Identification and qualitative chemical analysis of minerals - Journal of

Identification and qualitative chemical analysis of minerals. Elbert C. Weaver. J. Chem. Educ. , 1953, 30 (11), p 597. DOI: 10.1021/ed030p597.2. Publi...
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Cahn, Weyl, Houben, "Organic Rcxrtions," Weissberger, and Theilheimer already stand. With its thousands of literature rpferences this work is still much more t h m a. mass compilation. Critical comment is continuously given, briefly to the point, including such items as yields, choice of catalyst, fields in whioh maximum success or complete failure may be expected, tips on phenomena observed during synthesis which would be promising or discouraging, etc., etc. The 39 chapters hear type-compound titles. As an example, Chapter 20 (Cyanides) describes 24 "methods" in 19 pages, followed by 10 tables in 15 pages, listing 370 compounds; and lastly, 399 literature references of whioh a number are multiple. "Methods" include bath synthesis and reactions. No author index or find compound index is attempted, space being reserved for much more important items. Freedom from any special symbols or ~chemoof lettering and numbering make this book particularly acceotable to a. researcher who doesn't use i t quite often e n o u ~ h to remember a symbolic scheme next time. This book is a good example of high-class offset printing, in which attractive modern type is used rather than the old standard typewriter face. Intensity of inking, from page to page, is unusually uniform and satisfactory. It would seem that the "letterpress" fraternity will have something to worry about if such attractive offset j o h ~become thoroughly fashionable. G. ROSS ROBERTSON Urnvensmr or C A ~ r r o n l i u Los A N ~ S Z E BC. A L I ~ R N I *

devoted to an exposition of techniques. Appendix I includes s. complete list of apparatus and materials. Appendix I1 consists of five osees .. of chemical arithmetic. Aooendix 111 describes the w e r,f lugnrirhrns ;tnd vo~_t: