the ACS Committee on International Activities (IAC) and the Office of International Activities (OIA) have been working hard to plan and conduct a wide range of activities that include international scientific exchange, leadership training, scientific advancement, and public appreciation of chemistry. We also encourage and coordinate our efforts with those of other organizations.


“Assist scientists and engineers worldwide to communicate and collaborate for the good of the chemical and chemically related sciences, chemical engineering, and their practitioners.”

ACS International Activities Highlights

ACS by the Numbers 161,000 Members 187 Local Sections 32 Technical Divisions 75% chemistry degree 60% industry 30% academia 10% students Over 30,000 cumulative attendance at two national meetings

More than 40 peerreviewed journals

3.7 billion+ chemical property records

More than 1,400 peerreviewed, multidisciplinary e-books

71 million+ organic & inorganic substances in registry

More than 2.2 million citations in 2012

ACS International Center™ since 2012

www.acs.org/ic  Collected information: listings on over 600 scientific collaboration and research opportunities from over 100 different funding organizations in 16 different regions worldwide  Learn from funders: Live webinars and archived presentations from representatives from international organizations on how and where to apply  Get questions answered: Discussion forums to speak with experts about issues in international mobility and program specifics  Receive news: Sign up for the monthly newsletter containing updates on international programs, events, and resources

Over 38,400 articles published annually 83 million article downloads

ACS presence abroad

25,000 members 100+ countries

67% of articles are authored by int’l researchers

200 projects/programs have an int’l component

4,700 worldwide organizational C&EN subscribers

4,500 yearly int’l meeting attendees

68% of articles originate from outside of the US and Canada

7 Pacifichem Congresses cosponsored/hosted since 1984

68% of article downloads come from outside of North America

50% of content originates int’l

The American Chemical Society

is everywhere

Programs and Activities

 It communicates the value and impact of chemistry  Opportunity for middle and high school students to conduct a series of hands-on activities

In 2013, 11 events held in 3 different locations: Colombia, Chile and Puerto Rico from the last week of April to the first week of November gathered over 750 students volunteering and performing chemistry activities at their local community and approximately 14,750 participants.

2014 International Activities Events 37th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Chemistry Society May 26-29, 2014 - Natal, Brazil

29th Chinese Chemical Society Meeting Aug 4-7, 2014 - Beijing, China 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition “Chemistry & Global Stewardship” August 10-14, 2014 - San Francisco, CA

Alliances and Chapters  Chinese Chemical Society (CCS)  German Chemical Society (GDCh)  Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS)  South African Chemical Institute (SACI)  Latin American Federation of Chemical Associations (FLAQ)

2013: an Extraordinary Year for the Festival!

IUPAC International Conference on Chemical Education, ICCE 2014 July 13-18, 2014 - Toronto, Canada

 Transatlantic Frontiers of Chemistry (TFOC)  Chemical Sciences and Society Summit (CS3)  ACS Global Innovation Imperatives (Gii)  IAC Global Innovation Grant  The ACS IREU Program  Pittcon Travel Grants  ACS Science and Human Rights

5 Global Strategic Alliances

Festival de Química  Designed to promote the public’s understanding of chemistry in the local communities

“The ACS International Center™ is the essential guide for scientists and engineers looking to study, work, and conduct research overseas.” The IAC is responsible for studying and recommending appropriate Society participation and cooperation in international undertakings pertaining to chemical education, professional activities, and scientific matters of interest to chemists and chemical engineers, and coordinating its efforts with those of other organizations.

Community Outreach

8 International Chemical Sciences Chapters

Hong Kong Saudi Arabia Hungary Shanghai Malaysia South Korea Romania Thailand

5th EUCHEMS Aug 31 – Sep 4, 2014 - Istanbul, Turkey 49th Annual Congress of the Mexican Chemical Society Sept 17-21, 2014 - Merida, Mexico Biennial Congress of the Latin American Federation of Chemical Associations (CLAQ 2014) Oct 14-17, 2014 - Lima, Peru LAB-TECH 2014 Oct 28-30, 2014 - Manama, Bahrain

International Chemical Sciences Chapters Summit Indianapolis, IN, USA. September, 2013

For more events, visit www.acs.org/international