Identification and Characterization of a Novel ... - ACS Publications

Jul 27, 1993 - N. Campos, L. Bako, B. Brzobohaty, J. Feldwisch, R. Zettl, W. Boland, and K. Palme. Max-Planck Institut für Züchtungsforschung, ...
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Chapter 14

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on September 1, 2015 | Publication Date: July 27, 1993 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1993-0533.ch014

Identification and Characterization of a Novel Phytohormone Conjugate Specific ß-Glucosidase Activity from Maize N . Campos, L . Bako, B. Brzobohaty, J. Feldwisch, R. Zettl, W. Boland, and K. Palme Max-Planck Institut für Züchtungsforschung, Carl-von-Linné-Weg 10, D-5000 Cologne 30, Germany Virtually all aspects of plant growth and development are influenced by structurally relatively simple substances termed phytohormones. It has been argued that the wide range of responses elicited by these substances requires a mode of action that is radically different from those of animal hormones. Current evidence indicates that enzymes that can synthesize and modify phytohormones and their antagonists, or hydrolyze phytohormone conjugates to release active hormones, play a role in initiating important regulatory pathways. They are also likely to provide invaluable tools with which to study the mechanisms underlying growth and differentiation in plants. Here we describe recent biochemical progress in the characterization of the molecular targets of phytohormones. Vascular plants posess unique morphological and developmental features that can be viewed as specific adaptations to the autotrophic sessile habit of these organisms. Plant development has been shown to be influenced by a set of five phytohormones (auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid and ethylene), each of which can elicit a remarkable variety of responses (for review see 7). Auxins (indole-3-acetic acid and its natural and synthetic derivatives) promote cell division, cell elongation, differentiation of vascular tissues and root initiation. They have been proposed to influence apical dominance and tropisms. Cytokinins are thought to promote shoot initiation, cell division and, together with auxins, regulate plant growth and differentiation. Numerous physiological experiments have illustrated the important role of these phytohormones. Several unanswered questions, however, remain: (i) what are the molecular mechanisms underlying phytohormone action, (ii) what is the importance of phytohormone transport between cells and tissues, (iii) what

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In ß-Glucosidases; Esen, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



imbibition during the rapid growth phase. Protein extracts were prepared from these coleoptiles and after photoaffinity labeling with 5'-azido-[7- H]indole-3acetic acid ([ H]N IAA) a 60 kDa protein, termed p60, was identified. This protein was initially detected in the post-ribosomal supernatant, indicating that it might be present in the cytosol of the intact cells. p60 was also detected in protein extracts prepared after solubilization of microsomal fractions. To demonstrate the specificity of photoaffinity labeling of p60, competition studies were performed using various unlabeled auxin analogues (75). Physiologically active natural and synthetic auxins (IAA, 1-naphthylacetic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) significantly reduced the incorporation of [ H]N IAA into p60. Compounds specific for the indole ring, such as L-tryptophan, or compounds specific for the aromatic ring system, or radical scavengers, such as p-aminobenzoic acid, did not compete the labeling of p60. To study the presence of p60 in different organs of the maize seedling, we isolated crude microsomal fractions from coleoptiles (including the node and the primary leaf), the mesocotyl and roots. Photoaffinity labeling of the corresponding protein extracts showed that p60 was mainly present in the coleoptile fraction. It was less abundant in roots and virtually absent in the mesocotyl fraction. The molecular mass of the native p60 was estimated by gel filtration chromatography. A cytosolic fraction containing p60 was separated by Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration and its molecular mass was determined as 130 kDa. This result suggests that p60 may dimerize. We analyzed microsomal p60 by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and found that it separated into three different isoforms. This heterogeneity indicates the presence of either post-translational modifications or genetic variability. The functional relevance of this heterogeneity is not yet known. Interestingly, dimerization of another enzymatically active maize 6-glucosidase has been demonstrated previously (124) and 2-3 charge isomers of this enzyme were observed (15). In addition, we found another p60-related protein (pm60) in plasma membranes (16; our unpublished observations). Plasma membranes were isolated by two-phase partitioning and shown to be highly enriched for plasma membrane vesicles by analysis of several marker enzymes. pm60 appeared to be tightly bound to the membrane as it was not readily solubilized by extraction with either n-butanol or acetone, or by extraction of the membranes with the detergents Triton X-100, CHAPS or digitonin (unpublished results). However, p60 was readily solubilized after treatment with Triton X-114, a detergent known to release integral membrane proteins from the lipid bilayer (77). Another p60-related protein with a slightly smaller apparent molecular mass (p58) was found in microsomal fractions (unpublished results). p58 is a minor protein in maize coleoptiles and present at less than 5% of p60, as estimated by photoaffinity labeling. p58 was detected in crude extracts only after polyacrylamide gels containing photoaffinity labeled p60 were exposed to X-ray films for more than two weeks. p58 does not appear to be a degradation product of p60. We found that although it was extracted together with p60 it could be separated from p60 quantitatively by binding to carboxy-methyl-Sepharose. The 60 kDa protein (p60) was purified to homogeneity by using several 3


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In ß-Glucosidases; Esen, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on September 1, 2015 | Publication Date: July 27, 1993 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1993-0533.ch014



Phytohormone Conjugate Specific /3-Glucosidase Activity 207

mechanisms control the intracellular and extracellular levels of active phytohormones and the sensitivity of their target cells, and (iv) how are the phytohormone sensitivity characteristics of critical physiological responses controlled? As plants lack the structures analogous to the specific endocrine organs of animals for spatially localized hormone production, it is reasonable to expect different principles to apply to the organization of the production, movement and sequestration of phytohormones. Recent insights into such processes demonstrate the involvement of various glycosidases that can metabolize phytohormones (2,3). Glycosidases probably alter the cellular concentrations of active forms of phytohormones and thus are likely to play an important role in the control of plant development. Conjugation of phytohormones to low molecular weight compounds is probably part of the mechanism for control of hormone concentrations. The molecular details are only poorly understood (4). Why do plants need to amplify their spectrum of growth regulators through formation of numerous metabolites? These compounds are often much more abundant than the physiologically active phytohormones, but are they part of the plants strategy to downregulate hormone activity or even to degrade these compounds? Or are these metabolites intermediates in hormone transport as some experiments suggest (5,6)1 Alternatively, these widely distributed compounds could be part of the plants' strategy to cope with the continuous flux of environmental changes. Some of these compounds could provide the key to a molecular analysis of the regulation of plastic growth responses in plants. The identification of cellular proteins responsible for phytohormone binding or metabolism will be an important step in the analysis of phytohormone conjugates. It will also allow the molecular details underlying the regulation of expression of the corresponding genes, for example in response to various environmental stimuli, to be elucidated. Genetic or biochemical strategies may be applied to identify such proteins and their corresponding genes. Photoaffinity labeling techniques, which overcome problems associated with hormone-binding techniques, have in many cases proven to be successful for the identification of hormone-binding proteins and even hormone receptors (7-12). It can be envisaged that some of the plant proteins identified by photoaffinity labeling with light-sensitive synthetic phytohormone derivatives, may be enzymes able to metabolize phytohormones or their conjugates. Methods Methods were previously described (12,13). Results and Discussion Identification and Characterization of Different Isoforms of p60. Maize coleoptiles grown in the dark at 28°C were harvested at 3 days after seed

In ß-Glucosidases; Esen, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA on September 1, 2015 | Publication Date: July 27, 1993 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1993-0533.ch014

chromatographic separation steps including chromatography on Sepharose linked to 1-naphthylacetic acid, from which p60 was eluted with 1-naphthylacetic acid, a well- known synthetic auxin analogue. This resin was used earlier for the purification of another well-studied auxin-binding protein that is located in the ER of maize coleoptiles (18-20). fi-Glucosidase Activity of p60. Microsequencing studies revealed that p60, p58 and pm60 are members of a protein family and were differentially processed (Table I). The primary amino acid sequence of p60 revealed similarities to Bglucosidases (our unpublished observation); therefore p60 was analyzed for Bglucosidase activity. It was found that a fraction containing p60 did indeed exhibit B-glucosidase activity towards general B-glucosidase substrates (e.g. pnitrophenyl-glucopyranoside or 6-bromo-2-naphthyl-B-D-glucopyranoside/fast blue B B for activity staining in native polyacrylamide gels). The results are presented in Figure 1. Specific staining of p60 with 6-bromo-2-naphthylB-D-glucopyranoside/ fast blue B B demonstrated that p60 has B-D-glucoside glucohydrolase activity (E.C. To characterize the B-glucosidase activity of purified p60 we performed enzyme assays with the synthetic substrate p-nitro-phenyl-B-D- glucopyranoside and found maximal activity between pH 5.3 and 5.9. This range is in a good agreement with the pH optimum of 5.8 determined for a maize B-glucosidase described earlier (75, 21). Table I.

N-terminal amino acid sequences of pm60 and p60





We assayed the enzyme activity of the other proteins related to p60: p58 and pm60. In each case, the presence of the p60-related proteins correlated with a high B-glucosidase activity. This suggests that the variants of p60 detected by photoaffinity labeling are B-glucosidases. To define the substrate specificity of p60, we tested different compounds that are commonly cleaved by a wide variety of glucosidases. For comparison, we also analyzed the substrate specificity of a B-glucosidase from Caldocellum saccharolyticum, an enzyme involved in the breakdown of cellulose (22). In contrast to other B-glucosidases (i.e., B-glucosidase from C. saccharolyticum or emulsin from sweet almonds), which hydrolyze a broad range of substrates, p60 had a distinct pattern of substrate specificity (shown in Table II). These data suggested that p60 is unlikely to be involved in the breakdown of cellulose in vivo (13).

The results of photoaffinity labeling discussed above support the view that the p60 can bind auxins. In this context, it is important to determine whether the presence of auxins has any effect on the B-glucosidase activity of p60. We found that both I A A and 1-naphthylacetic acid inhibit p60-associated B-glucosidase

In ß-Glucosidases; Esen, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Phytohormone Conjugate Specific 0-Glucosidase Activity 209

Figure 1. P-glucosidase activity of p60. A . 1 ug of purified p60 protein was electrophoresed on a 10% native polyacrylamide gel and either stained with Coomassie Blue (lane 1) or enzymatically stained for B-glucosidase activity with 6-bromo-2-naphthyl-B-D-glucoside/fast blue B B (lane 2). B. Indole derivatives at a final concentration of 1 m M were incubated in citrate buffer, pH 5.5 in the absence (lanes 2,4,6) or presence (lanes 3,5,7) of 0.5 U p60 protein. Products of the reaction were analyzed by T L C . Lane 1, IAA; lanes 2,3, indoxyl-B-D-glucoside; lanes 4,5, IAA-myo-inositol; lane 6,7, IAAL-aspartate.

In ß-Glucosidases; Esen, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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activity in a competitive manner. This effect is specific since other bacterial Bglucosidases are not affected by auxins. In addition, the presence of non-functional auxin analogues such as L-tryptophan or 5-hydroxy-IAA, or aromatic compounds, such as benzoic acid, had no effect on the B-glucosidase activity of p60. These results suggest that I A A and related compounds are aglycones which can bind to the active site of p60. Further experiments demonstrated that p60 readily hydrolyzed indoxyl-p-glucoside, a synthetic compound structurally related to the natural auxin conjugate indole-3-acetyl-B-D-glucoside (Figure 1). This activity appeared to be highly specific since the p60 was not able to hydrolyze other indole-acetic acid conjugates like IAA-myoinositol or IAA-L-aspartate. Present data suggest that p60 might be involved in vivo in the hydrolysis of glucosidic phytohormone conjugates (13). Table II. Substrate specificities* of p60 associated B-glucosidase activity and the B-glucosidase from C. saccharolyticum


(% of PNPG) Substrate

p-nitrophenyl-B-D-glucopyranoside p-nitrophenyl-B-D-galactopyranoside p-nitrophenyl-B-D-arabinoside phenyl-B-D-glucopyranoside methyl-B-D-glucopyranoside (B-l,4)-cellobiose (B-1,3)-laminiaribiose


C. saccharolyticum

100 241.4 9.1 324.6 26.3 245.6 765.0

100 0 27 0 0 0 17.5

T h e assay was performed for 30 min at 30°C in 100 m M citrate buffer (pH 5.5) using 5 m M of substrate. Product analysis was perfomed spectrophotometrically as described in Methods. As PNPG was used by both enzymes with similar values (K™ 0.4 m M for p60 and 0.6 m M for B-glucosidase from C. saccharolyticum), all values obtained were normalized to the level of PNPG cleavage. Extensive amino acid sequence analysis of this protein allowed the construction of several synthetic oligonucleotide probes which were used to isolate a cDNA clone coding for a protein related to p60. The cDNA, named Zmp60.1, corresponded to a mRNA with a 3'-poly(A) sequence and a single open reading frame. When the Zmp60.1 primary sequence was compared with other amino acid sequences available in protein data bases, similarities were observed in the range from 30 to 50% to other B-glycosidases from archaebacteria, +

In ß-Glucosidases; Esen, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



Phytohormone Conjugate Specific P-Glucosidase Activity 211

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eubacteria and eukaryotes. Much to our surprise we found a stretch of amino acids similar to part of the rolC protein from Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The motif shared between the rolC protein and Zmp60.1 pointed to the possibility that both proteins could share common substrates. It is expected that transgenic tobacco plants stably expressing this gene will have altered phytohormone ratios and the ensuing phenotype is likely to be of interest. Control of Plant Development by Phytohormone-Specific ft-Glucosidases. Maize kernels are a rich source of auxin conjugates. These compounds accumulate in the endosperm during seed maturation and are mobilized to other parts of the seedling during germination (23,24). Bandurski and coworkers have already suggested that hydrolysis and transport of auxin conjugates from the endosperm to the shoot and to the root could be of importance for controlling maize seedling development. p60 could play a pivotal role in the germination process by controlling the release of free auxin but, equally well, p60 could play a general role in plant growth control by specifically releasing active phytohormones from inactive conjugates in various tissues. During evolution several soil bacteria have developed strategies allowing them to reprogramme plant physiological processes for their own benefit by altering phytohormone levels. For example, in addition to containing genes coding for enzymes involved in phytohormone synthesis, A. rhizogenes contains genes which are responsible for neoplastic root growth (root loci, rol). When expressed in transgenic tobacco plants two of these loci, rolB and rolC, were shown to drastically affect growth and development causing phenotypes reminiscent of those for altered phytohormone concentrations (25). The rolC gene, for example, induced phenotypes including reduced fertility, stimulation of cell division, inhibition of cell elongation and plant dwarfing. These phenotypyes are characteristic of alterations of cytokinin concentrations (20). Although the cell-autonomous action of the rolC gene did not suggest that the rolC product would play a role in phytohormone production (26), it turned out that the rolC gene encodes a B-glucosidase capable of liberating free cytokinin from cytokininO- and -N-glucosides (2). Similarly, it was found that the product of the rolB gene can hydrolyze indoxyl-glucosides in vitro, suggesting that its effect would result from some alteration in the intracellular pool of active auxins (3). An attractive model explaining plant growth control could be based on the action of B-glucosidases. Transcriptional regulation of their genes could be linked to environmental cues and thus allow various developmental adaptations. Auxin and cytokinin conjugates have been found to be broadly distributed in plants. Thus, phytohormone-specific B-glucosidases might represent a link between environmental stimuli and the release of active phytohormones from precise locations in the plant. Although these ideas are far from being proven, they open a promising area of research in plant development. We hope that future investigations w i l l contribute to defining the importance of phytohormone-specific B-glucosidases in the control of plant development.

In ß-Glucosidases; Esen, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



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Perspective Bacteria like A. rhizogenes have evolved the capacity to use endogenous phytohormone pools by releasing active phytohormones with the help of specific B-glycosidases. It is conceivable that plant genes encoding glycosidases or other hydrolases that specifically cleave phytohormone conjugates will influence the relative concentrations of active free and inactive bound phytohormones. Regulation of the genes encoding such hydrolytic enzymes by environmental or other plant-specific signals may be one of the mechanisms controlling plastic growth responses of plants. Genes like Zmp60.1 or other members of this family from maize and arabidopsis will provide the tools to test this hypothesis. Acknowledgements Our work was supported by the Human Science Frontier Program Organisation and E E C BRIDGE contract CT-BIOT-90-0178. Literature Cited 1.

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R E C E I V E D April 9, 1993

In ß-Glucosidases; Esen, A.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.