I&EC Division at the Detroit Meeting, April 5 - 9

in the field trip to Hiram Walker & Sons, in. Windsor, Ontario. We also call your attention to the address “Industrial Catalysis—·. Present and F...
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I&EC DIVISION A T T H E DETROIT MEETING, APRIL 5-9 We believe you will find a lot of meat in the technical program we have arranged for this meeting-and a bit of sauce in the field trip to H i r a m Walker & Sons, in Windsor, Ontario. W e also call your attention to the address “Industrial CatalysisPresent and Future” by Vladimir Haensel, 1965 winner of the ACS Award in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Tuesday at 11 A M . Individual paper titles and authors are published in Chemical &3 Engineering News for February 2 2 ; the general progression of events is outlined below for your convenience. All I & E C Division programs will be a t the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel. 1

CHAIRMAN A R T H U R ROSE Applied Science Lab., I n c P. 0. Box 140 State College, Pa.

CHAIRMAN-ELECT R . B. BECKMANN Dept. of Chemiral Eng. University of Maryland College Park, Md. SECRETARY J. B. RILEY Enjay Laboratories P. 0. Box 45 Linden. N. J.

TREASURER V. A. F A C V E R Edgar Britton Lab. Dow Chemical Co. Midland, Mich. PRGORAM SECRETARY J. R . F E R R O N Dept. of Chemical Eng. University of Delaware Yewark, Del. COUNCILORS JOSEPH S T E W A R T Esso Research & Eng. P. 0. B o x 51 Linden, N. J. C. M. C O O P E R Du Pont Co. Ex erimental Station Wiymingon, Del.

MONDAY, APRIL 5 AND T H E CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, K. Nassau, chairman 9 AM to 5 PM. LASERS Twelve papers and a discussion covering uses of lasers in analytical chemistry, spectroscopy, photochemistry, metal surface analysis, and plasmas, with talks on laser materials and biological aspects as well. TUESDAY, APRIL 6 CHLORINATION PROCESSES, J. W. Fulton, chairman 9 AM to 11 AM. Four papers, with emphasis on high temperature chlorination. 11 AM. AWARDADDRESS BY VLADIMIR HAENSEL, 1965 winner of the ACS Award in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry--“ Industrial Catalysis-Present and Future.” FIELD TRIP, Social Hour, and Dinner at Hiram Walker & Sons, Inc., 2 : 30 PM to 9 PM. DIVISION Windsor, Ontario. Buses will leave the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel at 2 : 30 PM. The trip is limited to 150 people. The program will include a tour of the plant, social hour, dinner, and a talk by Dr. Calvin Stevins, specialist in alcohol chemistry and Head of the Chemistry Department at Wayne State University. Cost is $3.00, including transportation and dinner. To avoid delays at the border, the trip is open only to U. S. citizens over 21. For advance reservations, send a check to John Riley, Division Secretary, Enjay Laboratories, P. 0. Box 45, Linden, N. J., as soon as possible. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 APPLICATIONS OF CRYOGENICS, T. S. Storvick, chairman 9 AM to 5 PM. INDUSTRIAL Eleven papers covering materials, equipment, and safety, plus applications technology. THURSDAY, APRIL 8 9 AM to 12 AM. BENCHSCALE PROCESS SIMULATION, J. D. Idol, Jr., chairman This symposium includes a panel discussion. PROCESS DESIGN, J. R. Ferron, chairman 2 PM to 5 PM. OPTIMUM Six presentations, ranging from general considerations to specific discussion of complex nonlinear systems. THURSDAY ALL DAY PLUS FRIDAY MORNING. REGENERATIVE EMF CELLS (Joint with Division of Fuel Chemistry) 13 speakers and a panel discussion on this active development area. SUGGESTIONS FOR DIVISION OFFICERS ARE INVITED

LElection of I & E C Division officers takes place in August. T h e Nominating Committee, chaired by Joe Stewart, is most eager t o hear from you with your suggestions of candidates for the offices of Chairman-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee, a n d Councilor. Send your suggestions to Joseph Stewart, Esso Research and Engineering Go., P. 0. Box 51, Linden, N. J.

VOL. 57

NO. 3

MARCH 1 9 6 5