IDEAL TALC SHOULD FINED... - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 7, 2010 - IDEAL TALC SHOULD FINED... Chem. Eng. News , 1977, 55 (5), p 13. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v055n005.p013. Publication Date: January 31, 1977...
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ai A platypus is a small aquatic mammal that looks like a cross between a duck, a beaver, and a muskrat. Its usefulness is not generally recognized. Talc is a hydrous magnesium silicate found in several different forms and colors. In some forms it contains undesirable impurities such as asbestos and tremolite, chrysotile, and other asbestiform minerals. But unlike the platypus, talc's value is widely recognized. Particularly if it is p/aty—formed in foliated or flaky layers—as opposed to fibrous. That's because the shape and surface characteristics of platy talc particles are preferable for most applications. Our customers recognize Pfizer as the source of platy talcs in the U. S.—our MP and CP grades. More important, these grades are, by any known detection method, free of the asbestos and asbestiform minerals subject to strict limitation by OSHA regulations. Each of our brands of talc—Microtalc/RJ Talcron,rR; and CercronrR)—is available as a PLATY . . . P L U S : Avoidance of Federal regulation violations and employee health hazards, by freedom from asbestiform minerals content. P L U S : High purity, uniformity, whiteness, brightness, and softness.


Choice of controlled particle sizes, absorbency, and other properties important in some applications. For sales service, technical data, formulation counsel, and test samples of Pfizer talc, call our nearest sales & service office—listed in your Yellow Pages under "Talcs"—or phone our New York office at 212-573-2816.


MINERALS, PIGMENTS G METALS D I V I S I O N Dept. 6X-8, 235 E. 42nd Street, New York, New York 10017