I&EC DIVISION NEWSLETTER - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

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ELECTION OF OFFICERS TAKES PLACE THIS MONTH Ballots are being mailed to Division members the first week of August. You will recall that all ACS members residing in the U.S. and Canada who subscribe to I&EC are automatically Division members. We urge you to seize this opportunity to take part in the Division by voting and by subsequent participation in other Division activities. In the meantime, here is the slate of candidates for the various offices to be filled : CHAIRMAN

ARTHUR ROSE Ap lied Science Lab., Inc. P. Box 140 State College, Pa.



Enjay Laboratories

P. 0. Box 45

CANDIDATES FOR CHAl RMAN-ELECT W. E. HANFORD EDVCATIOS: B S. in Chcmistry, Philadelp!lia Colleqe of I'narmacy and Ccicnce, 1930; \ I S . , 1932, arid Ph.D., 1935, i n Ckeirijrr!~, Cniveriity of Illiiiri5 A F F I I I \119ss: Du h ~ r , 193547; General Aniliiic 8; I-iliI. Corp., 1942-46; .\I, I\'. Kel!o:g Co., 1346-57 ; Olin \lail:ieion Che:nlcal Corp., 1957-present MEMBERSHIPS : American Chemical Society, American Institute of Chemists, AAAS, AIP ACS ACTIVITIES: Chairman, Division of Polymer Chemistry; Councilor, North Jersey Section; Council Committee on Professional Relations and Status PRESENT POSITION: Vice President for Chemicals Research and Development, O h Mathieson

ROBERT L. HERSHEY EDCcxrioh: B.S. in C!ie:nical Enginceriny, S1a:sachusct:r In,tilitc u< ?e:hno!oqv, 1923; \ I 3. I n Chemic31 EnSinrc:.iw, SIIT, 132;; Pi1.D. i n Chemica! l::lo_lneerinq, I I I T , 1935 A I F I I I.SIIG\S: \IIT, 192436; l h Ponr. :93C-pre~enr Aricrican 3IE3IBEH',lilPP : Chemical Society, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, AAAS ACY ACTIVITIES : Chairman, Chemical Management Subdivision, Div. of I & E C PRESENT POSITION : Director, Vice President, and Member of the Executive Committee, and Vice Presidential Adviser on Research and Development for Du Pont

Linden, N. J. TREASURER V. A. FAUVER Edgar Britton Lab. Dow Chemical Co. Midland, Mich. PROORAM SECRETARY 3. R. FERRON Dept. of Chemical Eng. Universit of Delaware Newark, 6el.



Esso Research & Eng. P. 0. Box 51 Linden, N. J.

C. M. COOPER Du Pont Co.

Ex erimental Station

Wiyxnington, Del.



B.S. in Chemical Engineering, 1951 ; M.S. in Chemical Engineering, 1956, both from Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn; Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1958 AFFILIATIONS: J. T. Baker Chemical Co., 1951-52; M . W. Kellogg Co., 1952-55; University of Michigan, 1955-56; American Cyanamid Co., 1958-present ACS ACTIVITIES : Member, Chemical Engineering Symposium Committee, Div. of I&EC PRESENT POSITION : Manager, Research and Process Development, Davis & Geck Div., American Cyanamid Co.

Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Vienna, 1936; Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, 1937, London, England AFFILIATIONS : Wacker Chemie, Munich, Germany, 1937-48; Monsanto Chemical, Ltd., 1948-49; Monsanto, Plastics Division, 1949-present ACS ACTIVITIES : Chairman, Connecticut Valley Section, Chairman, National Meetings Program Committee, Div. of I&EC PRESENT POSITION : Senior Specialist of Process Technology and Engineering, Monsanto Plastics Division, Springfield, Mass.



CANDIDATES FOR TREASURER ROBERT N. MADDOX : B.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of Arkansas, 1948; M.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of Oklahoma, 1950; Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, 1955 AFFILIATIONS : Black, Sivalls & Bryson, 1951-52; Oklahoma State University, 1952-present ACS ACTIVITIES : Chemical Process Subcommittee, Div. I&EC; Chairman, National Meetings Program Committee, Div. of I&EC PRESENT POSITION: Professor and Head, School of Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma State University EDUCATION

JOSEPH M. MARCHELLO EDUCATION : B.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, 1955; Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Institute of Technology, 1959 AFFILIATIONS: Oklahoma State University, 1959-61, University of Maryland, 1961-present ACS ACTIVITIES : Member National Capitol Section; Program Chairman, 30th Annual Chemical Engineering Symposium, Div. of I & E C ; Member, Chemical Engineering Symposium Committee, Div. of I&EC PRESENT POSITION : Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Maryland

VOL. 5 7

NO. a A U G U S T 1 9 6 5


D I V I S I O N OF I N D U S T R I A L AND E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y CHAIRMAN A R T H U R ROSE Applied Science Lab., Inc. P. 0. Box 140 State College, Pa.

CHAIRMAK-ELECT R. B. BECKMANN Dept. of Chemical Eng. University of Maryland College Park, Md.

SECRETARY J. B. RILEY Enjay Laboratories P. 0. Box 45 Linden, N. J.

TREASURER V. A. FAUVER Edgar Britton Lab. Dow Chemical Co. Midland, Mich.

PROGRAM SECRETARY J. R. F E R R O N Dept. of Chemical Eng. University of Delaware Newark, Del.

C. hl. COOPER Du Pont Co. Experimenal Station Wilmington, Del.

CANDIDATES FOR PROGRAM SECRETARY PAUL T. SHANNON EDUCATION : B.S. in Chemical Eneineering, Illinois Institure of Technology, 1 9 5 6 ; Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1959 AFFILIATIONS : Purdue University, 1959-63; Dartmouth College, 1963-present ACS ACTIVITIES : Xational Meetings Program Committee, Div. of I & E C PRESEXT POSITION: Associate Professor, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College

TRUMAN S . STORVICK B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Ioiva State University, 1952; P1i.D. in Chcmical Engineering, Purdue University, 1959 AFFILI-ATIONS: TVeStvaco Div., FbfC Corp., 1952-55; University of Missouri, 1959-present ACS ACTIVITIES : Secretary, University of Missouri Section; Slembership Chairman, Div. of I & E C PRESEXT POSITION : Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Missouri EDUC.ATIOX:

CANDIDATES FOR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE THOMAS BARON EDUCATION: B.S. in Chemical Engineering, 1943, and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, 1948, both from University of Illinois AFFILIATIONS : National Varnish Products Corp., 1943; U S . Army, 1943-45, University of Illinois, 1948-51 ; Shell Development Co., 1951-63; Shell Chemical Co., 1963-present ACS ACTIVITIES : Member, Editorial Advisory Board, IND.ENG.CHEM, PRESENT POSITION: Manager of Research and Development, Synthetic Rubber Division, Shell Chemical Co. BRAGE GOLDING EDUCATION: B.S.in Chemical Engineering, 1941, and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, 1948, both from Purdue University AFFILIATIOXS: U.S. Army, 1941-46; Lilly Varnish Co., 1948-59 ; Purdue University, 1959-present ACS ACTIVITIES : Councilor, Purdue Section; Past Chairman, Div. of I & E C ; Member, Executive Committee, Div. of I & E C ; Member, Editorial Advisory Board, IND.ENG. CHEM.; Council Committee on National Meetings and Divisional Affairs PRESENT POSITION: Head, School of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University

FRANK G. CIAPETTA B.A. and M . A . in Chemistry, Temple Universitv, 1937 and 1939; Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, 1947 AFFILIATIOXs: Atlantic Refining Go., 1939-51 ; Socony -Mobil Oil Co., 1951-55; Grace Research Division, \V. R . Grace & Co., 1955-present ACS ACTIVITIES: Member, Editorial Advisory Board, IND. ENG. CHEW,Alternate Councilor, Philadelphia Section PRESENT POSITIOK : Director of Catalyst Research, Grace Research Division, TV. R . Grace & Co. EDUCATIOK:

ERSEST F. JOHNSON EDUCATIOS : B.S. in Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University, 1940; Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, 1949 AFFILIATIONS : Barrett Division, Allied Chemical Corp., 1940-46 ; Princeton University, 1948-present ACS ACTIVITIES : Member, Editorial Advisory Board, IKD. ENG. CHEM.,Program Chairman, Div. of I&EC, Member, Chemical Engineering Symposium Committee, Div. of I & E C PRESENT POSITIOX : Professor of Chemical Engineering and Associate Dean of the Faculty, Princeton University


The Division has organized the follo\ving symposia to be held at the Atlantic City meeting, September 12-17, 1965, with all sessions a t the Traymore Hotel on the Boardwalk. Full program details are in the August 9 issue of Chemical @ Engineering AYe.ws. Subject Atmosphere in Space Cabins Preparative and Scaled U p Chromatography Planning Experiments (xbith American Society for Quality Control) Small Business Aspects of Industrial Chemistry (with Division of Chemical Marketing and Economics) Corrosion Principles for the Chemical Process Industry Training Industrial Chemists and Chemica Engineers for Industrial .4ssignments Selected Papers

Tima Mondav a.ar.,Sept. 13 Monday P.M., Sept. 1 3 Tuesday, All Day, Sept. 14

Lj-ednesday, All Day, Sept. 15 TVednesday, All Day, Sept. 13 Thursda), A.v., Sept. 16 Thursday, P x , ,Sept. 1 6


The Division has arranged a tour of Renault Tl-inery, folloived by dinner at Smithville Inn, an area of restored Early Americana similar to colonial S\-illiamsburg, V-a. The Inn area has, in addition to dining facilities, several shops filled Ivith intriguing souvenirs. Buses will leave Convention Hall Tuesda)- afternoon, September 14, starting a t 3 :00 P . M . until event capacity of 190 people has been reached. The \vinery tour is the first attraction on the schedule. Count on being back in Xtlantic Ciq- a t about 9 P . M . after a full afternoon and evening of enjoyment for onl>-$7.50, including transportation and dinner. 14



Partly as a result of the joint venture between the Division and the publication, and partly as a result of changing operational needs, the Division By-Laws need to be revised. The changes needed are outlined below. These changes will be voted on at the annual Division Business Meeting, to be held Wednesday, September 15, at noon in the Traymore Hotel’s Pine Room. Article 11, Section 2. Delete. Article 11, Section 3. Change to Section 2 . (A) Change to read ; “Student Affiliates of the Society shall be entitled to all privileges of division members except voting and holding office and shall be bound by all provisions of these By-Laws.” Article 11, Section 3B a n d 3C (current). Delete. Section 4. Change to Section 3. Delete “Division Affiliates.” Article 111, Section 3, (C) : Add (e) T o elect Division Councilors and Alternate Councilors. Article IV, Section 1 (A): Change to read: “A Chairman-Elect, a Secretary, a Program Secretary, a Treasurer, and two members-at-large of the Executive Committee shall be elected annually by secret letter-ballot. These elected officers shall take office on January 1, following their election.” Article IV, Section I (D) : “Division Councilors and Division Alternate Councilors shall be elected by secret ballot of the Executive Committee. They shall take office on January 1, following their election, and shall hold office for three years or until their successors are elected, whichever is later. Election shall be by classes in such a manner as to produce rotation with no more than one Councilor and one Alternate Councilor completing terms in a single year.” Article IV, Section 3 (A) ; “The Nominating Committee shall request nominations from the membership a t large prior to May 1. If fifty (50) members propose a member for any elective office, the member proposed shall automatically be included on the election ballot. Nominations, to be valid, must be signed by the member making the nomination and must be received by the Chairman of the Nominating Committee prior to June 1.” Article IV, Section 3 (B) : “There shall be on the election ballot a t least two (2) candidates for the offices of Chairman Elect, Secretary, Program Secretary, Treasurer, and for member-at-large of the Executive Committee.” Article IV, Section 3 (C) : “The Nominating Committee shall nominate a slate of candidates providing the minimum number of each office specified in the above Section 3(B), and will supplement the names with those nominated by fifty (50) members as provided in Section 3(A). Article IV, Section 4 (A) : Change to read : “Each member of the Division shall be furnished an election ballot by August 1, listing in alphabetical order the nominees for each office.” Article IV, Section 4 (B) : “Each voter may indicate his choices for elected officers. H e shall seal the ballot within an envelope in which nothing but the word “Ballot” appears, and place this “ballot” envelope inside another envelope on which he has signed his name to be mailed to and received by the Nominating Committee no later than September 1. After validating the names accompanying the ballot envelopes, the unopened eligible “ballot” envelopes shall be given to the tellers designated by the Nominating Committee before September 7 for a n official count.” Article IV, Section 6 : “The Executive Committee shall elect the Division Councilors and Alternate Councilors in such a manner as to produce rotation and provide terms as specified in Article IV, Section 1 (D) Article VI, Change to read: Section 2 (B) : “The duties of this Committee shall be to plan and organize a n annual Chemical Engineering Symposium. The subject, time, and location of the Symposium shall be selected and approved by the Executive Committee from the recommendations of the Program Secretary.” Article VIII, Change to read: Section 1- “The Executive Committee may a t its discretion impose dues not to exceed five (5) dollars per year for Members.” Article VIII, Section 5 : “Dues for Student Affiliates of the Society shall be one (1) dollar per year, as required by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society. Failure to pay such dues in advance shall automatically terminate such association.”




National Program Committee Meeting-Wednesday, September 15, 9 :00 A.M. Annual Business Meeting-Wednesday, September 15, 12 :00 NOON Executive Committee Meeting-Wednesday, 1 :30 P.M.


The Society has offered through Peace Corps headquarters in Washington to assist the Corps in overseas areas where chemical questions arise. T h e Division is participating in this activity by supplying information to a Peace Corps volunteer in Bolivia and has offered its services wherever else Corps volunteers make pertinent requests. Although several local sections have participated in this program, ours is the first Division to do SO.


NO. 8