consists of the general
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I&EC MONTHLY The monthly general magazine brings you authored articles, staff-written features, brief summaries of research papers. Features will be: Reports on the technology of products and processes . . .Reports on the status of a field in which advancements in product or process technology are particularly significant . . .Broad interest production problems and solutions . . . Trends in materials of construction . . . Philosophy of technical management in matters pertaining to process or product development and plant operation . . .Cost control and estimation . . . . Process control and automation . . .Equipment selection . . .General safety and plant services . . . Special attention is to be given to the development of feature articles relating new advances reported in the research and development quarterlies to existing technology. There will be special departments devoted to: TRENDS—BRIEF REPORTS—NEW P R O D U C T S LITERATURE SERVICE FOR SUBSCRIBERS.
I&EC PROCESS DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT This research journal will carry papers reporting the new findings of facts as well as new synthesis of ideas and techniques based on known facts which are contributions to the design of new or improvement of existing processes in the chemical process industries and related industries.
I&EC FUNDAMENTALS This I&EC Quarterly will be a research journal carrying papers reporting findings of new knowledge as well as new ideas and concepts that are fundamental to the further development of science and technology in the area of industrial and engineering chemistry.
1962 RATES: 1 year
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I&EC PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT This Quarterly of I&EC is a research journal to carry papers reporting new findings of facts as well as ideas and methods developed on the basis of known facts which will contribute to the ma king of new products or the improvement of existing products, and. in general, development of better chemically-based products directed to their most effective use.
The new I&EC will consist of a monthly addressed to the entire field of industrial and engineering chemistry and your choice of one or more of the specialized quarterlies described above. Under this plan you select your own technical information program—and pay only for what you want. See how the new rates listed at the right favor you—then send your order for the new I&EC today!
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SEND YOUR ORDER TO A M E R I C A N C H E M I C A L SOCIETY 1155 16th St., N.W. Washington 6, D. C.
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