Icosahedral Matrix Representation

lcosahedral Matrix Representation [1989, 66,7061. The numeration of the ... istry, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA. 01609. Entropy-Cont...
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Errata lcosahedral Matrix Representation [1989,66,7061 The numeration of the vertices used in obtaining the matrix representations for I group appearing in Figure 1 is incorrect; the-correct version is shown below

~ u t e interfacine r colorimeter. Reasonable results were obiained using GREEN and YELLOW sensors; however, anomalous results were obtained usine .. the RED sensor. The prohlern with our prevlous nlcasurmwnts using t h e RED it:nsor h:is brrn traced to the placelncnt of tht! 1{1.:I) sensor high up in the calorimeter-sample compartment coupled with our apparent incomplete filling of the sample cuvitte in makingthe light absorbance me&urements.' The problems we noted in the original article have been eliminated by attention to the complete filling of sample cuvettes in making both calibration and absorbance measurements. The RED sensor gives results comparable in both precision and accuracy to those obtained using the GREEN and YELLOW sensors. The correct data may be obtained by writing the authors at: Department of Chemistry, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA 01609. Entropy-Controlled Reactions: An Interesting Textbook Error [Z. Slanina, 1991,68,4741

Additional Absorbance Measurements [ L. H. Berka., W. J. Clark, and D. White, 1992,69,891-89fl The authors communicate the following:

We previously reported on the making of the light absorbance measurements using the CHEMPAC (Manufactured by E&L Instruments, 70 Fulton Terrace, New Haven, CT 06512; purchased from Electronic Marketing Co., 1092 Johnson Road, Woodhridge, CT 06525.) laboratorylcom-


Journal of Chemical Education

I n reference 6 of the article the author promised "a complete bibliography is available from the author upon request", giving his current mailing address a s a n institute in Prague. The author was subsequently granted a n unlimited leave of absence from the institute, and unfortunatelv. his mail has not been forwarded. As a result. the autho; could not distribute reprints of the article, could not supply the complete bibliography, and could not answer any possible other questions. Those interested in the above are now directed to write the author at: Department of Chemistry, NCC University, Chia-Yi 621, Taiwan, ROC. Further, the author has published additional accounts of ; 668 and J. Zrrep. Res. the controversy in ~ a t u r 1992,355, 1992.37, 9.