Identification of common carbonhydrates

in the identification of carbohydrates. First, numerous tests have been appliedto individual carbohydrates,1 but most frequently they have not been ap...
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Identification of Common Carbohydrates WILLIAMM. DEHN,KIRBYE. JACKSON, AND DONALD A. BALLARD University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.

HOUGH some two hundred tests (9) for glucose, including different reagents with modifications of conditions, etc., are found in the literature, no one of these is exclusively characteristic for glucose and, indeed, no one physical constant will identify it. Some of the common carbohydrates, such as levulose, starch, mannose, glycogen, and cellulose, can be identified by a single test, but most of the others require two or more tests for reliable identification. This study was undertaken to develop new tests for certain carbohydrates, to determine the extent of application of old tests, and to formulate a system of identification, based largely on color reaction, of the carbohydrates given in the table. Also an unsuccessful search was made to find a characteristic test for glucose. A number of conditions have contributed to confusion in the identification of carbohydrates. First, numerous tests have been applied to individual carbohydrates,' but most frequently they have not been applied to all common carbohydrates, hence cannot be held to be characteristic. For example, nitroprusside ( I C ) , permanganate (1, 2), ferri-


1 The application of the following reagents, given in the literature as characteristic for glucose, were applied to other carbohydrates and were found t o be reactive with many other carbohydrates: mercuric, lead, uranium, vanadium, ainc, ferric, and tin salts; the cresols, naphthols, menthol, thymol, direeorcinol, and nitroso-@-naphthol; dyes such as methylene blue, alizarine red, saffranine, and indigo carmine; amino compounds such a8 the naphthyl amines, the hydrazines, benzidines, and the phenylene diamines, HBr and HI.

cyanide (3, 6 ) , chromate (7, 12, IS),etc., have been used for glucose, and hydrochloric acid (10, 16) has been applied to levulose. The effects of these and other reagents on many carbohydrates are indicated in Table 111. Another cause of confusion has been the multiplicity of reagents applied and assumed to be characteristic, especially as applied to glucose and levulose. Many are modifications of the same reagent-there are six modifications of Seliwanoff's, ten of Nylander's, and ninety of Fehling's reagents. TABLEI. GROUPIDENTIFICATION OF FRUCTOSE, SUCROSE, RAFFINOSE, AND INULIN(F) INDIL. HCI TiClr

TIME ELAPSED HEATEDTIME AT READlooo C. ING COLORB OF (F) Min. Mzn. 2-5 5-20 Deeu amber







Agar-agar faintlv - ello3 Fructose. red-brown. AlYcolors deepened others, deep ambe; b NHaOH Raffinose amber; wi+K NH4OH (F) others, yellow amber; glycogen, Cherry-red Dextrin, violet-redmaltose,








Amber t o deep red





slvcoaen. faintlv ydlow ' Rhamnose, agaragar, maltose faintly yellow

Finally, some of the tests given are characteristic for impurities in the material tested. For example, cobaltous chloride (11, 13) was claimed to be a test for sucrose; we find that it is characteristic for levulose only.

TABLE11. REAGENTS REAQENT Water I KI Nylander'ab Disch's Orcinol Phloroglucinol



H20 8% $ a O H


d 4








1 m n



9 r

HClOa &SO4 HCl KOHg (.~ N H-,~~zMoO~

H2O Hi0 HtO He0 Hz0 HnO HnO Hz0 HzO Ha0



H.0 ___.

NirOa Heroine Codeine AgNOo o-Tolvlhvdrazine - .

25 10

HzSOc HPSO~ Dil. NH4OH Dil. HC1






v w x v



60% HzSOa


R~MARKS Celliilose inaoliible .._.... .._... Heat t o expel free iodine. cool Reagent catalyzed with duCls; ( f ) bk. ppt's.; (wh) white ppt's. Pentoses brown: hexoses, etc., blue See Table I11 See Table 111; boiling gives ChR with peotin, gum arabic, and gum tragacanth Simple sugars green; pectin, red solution ~

3 6

NazCrOa Sodium nitroprusside




Sat. 85


20 5 5

1 1 1


30 1 1 1

116 30 41-5 1-5




.. .. 1

1-60 60

1 1 1

Add NHaOH and heat; (+) green while hot; arabinose green without "40s (-I-) immediate decolorization; (*) decolor. in 1 hr.

1-5 1-5 1-60

SFeCls; bro-wn! negative. greens, positive; maltose, blue S N H B ; nos. indicate depth of colors (red) Yellow to amber t o brown t o black; nos. = depth of colors Ynllow to amber to brown t o black: nos. = denth of

.. .. 15

of color; rhamnose,. green Evau. 2 1 3 for mucic acid Nos: =' depth of red Nos. = relative speeds of decolorization of NizOn Mostly ambers to brown-blacks6 Mostly rose to brown-blackrg (+).black ppt. or silver ,mirror; some give brown solution Boiling gives for (+) dirhromate color; levulose and sucrose give-color and ppts.

1 1


.. .. 1 .. .. ..





1-60 1-60

B Tebh I ___.. Polysaccharoses, except cellulose, dissolve in hot water. Starch, pectin, glycogen, 0 Mono- di-. and trisaccharosea are sweet and soluble in cold water. and gum t;agacanth dissolve in hot water to give opalescence and foam. Gum arabic gives clear solution aud foam. Dextrin and inulm give clear sulutions but no loam. b Nylander's reagent: 2 grams of bismuth subnitrate and 4 grams of Rochelle salt dissol~edin 100 grams of 8 % SaOH. C Prepare 10% solution of diphenylamine in alcohol and add 1 volume to 4 volumes of acetic acid and 5 volumes of HCl (4). d To h cc. of saturated a ueous solution o i orcinol add 50 cc. of HCI and dilute to 00 cc. (.To 0.2 ram of phloroaucinol in 10 cc. of alcohbl. add 50 cc. of HCI and dilute to 90 cc. Solution of orcinol or of phloroglucinol in dilute HCI will indicate cargohydrates containing levulose. See Table I . J' Feh'ing's reaqent: (1) so!ution of 36.44 grams of CuSO4.5HzO in water diluted to 500 cc.; ( 2 ) solution of 115 grams of KOH and 173 grams of sodium noiassium tartrate in water diluted t o 500 cc. 8 Usually called Moore's test. h Prepare solutions ( a ) 10 grams of NiSOa.7HnO in 1000 cc. of Hi0, and ( b ) 4.8 grams of KzSzOa and 6 grams of KOH in 1000 cc. of Hz0. Use equal parts and let stand-black NiiOs precipitates. Carbohydrates depolorize this. i With varied times and temperatures carbohydrates give changing colors. A check with a known carbohydrate is revealing and desirable. Perhaps in these reactions, formaldehyde is split off, because colors closely follow Kobert's (6, 8 ) test for codeine, etc.


Vol. 4, No. 4



TABLE111. EFFECTS O F VARIOUSREAGENTS ON CARBOHYDRATES CARBOHYDRA~ !P a Cellulose Starch Soluble starch Glycopn Dextrin Pectin Levulose


- -

17 Inulin 18 Glucose 19 Gum arabic

++ + +++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + +f

20 Gum tragacanth

4 -

21 Agar agar


8 Mannose 9 Maltose

10 11 12 13 14 15

Rhamnose Arabinose Xylose Galactose Lactose Raffinose

16 Sucrose

++ ++ -------





Wh Wh


+ ++ ++ ++ +-

d e f B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 - Am Br B1 Br Bk B1 - B1 - Y


Br - Or Br B1 ChR Br B1 ChR B1 - Am B1 - Am B1 Br Br Bk B1 Br g; Bk B1 Br Br B1 - Y Am B1 - Bk Wh Br - Bk Am * B1 Br Br Bk



k l m n -- h-- *i- j-- BBr r - - o- p- -q 3r -s -t -u - I - - - - - - - -


- - + -+ +


+ ++ ++ ++ +-

+i * + *


Br G -

G + G + G g


rose 1



1 -

1 9

+ + ++ BG1 22 31 -1 ++ *- ++ GG 29 21 32 ++ *+ ++ GG 92 11 -+- -- 2 z r Z 3 z -

- - * +- +- *+ - -

4 - - - 5 1 3 - 3 - 1 2 - 5 5 - 1 3 2 - Y - + 1 1 9 9 9 9 - 9 4 7 8


6 2 7 3 3 6


4 7 7 7 7 -

G - 8 7 - 3 5 - 7 - + 6 7



4 orR 8 v 8 5 2 2 Am















6 -

- 8 8 - 3 2 +



9 3 6










+ +


G z G -


- G




Since most reagents used for identifying carbohydrates are not neutral, secondary effectsare often produced. With alkalies, yellow to brown colors are developed; with acids, hydrolysis, carmelization, and carbonization result. Under properly controlled conditions of concentration, time, and temperature, these reactions become of great importance in identifying the carbohydrates. For example, if each of the carbohydrates is treated in the cold with 85 per cent phosphoric acid, only fructose blackens in 24 hours; when heated one minute in boiling water, fructose, sucrose, and inulin are indicated. However, if all are heated for a longer time, changes of color from faintly yellow through amber and brown to black result with all carbohydrates, Similar changes of color also result with other acids such as perchloric, sulfuric, hydrochloric, etc. However, under controlled conditions] the different rates of decomposition to yield color become valuable for indicating many of the carbohydrates. Many of the reagents employed for carbohydrate8 are oxidizing;2 toward these levulose shows the greatest ease of oxidation. However, all carbohydrates do not show the same order and rates of oxidation with different reagents. For example, maltose is more easily oxidized by nicklic oxide bhan galactose; the latter is more easily oxidized by silver nitrate. With cold solutions, or with solutions heated one minute, and with readings made over extended times, rates of oxidation, hydrolysis, color formations, etc., can be read and their variations indicate the different carbohydrates. Increasing numbers in Table I11 show increased depth of color for equal times. To identify some of the carbohydrates, the judgment of color can be confirmed by a repetition of the test on the unknown with another tube containing the suspected known carbohydrate, both materials being treated with the reagent in equal concentrations, temperatures, and times.




5. 6.

7. 8. 9.




- B r G

7 9

Br Bk

1 -


5 3


3 5





2 2 6 5 1









Br Bk Am

Br Bk VP r R R R



f + + + ++ +- -rBr +++ --- ---

++- i- + +-- ++-



- -



+ -




Am Bk Am Bk



Br Br Br




+ +-

red; pyrogallol, deep brown; gallio acid, cherry-red; tannic acid, deep winered. Indigo colored solution of diphenylhydrahe HC1 changed at ordinary temperature to perman anate color. DEXTRINE?erythrodextrin). Red-violet to red-brown with iodine. With Nylander’s reagent, whose alkalinit has been partially neutralized with hydrochloric acid: amber solution to white colloidal precipitated to black. PECTIN.#Sodium chromate develops color of dichromate. Cold 5% KOH gives bright yellow. LEVULOSE,Heated with dilute cobaltous chloride cooled and treated with little ammonium hydroxide, a violet to purple color! is developed. Most of the reagents of Table I11 indicate characteristic tests for levulose. MANNOSE.Violet to purples with reagents v and w. MALTOSE.Blue with reagent k and h red-brown with x. RHAMNOSE.Green{ with reagent r.

‘Soluble in Schweitzer’s reagent; in warm 85% phosphoric acid catalyzed by ZnCL; in acetic acid and acetic anhydride (4 to 1) catalyzed by Heso4 or by ZnClr; in 30% ZnClz in conc. HCl. Water yields precipitates with these solutions. Raw and soluble starch are distinguished by cold water. Gum tragacanth and some samples of dextrin contain starch. Blue with iodine is decolorized by boiling and reatored by cooling. CDischarged by heat and restored by cooling. Warming with Nylander’s reagent salts out colloidal glycogen. Soluble in cold mixture and reprecipitated by heat. e With sucrose and organic acid i t yields a jelly. f Green cobaltous hydroxide with other carbohydrates. 0 Reagent v more characteristio. Confirm by other tests of Table 111. Other carbohydrates give blue or colorless solutions.

The other carbohydrates require two or more tests for identification; these are indicated in Table 111. Table I indicates tests for the levulose-containing carbohydrates, and Table I1 gives a list of the reagents and their characteristics. Reagents d, e, f, v, and w indicate pentoses and pentosecontaining carbohydrates. Reagent f gives cherry-reds with arabinose and xylose, but when boiled, pectin, gum arabic, and gum tragacanth also give the cherry-red. With v and ONE-TESTIDENTIFICATION OF CERTAIN CARBOHYDRATES w arabinose is a red which persists longer than with any of the other carbohydrates. 1. CELLULOSE.Insoluble in hot water.= 2. STARCH.Blue with i0dine.b Soluble starch is soluble in cold water. L I ~ R A T U RCITED E 3. GLYCOGEN. Wine-colored with iodine.. Characteristic colors developed when glycogen is heated .in dilute hy(1) Baeyer, Ann., 245, 149 (1888). drochloric acid with certain ortho-diphenolic compounds (2) Bertrand, Bull. SOC.chim., 35, 1285 (1906). and solution is made ammoniacal: catechol, deep brown(3) Cross a n d Bevan, Chem. News, 42, 77 (1880).

* The term

“reducing sugar” has been applied to Fehling’s and other reagents. However, it is a misnomer because with some reagents all simple sugars are not oxidized, and with other reagents all carbohydrates and even mannitol are oxidized, as, for example, with nitric acid. Mannitol gives negative tests with most of the reagents of the table.

(4) Disch, Mikrochemie, 7 , 33 (1929). (5) E k k e r t , Pharm. Zentralhalle, 68, 563 (1927); 69, 597 (1928). (6) Gentele, Dinglers polytech. J., 152, 68 (1859). (7) Horaley, Merck’s Rept., 10, 20 (1901). (8) Kobert, Apoth. Ztg., 14, 259. (9) Merck’s Reagenzien Verzeichnis, 1924.

October 15, 1932


(10) Panzer, 2.physiol. chem., 94, 110 (1915). (11) Papazogli, 2. anal. chem., 36, 715 (1896). (12) Pinoff, Ber., 38, 3316 (1905). (13) Reich, Arch. Pharm., 50, 293.


(14) Rosenbach, 2. anal. chem., 31, 724 (1891). (15) Sieben, Ibid., 13, 248 (1873). RDCEIVEDApril 22, 1932.

Sulfite Digester for Research and Instruction W. L. BEUSCHLEIN AND FRANK H. CONRAD,University of Washington, Seattle, Wash.


HEMICAL engineering laboratory equipment should be selected on the basis of usefulness. Too frequently, expensive apparatus to be used a t best part time is purchased, whereas a slightly modified form would have lent itself to a variety of experiments. Conversely, a special piece may be purchased for a limited but important investigation and then with a few and relatively inexpensive accessories, used for basic studies in class work. I n such cases, one can justify the initial expense. This discussion has to do with the design of a special KA 4 metal rotary digester for sulfite pulping studies, and also its use in class work.

to the one described are installed and all may be rotated from a main drive a t 4.7 r. p, m. The speed of rotation is not so great but that temperatures and pressures may be read without stopping the apparatus. Three electrical resistance coils, which are used for heating, are connected through three commutator rings, and hence no switches need be on the rotating drum. There is little danger of heating interruptions due to shorting with this arrangement.

OPERATION Before use of this digester for sulfite pulping studies, two series of heating rates were obtained. One was made with the KA 4 digester insulated only with the electrical packing normally placed around the heating elements and in running position. The other was obtained after packing "85 per cent magnesia" between the digester and the steel carriage. In these runs 18 kg. (39.6 Ib.) of water were heated. The results, given in Figure 3, show that 0.56 kw. maintained a

FIGURE1. D~GESTER SHOWING KA 4 METALCASTINQ The preparation of sulfite pulp in the laboratory is usually limited to working with heavy glassware and rare-metal containers. Such limitations frequently permit working with only small samples. At the University of Washington, a digester of 25 liters capacity has been in operation for several months, and because of the ease of control and wide limits of operation and application, a detailed description has been prepared. Those interested in such equipment may find use for this apparatus and many can add, no doubt, to its applicability. I n the digestion of wood chips by a solution, variables such as size and composition of chips, temperature, concentration, and composition of solution are usually studied. Uniformity of operating conditions is always desirable: Apparatus for such work should withstand corrosion, allow for simple but accurate control, be of the rotating or tumbling type; and externally heated.

DESCRIPTION OF DIGESTER The digester is shown in Figure 1. The body of KA 4 metal was cast from the pattern of a standard 6-inch steel steam drip pocket. The flanged opening was fitted with stud bolts which, in conjunction with a solid KA 4 metal plug in the bottom, were used for mounting the casting in a steel drum. The side openings intended for gage cocks in the drip pocket were used for thermometer well, pressure gage, sampling, and blow-down fittinge. The apparatus was given a 24.6 kg. per sq. cm. (350 lb. per sq. in.) hydrostatic test. Figure 2 shows the mounting of the casting in the steel cylindrical drum which rotates at right angles to its axis. The sprocket, chain drive, and commutator rings for ellectrical heating are evident. Two steel digesters similar


constant temperature of 132" C. (270" F.) before and 146" C. (295" F.) after packing with 85 per cent magnesia. The usual maximum temperatures used in the sulfite cooking process are 143" to 149" C. (290" to 300" F.). The additional insulation had little effect upon the rate of temperature rise to 149" C. (300' F.) when 2.07 and 1.12 kw. were used.

EXPERIMENT IN RATEOF HEATING Charges may be heated having heat capacities other than that equivalent to 18 kg. of water, and then the heating