Identification of Organic Dyes by Direct Analysis in Real Time-Time of

Coton, a late 19th century treatise on dye chemistry, mordants, and dying techniques. Sandalwood and turmeric dyes were readily identified in the 128-...
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Chapter 6

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Identification of Organic Dyes by Direct Analysis in Real Time-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Jordyn Geiger,1 Ruth Ann Armitage,*,1 and Cathy Selvius DeRoo2 1Chemistry

Department, Eastern Michigan University, 501 Mark Jefferson, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 2Conservation Department, Detroit Institute of Arts, 5200 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48202 *E-mail: [email protected]

We report here further developments in identifying organic dye compounds in botanical materials and natural fiber textiles using direct analysis in real time-time of flight mass spectrometry (DART-TOF-MS). This method requires little to no sample preparation, and analyses are completed in less than one minute. Analyses were performed on dyed cotton fibers from Traité des Matiéres Colorantes du Blanchiment et de la Teinture du Coton, a late 19th century treatise on dye chemistry, mordants, and dying techniques. Sandalwood and turmeric dyes were readily identified in the 128-year old cotton fibers by DART-MS with no sample preparation. Simple in situ hydrolysis and derivatization have the potential to expand the applicability of DART-MS to other dye compounds, including those in cutch and quercitron.

Introduction A shared attribute across cultures and throughout history is the use of plant extracts as colorants for the dying of textiles and the painting of objects. For example, a 7th century B.C.E. cuneiform tablet providing instructions for dying wool with madder and indigo to mimic the rare and expensive shellfish purple dyes speaks to the importance of plant-derived dyes in ancient cultures (1). Because of their inherent fragility and susceptibility to degradation, textiles are rare in © 2012 American Chemical Society In Collaborative Endeavors in the Chemical Analysis of Art and Cultural Heritage Materials; Lang, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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the archaeological record, and thus, as precious cultural heritage materials they require judicious sampling and analysis. Compounding the challenges presented by minute samples is the high tinting strength of most organic dyes, present only in nanogram to microgram quantities. Very small samples containing miniscule quantities of dye require not only sensitive instrumental methods but also preparation methods which do not compromise the chemical integrity of the dyestuff in question.The oldest object to date in which the presence of madder has been detected, a 4000 year old painted Egyptian leather quiver, was analyzed using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) (2). While SERS provides both high sensitivity and requires only miniscule samples, the technique requires the preparation of colloids, hydrolysis pretreatment of the dye-mordant complex, and appropriate plasmon conditions for the Raman scattering effect to occur. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is the more common method for identifying dyestuffs in historic textiles, though it, too, requires significant sample preparation in addition to often larger samples than are needed for SERS. Both diode array (DAD) (3–5), and mass spectrometry (MS) (6–10) detection methods have been used to identify dyes in historic and archaeological textiles. An extensive review in 2010 described the many applications of spectroscopic methods to the characterization of organic dyes in cultural heritage materials (11). Several methods of direct mass spectrometry are described, including high resolution laser desorption-MS applications (both with and without a matrix) (12, 13). More recently, we reported on high resolution time of flight MS with direct analysis in real time (DART) ionization of indigoid, flavonoid, and anthraquinone dye materials (14). This method required no sample preparation, and possessed the requisite sensitivity to identify organic colorants in less than 1 minute. We report here on the extension of that work to the detection of curcuminoids from turmeric, pterocarpans from sandalwood, flavonols from black oak, and catechins and tannins from cutch. Cardon (1) provides an excellent review of the history and chemistry of natural dyes, which we summarize here. Turmeric, derived from the roots of Curcuma longa, has high tinting strength, but is not particularly light fast. The curcuminoids (Table I) collectively are known as Natural Yellow 3. Dyes derived from turmeric have long been an important part of Hindu culture, and the plant likely originates from India. Sandalwood, too, originates from India, and has been traded since medieval times, though its use in dyeing dates only to the 17th century. The colorants from sandalwood are considered insoluble, requiring an organic solvent for their use in dyeing. The santalins (A, B, and C) are the major colorants, though isoflavones, pterocarpans, flavones, and aurones are also present. Quercitron, derived from the inner bark of the black oak (Quercus velutina), was introduced commercially in the late 18th century. The lemon yellow color obtained from quercitron derives primarily from quercitrin, the rhamnoside of the aglycone quercetin. Obtained from Acacia catechu, cutch and catechu are different preparations of the heartwood. The brown color of cutch comes primarily from tannins derived from the flavonol catechin.

124 In Collaborative Endeavors in the Chemical Analysis of Art and Cultural Heritage Materials; Lang, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Table I. Description of samples investigated

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Dye material

Colorant compound(s)

Dye Forms Analyzed


Curcumin Demethoxycurcumin Bisdemethoxycurcumin

Powder, newly-dyed cotton, French cotton (jaune de curcuma)


Santalin A Santalin B Pterocarpin Homopterocarpin

Powder, newly-dyed cotton, French cotton (rouge au santal and brun au santal)



Powder, powder + formic acid, newly-dyed cotton, French cotton (jaune de quercitron)


Catechin Epicatechin

Powder, powder + formic acid, newly-dyed cotton, French cotton (light cachou, dark cachou, et bois jaune, de Laval)

Materials and Methods Cotton standards from TestFabrics (either as skeins or woven textile) were dyed with and without alum mordant (15). Sandalwood was extracted in a minimal volume of absolute ethanol, and further prepared in deionized water as described by Cannon (15). All other dyes were prepared in deionized water. Turmeric was obtained from a local spice shop (By the Pound, Ann Arbor, Michigan). Sandalwood and cutch were obtained from Kremer Pigments (New York). Quercitron bark was obtained from Maiwa Supply (Vancouver, BC). Single fibers dyed with known colorants were obtained from Traité des Matiéres Colorantes du Blanchiment et de la Teinture du Coton, a late 19th century treatise on fiber, dye chemistry, mordants, and dying techniques that includes an appendix of dyed cotton skeins. These fibers were less than 0.5 cm in length and weighed approximately 1 mg. Analyses were carried out on a JEOL AccuTOF mass spectrometer (JEOL USA, Peabody, MA) equipped with a DART ionization source (Ionsense, Saugus, MA). Samples were run in positive ion mode with helium as the DART gas at a flow rate of 2.5 L/min at 300 °C. Grid voltage was set at +350 V, with orifice 1 at 30 V and 120 °C. Orifice 2 and the ring lens voltage were both held at 5 V, and the peaks voltage was held at 1500 V. Each sample was calibrated by running PEG-600 in methanol during the acquisition. Fibers were analyzed by placing them directly into the gap between the DART source and the mass spectrometer orifice using forceps. Dye solutions and powders, including finely ground botanical barks, were introduced on the closed end of a melting point capillary tube. To determine if acid hydrolysis affected the observed signal, quercitron bark and cutch were treated with a few microliters of 80% formic acid immediately prior to exposure to the DART source, directly on 125 In Collaborative Endeavors in the Chemical Analysis of Art and Cultural Heritage Materials; Lang, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

the melting point capillary. Mass resolution of the AccuTOF was approximately 6000. Ions were observed at M+H+ in positive mode; the DART ionization process has been described elsewhere (16, 17).

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Results and Discussion The primary colorant in turmeric, curcumin was observed in turmeric powder and freshly-dyed cotton as the protonated ion, at m/z 369.134 Da (Table II). Both demethoxy- and bisdemethoxycurcumin were also observed at the expected masses, (339.123 and 309.113 Da, respectively), at lower abundance. The 128-year-old French sample was a paler yellow color than the newly-dyed cotton. However, a peak at the exact mass of curcumin was observed at approximately 30% abundance. The other curcuminoids were also identified, at 12 and 16% abundances (Figure 1). No sample preparation was necessary.

Table II. Exact masses and expected DART-MS Colorant compound(s)


Exact mass (M+), Da

Exact mass (M+H+), Da













Santalin A




Santalin B
























Catechin gallate




Analysis of ground sandalwood bark showed no evidence of the santalins under these analytical conditions. However, both pterocarpin and homopterocarpin, also as M+H+ ions, were readily observed in both the bark and the dye solution. The French treatise included two samples dyed with sandalwood: rouge au santal (sandalwood red) and brun au santal (sandalwood brown). The two pterocarpin compounds were observed in both French samples, in ratios similar to that of the raw sandalwood bark (Figure 2). 126 In Collaborative Endeavors in the Chemical Analysis of Art and Cultural Heritage Materials; Lang, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Quercetin was previously identified using DART-MS in textiles dyed with yellow onion skin (14). While the glycoside quercitrin reportedly predominates in the black oak bark, only the aglycone quercetin was observed in mass spectrum. However, cotton dyed with the bark extract yielded only a small signal (~9% abundance) for quercetin, similar to that observed in the jaune de quercitron sample from the French treatise (Figure 3). The low signal intensity is clear evidence of the tinting strength of this dye. Others have utilized formic acid to extract dye colorants from fibers through acid hydrolysis for LC-MS studies (18). A fragment of quercitron bark was treated with a few drops of 80% formic acid, and introduced into the DART source, yielding a stronger signal for quercetin. This is most likely due to the hydrolysis of quercitrin to form the aglycone quercetin. Treating the quercitron-dyed cotton fibers with formic acid had no effect on the intensity of the quercetin signal. The base peak from DART-MS analysis of the cutch powder was observed at m/z 291.084, which differs by 0.003 Da from the exact mass for protonated catechin. Cotton freshly-dyed with the Kremer cutch powder showed a small peak for protonated catechin only when the temperature of the DART gas was increased to 400 °C, resulting in significant charring of the fiber. The French treatise contained four different cutch-dyed cotton samples: a light khaki (cachou), dark brown (also labeled cachou), cachou et bois jaune, and cachou de Laval. Only the lightest color sample contained any indication of catechin in the mass spectrum, at low abundance and higher mass difference (~12 mDa) than observed for the standards. The primary colorant of old fustic (bois jaune, or yellow wood) is the flavonoid morin. The French sample dyed with cutch and old fustic contained neither catechin nor morin. Using N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyl-trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA), pure catechin gallate can be directly silylated in the DART source at 300°C, yielding a strong signal at 947.345 Da (R. Cody, personal communication, 2011). This in situ derivatization was reportedly simple, fast, and as such has significant potential for colorant compounds, including tannins, that have so far been difficult to ionize with DART.

Figure 1. DART mass spectrum showing curcuminoids present in French textile.

127 In Collaborative Endeavors in the Chemical Analysis of Art and Cultural Heritage Materials; Lang, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

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Figure 2. DART mass spectrum of sandalwood-dyed French cotton samples.

Figure 3. DART mass spectra of quercetin in cotton-dyed with quercitron bark.

Conclusions DART-MS is a rapid and accurate method for identifying some organic colorants in textiles without any sample preparation. Of the samples investigated, turmeric and sandalwood were successfully identified without additional sample preparation. In situ acid hydrolysis increased the quercetin signal from quercitron bark, but had no effect on the dyed textile, possibly indicating that the textile did not contain significant quantities of the glycoside, quercitrin. In situ derivatization, particularly silylation, has potential for identifying tannins by DART-MS.

128 In Collaborative Endeavors in the Chemical Analysis of Art and Cultural Heritage Materials; Lang, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2012.

Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Science Foundation (Award MRI-R2 #0959621), as well as the EMU Chemistry Department and Provost’s Office. Thanks also to Robert Cody, JEOL U.S.A., for his help with the silylation of catechin gallate.

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