Ideas Exchange Column - ACS Publications

technical questions and their factual answers. High-Energy Fuel ... nated from the Graduate School of. Public Health of the ... into the body. Adequat...
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l/EC's features bring in lots o f f a n mail. Readers w a n t information, and they pass along ideas. Column is a careful screening of this correspondence. This is not a place for praise or criticism; technical questions and their factual answers.

High-Energy Fuel Elements DEAR SIR:

I would like to bring to your at­ tention w h a t appears to me to be a conflict in views. M r . Weilmuenster in his article, "Utilization of HighEnergy Fuel Elements," ( I / E C , p. 1337, P a r t I, September 1957) makes this statement concerning boranes: " T h e materials have been produced in test quantities a n d have lived u p to expectations of high den­ sity, low toxicity, a n d safe handling, in addition to a high-energy con­ tent." I n the Industrial Hygiene section ( I / E C , p . 87 A, Part I, September 1957), this statement concerning the toxicity of diboranes a p p e a r s : " I n s u m m a r y , it can be stated t h a t diborane, p e n t a b o r a n e , a n d decabor­ ane are highly toxic c o m p o u n d s a n d a d e q u a t e control measures must be instituted to prevent serious hazards to h e a l t h . " I would appreciate it if you would resolve this a p p a r e n t contradiction. W . B. H A R D I N G

Materials Engineer Bendix Aviation Corp. Kansas City Division Kansas City 4 1 , M o . E d i t o r ' s N o t e : T h e editors have contacted the authors of b o t h of these articles and their answers are given here. Mr. Weilmuenster's


I n the article, "Utilization of HighEnergy Fuel Elements," the state­ m e n t in question regarding the low toxicity of high energy fuels defi­ nitely did not refer to the boron hy­ drides, but rather to new boron-con­ taining high energy materials, such as H E F - 2 a n d H E F - 3 . Because of security regulations the exact composition of these new fuels cannot be disclosed. T h e r e is n o question whatever t h a t diborane, p e n t a b o r a n e , a n d decaborane are very toxic com­

pounds. However, we will stand by our statement that the high energy fuels ( H E F ) exhibit low toxicity. Dr. Schrenk's


This is in reply to the letter regard­ ing the toxicity of borane compounds as given in m y Industrial Hygiene column. T h e majority of reports, which have recently been issued on the toxicity of boranes, have origi­ nated from the G r a d u a t e School of Public H e a l t h of the University of Pittsburgh, a n d the Chemical Corps Medical Laboratories, Army Chem­ ical Center, M a r y l a n d . T h e arti­ cle, "Toxicity Tests of Decaborane for Laboratory Animals. IIIChronic I n h a l a t i o n Studies," by J. L. Svirbely and J. C. Roberts, Jr. [Arch. Ind. Health 14, 163 (1956)], presents d a t a on the chronic toxicity of decaborane. T h e d a t a show t h a t repeated exposure to 4.5 p.p.m. decaborane was injurious to rabbits, dogs, monkeys, a n d rats. It is indi­ cated t h a t safe concentrations for persons should be of a m u c h lower order of m a g n i t u d e . This article is cited because of its recent publication a n d the fact t h a t it contains refer­ ences o n a n u m b e r of previous arti­ cles on the toxicity of boranes from the University of Pittsburgh group. I n a previous article, it was stated, " A c u t e vapor toxicity studies carried out in the laboratory with deca­ borane (Bi 0 H 14 ) a n d p e n t a b o r a n e (B 5 H 9 ) in rats and mice indicate that they are extremely toxic and affect the central nervous system." T h e article, "Toxicity a n d Health H a z a r d s of Boron H y d r i d e s , " Ε. Η . K a r c k o w [Arch. Ind. Hyg. Occupa­ tional Med. 8, 335 (1953)], presents work performed by members of the Chemical Corps Medical Labora­ tories, A r m y Chemical Center, M a r y l a n d . I t is stated in this re­ port: " I n summary, the boron hydrides, diborane, p e n t a b o r a n e , and deca­ borane, are highly toxic compounds a n d present a serious health h a z a r d

Ideas Exchange it is a source of

for all the practical routes of entry into the body. A d e q u a t e ventila­ tion and hygienic and protective measures must be established for skin-contact, eye, a n d inhalation ex­ posures." Incidentally L. J. K u h n s a n d as­ sociates in a n article dealing with boron hydrides monitoring devices [Anal. Chem. 28, 1750 (1956)], start their article as follows, " T h e high toxicity of borane hydrides " T h e low values for the threshold limits established by the American Conference of Governmental In­ dustrial Hygienists, and which are given in my column, also are in­ dicative of a high toxicity.

Boron Detection Instruments DEAR D R . SCHRENK:

W e would appreciate information on manufacturer of field and auto­ motive boron detection instruments described in your Industrial H y ­ giene column on metals of recent industrial importance ( I / E C , 49, 87 A, September 1957). R. M . TILLMAN

Development a n d Research D e p a r t m e n t Continental Oil Co. Ponca City,,Okla. Dr. Schrenk's


This is in reply to your telegram regarding an automatic instrument for boron hydride detection. This instrument was described in an article entitled, "Boron Hydride Monitoring Devices—Employing a Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride R e ­ agent," by L. J. K u h n s , R . H . Forsyth, and J. F. Masi, Callery Chemical Co., Callery, Pa. [Anal. Chem. 28, 1750 (1956)]. I do not know whether this in­ strument is being manufactured as yet. I t is suggested t h a t you write to the authors of the article at the address given for information on the availabilitv of the instrument. VOL. 49, NO. 12 ·


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