Identification of the altered pyrrole in the isomeric sulfmyoglobins

Mariann J. Chatfield , Gerd N. La Mar , W. O. Parker , Kevin M. Smith , Hiu Kwong. Leung , Ian ... YOUNG KEY SHIM , RAVINDRA K. PANDEY , KEVIN M. SMIT...
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Biochemistry 1988, 27, 1500-1 507

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Identification of the Altered Pyrrole in the Isomeric Sulfmyoglobins: Hyperfine Shift Patterns as Indicators of Ring Saturation in Ferric Chlorinst Mariann J. Chatfield, Gerd N. L a Mar,* Kevin M . Smith, Hiu-Kwong Leung, and Ravindra K. Pandey Department of Chemistry, University of California, Davis, California 9561 6 Received August 24, 1987; Revised Manuscript Received October 16, 1987 ABSTRACT: Analysis of the 'H N M R hyperfine shift patterns of isomeric sulfmyoglobins is carried out in the met-aquo and met-cyano states to determine the site of saturation in each protein. T h e utility of the patterns for structure elucidation is established by specific deuterium labeling of the heme methyls of the terminal base product. On the basis of the known saturation of ring B in this isomer [Chatfield, M. J., La Mar, G. N., Lecomte, J. T . J., Balch, A. L., Smith, K. M., & Langry, K. C. (1986) J . Am. Chem. SOC. 108, 7108-71 l o ] , the methyl resonance of the saturated ring is found to have strongly attenuated contact shift. Thus, the heme methyl contact shift pattern is diagnostic for the saturated pyrrole in th,e high-spin state. This rationale is then applied to analyze the assigned NMR spectra of the initial and terminal acid sulfmyoglobin products, revealing that the same ring B is saturated in each isomer. In contrast, the lieme methyl contact shift pattern in low-spin ferric complexes reveals that the methyls both on the affected pyrrole and on the trans pyrrole a r e influenced similarly on sulfmyoglobin formation, precluding the use of this methyl shift pattern as a unique indicator of the site of saturation. Identification of exchangeable proximal histidine resonances for met-aquo sulfmyoglobin complexes with shifts similar to that in native myoglobin dictates inconsequential axial alterations in the sulfmyoglobins, while location of downfield meso proton resonances analogous to those of the native protein demonstrates the retention of the coordinate water in the active site of met-sulfmyoglobin.

sulfmyoglobin (SMb)' is a green heme derivative of myoglobin (Mb) in which the native heme, 1, has reacted with a

sulfur atom in a manner that leads to saturation of the aromatic skeleton (Berzofsky et al., 1971). The chemical nature

+This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (GM 26226 and H L 22252). * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

1 Abbreviations: SMb, sulfmyoglobin; SAMb, SBMb, and ScMb, isomeric forms of sulfmyoglobin; Mb, myoglobin; metMb, ferric myoglobin; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance: ppm, parts per million; DSS, 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonate.


0 1988 American Chemical Society





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1 of the initially formed SMb has yet to be determined, but has been often envisaged as an episulfide across a pyrrole 0-0bond (Berzofsky et al., 1972). Structure determination has been hampered by the very low stability of the modified prosthetic group with respect to reversion to the native state upon extraction from the protein (Berzofsky et al., 1972). We have demonstrated recently that the SMb formed under standard preparative conditions is, in fact, heterogeneous (Chatfield et al., 1986a) and that at least three dominant species, labeled SAMb,SBMb,and ScMb in order of formation, can be readily and selectively formed under specific solution conditions and oxidation/ligation state of the protein (Chatfield et al., 1987). The latter isomeric derivative, ScMb, is formed at alkaline pH and only for M b with a heme possessing a 4-vinyl substituent and has been shown to be reversibly extractable (Chatfield et al., 1986b,c). Selective isotopic labeling of the vinyl protons with deuterium, together with analysis of the spin multiplet structure, revealed that the 4-vinyl had reacted to yield structure 2 (Chatfield et al.,






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2 1986b). Derivatization of a similar extract has led to similar conclusions (Bondoc et al., 1986). Thus, the saturated pyrrole in ScMb is ring B. The chemical natures of SAMb,the precursor to ScMb, and S,Mb, a terminal side product formed from SAMb at acidic conditions, are unknown at this time. Two logical alternative hypotheses are that they all have ring B saturated, but with different functionality, or that they represent reaction of alternate pyrroles, with the conversion of SAMb ScMb involving migration to a more stable site. In this paper we address the question as to the identity of the saturated pyrrole in each of the three isomeric SMb using an indirect but nevertheless effective N M R method that relies on the analysis of the hyperfine shifts of the perturbed prosthetic group as influenced by the saturation of a pyrrole. The elucidation of the structure of the prosthetic group of a hemoprotein by N M R is generally most effectively pursued by comparison of its detailed hyperfine shift pattern with that of well-characterized model complexes [La Mar & Walker (Jensen), 1978; La Mar, 1979; Budd et al., 19791. To date, however, there have appeared few reports on the NMR spectra



of paramagnetic iron chlorins (Stolzenberg et al., 1981; Strauss I

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VOL. 2 7 , NO. 5 , 1988

et al., 1985, 1987), and the reports have dealt only with synthetic porphyrin derivatives. A few studies of the N M R spectra of naturally occurring chlorins in proteins have also been reported, but the interpretations have been limited (Timkovich & Cork, 1982; Ikedo-Saito & Inubushi, 1987). Moreover, in no case have detailed and unambiguous assignments been presented. Therefore, we first seek to assign the N M R spectrum of ScMb and to develop a basis for the interpretation of its hyperfine shift pattern in terms of the known saturation of ring B (Chatfield et al., 1986b). We then apply the model to interpreting the shift pattern of SAMband SBMb. The oxidation state of choice is iron(III), for which detailed assignments and analyses are available for both model hemes and hemoproteins [La Mar & Walker (Jensen), 1978; La Mar, 1979; Satterlee, 19861. The method for characterizing the hyperfine shifts relies on forming the desired SMb derivative from the native protein reconstituted with hemin that is selectively deuteriated at individual methyl positions. Other hemin sites not previously addressed by isotope labeling that can provide useful structural probes, namely, the meso and propionate protons, will also be considered. The high-spin ferric form of hemes exhibits predominantly scalar or contact shifts that are sensitive to strong perturbation of the T system of the porphyrin skeleton (Budd et al., 1979; La Mar & Budd, 1979; Balch et al., 1985a,b). The low-spin ferric derivatives have been shown to yield detailed information on the nature of the heme orientation within the cavity (Shulman et al., 1971; La Mar et al., 1978; Davis et al., 1983), but a localized perturbation is readily propagated to the sites remote from the perturbation (Shulman et al., 1969; Mayer et al., 1974; La Mar et al., 1978). The 'H N M R spectra of the three met-aquo SMb complexes have been reported and differ from native met-aquo Mb primarily by exhibiting only three, rather than the usual four, heme methyl signals in the far downfield shifted region, indicating a strong perturbation of one pyrrole in each case (Chatfield et al., 1987). The assignment of these strongly perturbed methyl groups should lead to the identity of the altered pyrrole in each isomeric SMb. Speculative assignments on the 'H N M R spectrum of one of the low-spin ferric metcyano S M b complexes have been offered based on analysis of pH behavior of individual peaks, and inference has been drawn from these assignments as to the identity of the altered pyrrole (Timkovich & Vavra, 1985). The present unambiguous assignments of both the high-spin met-aquo and low-spin metcyano complexes will therefore allow comparison of the two states as to their relative utility in identifying the saturated pyrrole of a chlorin.

EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Sperm whale myoglobin was purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. and used as received. Apo-Mb was prepared by modification of the method of Teale (1959): Mb was dissolved in doubly distilled water to produce a solution of less than 0.5 mM protein, the pH adjusted on ice to 2S2 with 0.1 M HCl, the hemin extracted exhaustively into 2-butanone that had been chilled to -20 OC, and the straw-colored apoprotein dialyzed exhaustively against doubly distilled water. Following removal of ketone, the protein was dialyzed once against 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.02, to adjust the pH without precipitation of the protein, which is observed at higher buffer concentrations. A final dialysis against water removed the This pH is optimal for complete hemin removal without the denaturation experienced at lower pHs.

1502 B I O C H E M I S T R Y buffer salts prior to lyophilization. Deuterium-labeled hemins labeled at methyl 1 (-90% 1-C2H3), [ l-C2H3Jhemin(this compound also has 6,7-H, approximately 50% deuteriated), methyl 5 (-65% 5-C2H3), [5-C2H3Jhemin,methyl 8 (-65% 8-C2H3), [8-C2H3]hemin, methyls 1 and 3 (two samples were used, one with >80% deuteriation at both methyls and 50% deuteriation of the 6,7-HDsand one with >60% deuteriation at the methyls and -50% deuteriation of the 6,7-H,+), [ 1,3-(C2H3),Jhemin, and at meso cu,@,y,G(>70% 'H), [ m e ~ o - ~ H ~ ] h e mare i n ,the same materials reported in detail previously (Smith & Pandey, 1983; Smith et al., 1979, 1986a-c; La Mar et al., 1980). Reconstitutions of the proteins were accomplished by first dissolving the apoprotein in 0.2 M NaCl to give a solution