I&EC DIVISION NEWSLETTER - Division Membership, Committees

I&EC DIVISION NEWSLETTER - Division Membership, Committees, and Spring Meeting Information. Robert B. Beckmann. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1966, 58 (1), ...
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CHAIRMAN R . B. BECKMANN Dept. of Chemical Eng. University of Maryland College Park, Md.

For those of you who are new subscribers to I&EC, we repeat the conditions of membership in the Division. The Division automatically accepts as members all ACS members in the United States and Canada who subscribe to I&EC. There are no dues. On page 61 of this issue you will find a card identifying you as a Division member and entitling you to purchase the books of abstracts for the forthcoming 1966 ACS National Meetings at a big discount. The appropriate sections of the card must be validated by attaching mailing labels from 1966 issues of I&EC. Special arrangements have been made to extend Division membership to ACS members resid& outside the United States and Canada. Those who are interested should correspond with the Division Secretary for further information. DIVISION COMMITTEES FOR 1966 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE E. F. JOHNSON, Princeton Univ., Princeton, N. J. THOMAS BARON, Shell Development Co., Houston, Tex. v. A. FAUVER, Dow Chemical Go., Midland, Mich. R. L. KENYON, ACS Publications, Washington, D. C. A. R. RESCORLA, Cities Service Oil Go., Tulsa, Okla. ARTHUR ROSE, Applied Science Labs., State College, Pa.



CHAiRMAN-ELECT R. L. HERSHEY Du Ponr Co.. Du Pont Bldg. Wilmington 98, Del.




FRANCESCO DE MARIA DAVIS& GECKDIV. Am. Cyanamid Co. Stamford, Conn.

JOSEPH STEWART, Esso Research and Engineering Co., NORBERT PLATZER, Monsanto Co., Springfield, Mass.

E. G. SCHEIBEL, Cooper Union, New York, N. Y. LEO FRIEND, The M. W. Kellogg Go., New York,

Linden, N. J.

N. Y.

MEiMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN TREASURER R. N. MADDOX Dept. Chemical Eng. Oklahoma State Univ. Stillwater, Okla. PROGRAM SECRETARY P. T . SHANNON Thayer School of Eng. Dartmouth College Hanover, N. H. COUNCILORS JOSEPH STEWART Esso Research & Eng. P. 0 . Box 51 Linden, N. J. NORBERT PLATZER Plastics Div. The Monsanto Co. Springfield, Mass.


Applied Science Labs., State College, Pa.

NATIONAL MEETINGS PROGRAM COMMITTEE T. s. STORVICK (Chairman), Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Maryland, College J. R. FERRON, De t. of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Delaware, Newark, Del. D. E. OUSHEE, AZS Publications, Washington, D. C. BRACE GOLDINC., School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, Ind. V. A . FAUVER, T h e Dow Chemical Go., Midland, Mich. R . N. MADDOX, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, Okla. P. T. SHANNON, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth

Park, Md.

College, Hanover, N. H.

P ITTSBU RGH MEETl NG Here’s our Divisional line-up of symposia scheduled for the Spring ACS meeting in the steel capital. This is a split meeting; we gather during the second week. Monday, March 28 Batch Chemical Processing New Catalysis in Inorganic Processes Kryptonation of Solids Tuesday, March 29 -

versity, winner of the 1966 Award in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Wednesday, March 30 Cyclic Processing Operations Irradiation of Polymers


Cyclic Processing Operations Irradiation of Polymers Award Address: R. H. Wilhelm, Princeton Uni-

Thursday, March 31 Thermodynamics of Rate Phenomena (joint with Division of Physical Chemistry)


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