Ideas Exchange C o l u m n

Ideas Exchange C o l u m n l/EC's features bring in lots of fan mail. Readers want information, and they pass along ideas. Ideas Exchange. Column is a...
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l/EC's features bring in lots of fan mail. Readers want information, and they pass along ideas. Ideas Exchange Column is a careful screening of this correspondence. This is not a place for praise or criticism; it is a source of technical questions and their factual answers.

Solvent Service Corrosion DEAR M R . MUNGER:

This article "Solvent Service Corrosion in T a n k Ships" [ I / E C 49, 59A (July 1957)] has received our attention, as we are planning the construction of a styrene storehouse. O u r problem is one of protection against corrosion of iron tanks. C a n you supply us with the following information? 1. All information necessary for its use. 2. Does the manufacturing firm of the coating mentioned in your article have sales agents in Italy? C a n this coating be easily imported? 3. Are there any samples available? M A Z Z U C C H E L L I CELLULOIDE

c.c.i.a. Varese n. 4151 Castiglione Alona (Varese) Italy Mr. Lacy's Answer for Munger:


I n answer to your inquiry, it is possible t h a t Dimetcote No. 3 might be suitable for your problem. A brochure containing information on this product is enclosed. W e do not have a sales agent in Italy; however, we do have an engineer resident in Europe, M R H O W A R D H. HILDERBRAND

Technical director of European Sales 45 T e r r u e de Florissant Geneva, Switzerland Should it a p p e a r that Dimetcote is practical for your use, please d o not hesitate to contact either M r . Hilderb r a n d