Ideas Exchange Column - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

May 18, 2012 - Publication Date: September 1956. Copyright © 1956 American Chemical Society. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this i...
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l&EC's features bring in lots of fan mail. Readers want information, and they pass along ideas. Ideas Exchange Column is a careful screening of this correspondence. This is not a place for praise or criticism; it is a source of technical questions and their factual answers.

DDT and Chloral Manufacture DEAR M R . H A R D Y :

I was amazed at the data in your first article and more so by the second article (I&EC 48, No. 2, 77 A and No. 4, 79 A, 1950). I have been in D D T production work since 1945, have worked for two companies, and had contact with a number of others. I doubt if any commercial processes have any resemblance to yours, particularly in regard to equipment and economics. For example, D D T has sold for over a year at 22I/